News, your precautions


Here you will find current news around the topics pension, finances, social and health.

Grundrente raises many questions

From the beginning of 2021, the pension should be increased by low earners – but the implementation presents the pension insurance problems.

Pension insurance predicts rising salaries

According to Deutscher Rentenversicherung, pensions are expected to increase by around three percent as of July 1, 2020, and even more in eastern Germany.

Travel insurance better directly

If you book your holiday via travel portals, you often get additional benefits like a travel cancellation insurance. How useful is that?

Good rating for mobile payment

Safe against fraud, but what about privacy? That asks the Stiftung Warentest with a view to payment apps for smartphones.

How the internship becomes a success

Internships are usually part of the training. Who observes certain rules, can use the time as an opportunity for entry into the profession.

Domestic help: support for sick people

An emergency or illness can mean that you can no longer handle the household alone. But there is help.

Smoking is worthwhile even in old age

No matter what the age – quitting smoking always has a positive effect. This is fast to feel.

Digital media no substitute for books

Reading skills are considered central to educational success. But digital media have their disadvantages, experts warn.

How should the basic pension work??

Millions of people earn too little for a decent pension. The basic pension should help. But the calculation is complicated.

This is the effect of work at retirement age

Whether for pleasure in work or financial hardship: who works as a retiree, should also consider tax consequences and social security.

Provide private – what is worth, what not?

The statutory pension will not be sufficient for many aged people to live. Even young people should therefore make private provision.

Health insurance contributions: company pensioners are relieved

When paying occupational pensions, the full contribution to the health insurance is due. In the future, an allowance should significantly mitigate the effect.

Inheritance tax: Correction costs of tax return deductible

If heirs have to have tax returns corrected for a deceased person, they can deduct the inheritance tax.

Mini Job: Maid service easy and fast sign up

In a satisfaction survey, the mini-job center performs well. Not only the mini jobbers benefit from the registration.

May the probationary period be extended?

The first months in the job are usually considered as a probationary period – with a short notice period for both sides. This period can also be extended?

Chickenpox hits adults harder

Chickenpox is a childhood disease. But the term is misleading – because they are not children’s stuff. Especially not for adults.

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