6 good learning tips for your child to learn better

6 good learning tips for your child

Learning without pressure

Children learn without pressure, playfully and casually the best. But there are big differences in learning behavior. Some children are better at school than others, even though they are not smarter or more purposeful. They manage to cope with a fairly high performance budget with relatively little effort and the targeted use of their learning energy.

Real secrets or even magic are not involved. Some children just resist pressure better than others. Highly sensitive students find it harder to calmly meet the requirements.

Learning techniques and learning methods do not make sense – pressure does not

Some children just manage to differentiate themselves better. Through the use of optimal learning techniques and the knowledge of one’s own learning structure, you can record a lot of information in a short time and remember it permanently.

They do not waste time tormenting themselves with boring vocabulary tinkling, but resort directly to a learning method that suits them.

Even when capturing texts, they know good strategies that bring them to their destination quickly. Class work and tests do not frighten them because they stick to a well thought-out preparation plan. The positive results may seem mysterious, but are achievable for each child.

Learning without pressure – eliminating the six causes of learning stress

If your child can not concentrate while learning, or is afraid or blocked, it can be due to a variety of causes. It is not always directly the required services or the expectations of the parents that trigger the pressure. In the background, other influences often “slumber”, which prevent your child from learning.

1. Comparison with others

The physical appearance puts children under 4 years under pressure. Appearances such as weight, height, hairstyle, clothing or individual features such as glasses become more important with age until the end of puberty.

Hardly a child can escape the fashion and behavioral trends. Those who do not fit into the picture or do not want to fit into it have a hard time. This often has an effect on learning and performance.

Tip: Show your child his individual strengths. Support your talents and look for positive feedback, regardless of trends.

2. Class work, tests, exams

Announced exams increase the pressure tremendously, because as in the thriller runs the time in which learning is still possible. What increases the tension in the book also works in school. So it is no wonder that your child becomes more restless and tense as the exam approaches. This can affect, for example, the eating or sleeping behavior.

Tip: Prepare exams always long term, create with your child a plan (for example, 4 days plan from class 3), which clearly shows how much your child has already learned and what else failst.

3. Rating of own performance

Sheet music can put a lot of pressure on your child, especially if they are worse than expected. Grading often does not rate your child’s effort, how much it has learned, but “only” the output.

Once your child has the sobering experience of getting a bad grade despite learning, it can lead to learning anxiety. Learning without pressure becomes more and more difficult.

Tip: Take note of notes, for example, do not reward them with money. Praise your child’s efforts in learning, not the result.

4. Negative learning conditions

The learning conditions for children are not always ideal. For example, if a sibling provides for distraction, strong competition among siblings, lack of regular meals, or sleep problems, this can be detrimental. Learning without pressure needs a trouble-free environment.

Tip: Ask exactly what bothers your child. Step by step, you can switch off these interfering factors.

5. Lack of relaxation free time, self-made computer stress

Well-planned afternoons with strenuous hobbies or addictive gaming behavior on the computer / console can lead to time pressure.

If your child does not get enough rest, it can not regenerate. This has a negative effect on the learning behavior.

Tip: Restrict your leisure time activities, but let your child decide which hobby to say goodbye. If the learning behavior does not improve, talk to the pediatrician to eliminate a medical cause.

6. Excessive expectations of the family make learning without pressure impossible

Not all children are suitable for high school. In elementary school, children can compensate a lot by simply learning diligently, but in high school that will soon be over. The fear of failure or of one’s own inability to know can paralyze an overburdened child.

Tip: Please check your child’s performance and your own expectations. Ask also trusted friends and relatives in their estimation, because everyone is something “blind”.

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