Pelvic end position in the baby: what you can do about it

Pelvic end position: The baby does not want to turn

  • A Pelvic end position or the breech position occurs when the unborn child in the last weeks of pregnancy still upside down lies. Nowadays this problem becomes usually solved with a cesarean section, but what not absolutely necessary is.
  • Approximately By the 30th week of pregnancy, most of the babies are spinning into the position necessary for the birthhead down. Up to the 36th week of pregnancy, over 95% of babies turn into the head position. From the 36th week, it will be tight in the uterus and a turn difficult.
  • Is it the second pregnancy, can the child at one Pelvic end position due to a natural birth be brought into the world. Caesarean section is usually recommended during the first pregnancy. Gemini requires an accurate assessment of the situation.

1. The reasons why a baby does not want to turn are not 100% explored

The cause of a pelvic end position may be with the mother or the unborn child

There are several causes of pelvic endings that can affect both the mother and the child. This may, for example, be too small an amount of amniotic fluid or even a twin birth.

At Knapp 4% of babies is on reaching the calculated date of birth one breech in front. In half of all breech endings is the Cause not fully understood.

At the latest in the last trimester of pregnancy, the majority of babies head in the direction of the maternal pelvis. In children, where this is not the case, the Reasons for a missing turn only known at just under 20%.

The causes the non-existent rotation are for example the Shape and condition of the uterus and the Location of the placenta. In addition, one could also familial accumulation the pelvic end position are observed.

2. The chances of a late turn of the baby are good

The Chances that the offspring still to the completed 36th week of pregnancy by itself with the Head down turning into the mother‘s pelvis, standing relatively well.

Doctors appreciate that the Probability between the 33rd and 37th week yet is higher than 50%. Then it falls off extremely – in the single-digit range.

The reason for this rapid descent is simple – that Child is just too big, to still be able to move easily. A forward or reverse rotation is increasingly unlikely.

3. The baby does not want to turn – self-initiative and exercises help

Various yoga exercises offer you the opportunity to support the rotation of your child.

Is it until the 34th week of pregnancy not yet come to a turn of the child, can with Help your midwife different methods be applied.

Most of these methods come from the complementary medical field. scientific Studies on their effect or risks are based only on small case numbers or are barely available.

According to Experiences of many midwives However, it already helps many women, if they do not sit around idly and wait, but instead Take initiative and become active.

For example, many midwives Methods from hatha yoga one in which the Buttocks of pregnant women stored high will – for example the Indian bridge. Here, the butt of the baby should slip out of the pregnant woman’s pelvis, which can stimulate the child to turn into a somersault during the spirited upswing.

Of the disadvantage However, the Indian bridge is that they as very uncomfortable is felt by pregnant women. In rare cases it can even happen that the inferior vena cava in the back by the weight of the stomach disconnected which, in turn, becomes Nausea and dizziness leads.

Tip: Because of these disadvantages, most midwives now prefer other positions in which the pelvis can be stored independently of the supine position – for example, the knee-elbow position. Here are more exercises that can be used to counteract breech placement.

3.1 Acupuncture and homeopathy can also contribute to the child’s rotation

The moxibustion, a method from traditional Chinese medicine, can also be used for a successful turn of the baby. This is on the little toe a certain acupuncture point on both feet with the Heat of an inflamed mugwort cigar stimulated.

Unorthodox methods consist of, for example, the child with a flashlight the away to the abdominal wall to show. Also one acoustic variant is possible, with the hope that that Child turns in the direction of light or sound source and thus comes out of the pelvic end position. The effect is not proven, Of course, trying does not harm the child or the mother either.

4. The Outer Turn is the last option for a turn

The outer turn is often the last resort before birth from the pelvic or caesarean section

Is the child in defiance of all attempts until the 36th week of pregnancy still in breech position, it can be brought into head position by an outer turn. Of the Doctor tries at the same time, the child with the help of special handles to turn out of the breech end position.

This can happen to the unborn Child announces his displeasure with kicks. This is unpleasant for the mother, but it is no indication of wrong implementation the outer turn.

Of the success this measure depends on a few factors – physically as well as mentally. It has to be harmonious rhythm between doctor, mother and child being found. In addition, one is relaxed atmosphere and the Trust in the doctor indispensable for success.

For the outer turn some questions must also be clarified:

  • Why should an external turn be made??
  • What is the mother’s motivation behind it??
  • How much or long can the doctor use this method?
  • Are there consequences?
  • What do the doctor and the mother have to consider??

In addition, there is one organic score, the the physical conditions the mother and the child checked.

Based on certain factors such as Size of the child and amount of amniotic fluid can weighed become, whether a turn can succeed. Of course, the experience of the doctor also plays a big role. According to statistics, over 50% of the Outer Turn succeed.

The implementation takes only a few minutes. The Baby is doing at the CTG (Device for monitoring the vital signs of a baby) supervised and examined the result by ultrasound. For some women, the turn feels uncomfortable – but not painful.

5. FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

What can be the consequences of breech birth??

There are not many serious consequences through this kind of birth. However, it can lead to malformations, so that Head deformed or the child is handicapped. These are the ones though absolute isolated cases.

What should be considered when giving birth from the pelvic end position??

The Experiences of doctors and midwives as well as the Facilities of the hospital should be prepared for bovine birth.

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