Mittenwald weather – the weather forecast that really arrives

Mittenwald weather - the weather forecast that really arrives

The weather in Mittenwald

What is the current weather in Mittenwald??
At just under 1000 meters is the well-known town Mittenwald. All around are the mountains of Karwendelgebirge and Wettersteingebirge. Especially the steep rock faces of the Karwendel determine the sunshine duration in the winter months. But they are also weather divide throughout the year.

Here you can find the current weather data for Mittenwald. You are viewing the weather in Mittenwald for today. The weather report shows what the lowest temperature and maximum temperature is to be expected today. So you know in advance how the weather will be in the Karwendel and what clothes you need for the holiday Mittenwald.

Weather Mitenwald – with rain probability and sunshine duration

This weather data from Mittenwald is available here
You can also find the current wind and the wind speed in Mittenwald can be found in the table under this text. In the row below the UV index is listed, how strong the sun will shine. This is important for mountain tours! Here, the UV radiation is even greater, protect your skin therefore. If you want to hike up the mountain or go mountain biking, pay attention to increasing UV radiation with altitude. When skiing, she rises again through the reflecting snow.

Also the rain and the rain probability with rainfall are to be read off.

Weather Mittenwald today

Weather forecast for Mittenwald in the Karwendel
The weather forecast applies to Mittenwald, Krün and Wallgau. In addition to predicting the sun, rain, and snow for today, you’ll find the weather forecast with the forecast for the next 6 days on the right. This helps to plan the leisure activities in Mittenwald.

Here is the current Mittenwald weather:

The weather for the next week in Mittenwald

A detailed weather forecast for Mittenwald, Krün and Wallgau
You may want to know in addition to the daily forecast of the weather, when the sun is shining and when it will rain. You can see that in the weather map under this section. Here, the current weather is displayed for a 3-hour window. This is the ideal weather forecast to plan whether to go hiking, mountain biking, cycling or skiing in the mornings, or when a museum visit makes sense due to rain.

Weather Mittenwald – and the webcams in Mittenwald

The webcams in the Karwendel
Also interesting is the overview of the actual weather. In addition I have listed the different webcams that give a good insight: Here is my overview of the best webcams in Karwendel.

Rainy weather in Mittenwald

What to do in the rain in Mittenwald?
When the sun is shining, Mittenwald, Krün and Wallgau have plenty of opportunities to have a great time. In rainy weather you can visit the violin making museum in Mittenwald (an important branch of the town).

There are tours on Thursdays in the Mittenwald brewery and the city of Innsbruck with its golden roof and many museums such as the imperial Hofburg and Ambras Castle. Best here to browse under sights in Karwendel.

In rainy weather I prefer to go to a sauna. Therefore, I like to book a spa hotel when I go on vacation in the mountains. If you are looking for a good hotel with spa in Karwendelgebirge, I have here an overview of recommended hotels in Karwendel.

Insider tips for Mittenwald

—> more insider tips are here with me online in the Karwendel travel guide

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