Make smoothie yourself – the 14 most popular ingredients for the power drink and its healthy properties

Make Smoothie Yourself – The 14 Most Popular Ingredients for the Power Drink and Their Healthy Properties

For many, a smoothie in the morning is the drink to start your day. It’s tasty, it’s made up of many healthy ingredients and could not be more varied. But which ingredients are the most popular? We tell you.

As a beginner you are a bit skeptical about the drink. After all, many recipes talk about ingredients that most people only know as weeds on the meadow. How should one imagine being able to drink the green stuff? Of course, tasting is about studying here.

The first attempts at newcomers often go wrong. Not infrequently, this is simply due to the wrong combination or that one must first get used to the taste. The smoothies, however, there are typical classics that just go and taste in the taste is not particularly strong.

For those who are not sure yet and are still in the starting blocks, we have put together here once a list of the 14 most popular ingredients in a smoothie. Have fun trying!

❒ leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables are the main ingredient of smoothies. The 3 most popular ingredients include:

1. leaf spinach

Although the selection of green leafy vegetables is large, many people resort to spinach again and again. Why? He has a very mild aroma. That’s why he’s also highly recommended for smoothie starters because you just do not overeat him.

He also gives the Powerdrink a juicy green color – after all, the eye also drinks with it.

Although it does not contain as much iron as it is always said to be, spinach is still rich in many other nutrients. Very interesting, especially for vegetarians, should also be the protein content in spinach, because this beats with about 3 grams to 100 grams of spinach to book.

” But beware: Spinach contains oxalic acid which, if consumed excessively, can cause kidney damage and also promotes the formation of kidney stones.

In the best case, of course, you use fresh spinach. However, if this is not feasible due to the harvest time, you can of course also use frozen spinach.

2. Corn salad

The same is true of lamb’s lettuce. This too is used relatively frequently, as it is very mild in taste. He is also very suitable for beginners who want to get used to the rather unusual “grass” taste.

Corn salad is considered one of the healthiest salads ever. It is rich in beta-carotene and vitamin C. The iron content is above average, in contrast to other salads. An advantage over spinach is that rock lettuce contains no oxalic acid and therefore is not harmful to health.

While lamb’s lettuce was only available in the spring a few years ago, you can now buy it almost year-round.

3. Kale

Kale know most in conjunction with a delicious cabbage sausage, while he is raw in smoothies a real treat. Unlike his two green colleagues, he leaves a slight spiciness in the Powergetränk. Also the green is not nearly as bright as with spinach and lamb’s lettuce. On the contrary – a smoothie with kale is relatively dark.

Kale is rich in fiber and contains numerous amino acids that are responsible for the transport and storage of all nutrients. He also gets almost all B vitamins and more vitamin C than other types of cabbage.

By the way, kale makes a powerful mixer affordable. Kale is relatively firm and tough in the raw state, where simple blenders and blenders from the lower price segment quickly reach their limits. If you do not want to chew on small pieces, you should pay attention to high speeds and high engine performance when buying mixers. This way, the many fibers are optimally shredded.

❒ wild herbs

© annabell2012 – In addition to leafy lettuce and cabbage, wild herbs are increasingly being added to the smoothie maker.

4. yaw

Amateur gardeners curse him. The greed. It grows wherever it should not grow. In a smoothie, however, he makes a good deal. It has a unique spicy taste, is a true vitamin C bomb and can be harvested for many months. And who has no greed in the garden, just ask neighbors. They are certainly happy when it finally disappears.

5. Dandelion

Another classic among the wild herbs is dandelion. He too can be harvested in the wild until autumn.

Younger leaves are best for use, as they are not yet so fibrous. The leaves taste quite mild and give the drink a light green tone.

6. nettles

Not to forget the stinging nettle, which has long been considered a medicinal herb in our country, because it is very ferrous and has blood-purifying properties.

In a smoothie, the nettle is a bit spicy. The respective sharpness depends on the age and the number of stinging nettle leaves. Here it is recommended to slowly feel the taste. So do not add too much stinging nettle the first time.

❒ Fruit varieties

© lidante – Without fruit, no creamy smoothie, because this not only ensures the sweetness, but also the consistency of the smoothie. Even if, of course, the personal taste decides first and foremost, there are also typical classics that make a smoothie into a delicious drink.

7. Apples

An absolute classic among the fruits is the apple. It is available all year round, rich in nutrients and gives it its own taste, depending on the variety.

In addition, an apple in the smoothie ensures a creamy consistency.

8. Strawberries

Even if you are not fresh all year round, strawberries are one of the most popular ingredients in a smoothie. They give the Powerdrink a sweetish taste and especially score with their high content of vitamin C and foal acid.

The only downside to the strawberries: The shade when mixing red and green left something to be desired even at school. The result is a brownish tone that does not look appetizing. He is delicious anyway. However, if you want to taste the strawberries, you should use mild ingredients with the other ingredients, otherwise the taste of the strawberry will quickly go under.

9. Bananas

Bananas provide the body with a lot of energy that can be very beneficial in the morning hours. Important for the energy supply is that the banana is ripe, because then most of the starch in the fruit was converted into fructose.

The banana often does not have much flavor in the Powerdink. It ensures a pleasant sweetness, but then keeps its taste pretty much covered unless you choose the banana as the only fruit.

❒ Optional: Superfood

© sarsmis – So-called superfood can go with it in a smoothie, but not necessarily. It provides an extra dose of valuable nutrients and gives a pure energy kick.

10. Chia seeds

Chia seeds have been considered the super food par excellence for years. They have a slightly nutty taste and are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. In addition, they have three times the iron content of spinach.

The special thing about chia seeds is that they quickly fill you up. If you want to add chia seeds to the smoothie, you should either first soak it briefly in water or crush it in a blender.

In the case of the second variant, add the liquid to the smoothie and, at best, drink it immediately, as Chia quickly turns into a gelatinous mass.

11. Blueberries

Even blueberries are often given as superfood in a smoothie. They have a slightly sour taste, but still bring some sweetness with them. No wonder that even children like to snack on it. Thanks to their intense color they give smoothies a nice bluish tone.

❒ Liquids

© cegli – Also, any liquid in a smoothie is necessary, because this ensures that the crushing of the remaining ingredients works optimally. You can also use water & Co. also affect the consistency.

12. Water

There is not much to say about water. It is tasteless and is used in smoothies only to achieve the right consistency.

13. Almond milk

Things are different with almond milk. It is the classic with vegetarians and especially vegans. Because not as expected, almond milk consists of about milk, but from water. The milk-typical color comes through the ground almonds and some other ingredients.

Almond milk tastes quite mild and gives smoothies a slightly nutty taste.

14. Coconut milk

Who would have thought? Coconut milk is also one of the most popular ingredients in a smoothie. But there are only two options for coconut – either you like it or you do not like it.

Coconut milk in Smoothies ensures a creamy consistency and of course leaves the typical taste of coconut, because it stands out even in small quantities quite out. Highly recommended is, for example, a smoothie made from spinach, bananas, chia and coconut milk. Spinach for the green optics, banana for the sweetness, chia for the satiation and coconut for the taste. Delicious!

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