How does the booking work?

How does the booking on

Simply book your accommodations online in just a few steps

This overview is a step-by-step guide to booking on If you have further questions, you can reach us under [email protected] or by phone every weekday from 9 to 18 o’clock 040 – 28 46 8888.

That’s how it works:

1. Choose the most beautiful object

Find a nice object with the help of our search and click on “next” to get to the desired object, the booking data and the description.

2. All data of the accommodation at a glance

On the object page all important information and photos can be found at a glance. The detailed description of the accommodation, the surroundings and an area map are below.

3. Continue to booking

In the box “Availability & Book” check if the dates are entered correctly and on “Continune to reservation” click to get to the first booking step.

4. Select inclusive and additional services in the 1st booking step

here we can services included and prices and possible additional services selected for the desired number of people. Check briefly whether the non-binding offer for a
If there are no other payment options available, the payment is usually made by bank transfer directly to the landlord, usually in the form of a deposit of about 10-20% 7 days after booking and a final payment about 30 days before arrival or on arrival. That varies depending on the landlord. Exact details can be found in your booking confirmation, which you will receive directly after booking.
Check briefly whether the non-binding offer for a Reiserücktrittsbversicherung should be selected and then on “further” click.

5. Personal information in the second booking step

Personal data enter. The E-mail address is a mandatory entry, as the booking confirmation will be sent with all the important information by e-mail.
If no e-mail address is available, you can also book by phone at:
040 – 28 46 8888 (Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm).

6. Check details and accept terms and conditions in the 3rd booking step

Here you will find again all data and booked services at a glance. Check your details, accept the terms and conditions and click on “Book now for … €” to make the booking binding.

7. Receive booking confirmation by e-mail

Immediately after booking, two e-mails will be sent. On the one hand the booking is confirmed by us,, and on the other hand the booking confirmation is sent by the respective partner who manages the booked object.
This Booking confirmation contains all the important information about your booking how:
• Travel dates
• booked services
• Payment arrangements (payment dates, account details, etc.)
• Arrival and departure times
• Contact details of the landlord or the local contact person for inquiries about your booking

8. arrange arrival

It is advisable to contact the landlord or the local administration a few days before the start of the journey in order to arrange the Time of arrival and the Place of key collection denied. This ensures that there are no long waiting times on the spot and that your holiday can begin in a relaxed manner.

Any questions?

If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected] or call us at 040 – 28 46 8888. we are always Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm for you on the phone.

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Christina Cherry
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