Pregnancy yoga: fit with baby belly

Pregnancy yoga: Fit with baby bump

Nowadays, childbirth is no longer considered a natural event, but rather overshadowed by medical and surgical interventions. Not always has a caesarean section really been necessary. Countries like Sweden or Holland use natural births, and expectant mommies are more likely to choose to have a close family home or a family birthing center. This is not only better and less stressful for the mom, but also for the child. In addition to balanced nutrition and relaxation, adequate exercise is also important. Walking or swimming is an optimal sport during pregnancy, with some caution also jogging. A real alternative, however, is yoga for pregnant women. pregnancy Yoga helps expectant mothers to find the necessary relaxation and well-being. Yoga is basically suitable for any pregnant woman who feels healthy and is interested in it.

Proper yoga breathing is important

Through special yoga exercises, the mother can learn to reduce stress during pregnancy and will be able to cope better with the correct techniques birth pain. Yoga in pregnancy supports the body as well as the mind and is almost suitable for birth preparation. For a natural and easy birth, pregnancy yoga has a lot to offer compared to other methods. Yogic breathing alone is very helpful, as the voluntary and involuntary muscles in the abdomen are trained. By stretching the muscles and expanding their breathing capacity, every woman learns to have better control over their muscles needed for childbirth. In addition, the general body consciousness is strengthened. The subconscious will also be stimulated by special yoga breathing techniques and breathing exercises, and the body will remember it during the strenuous birth process.

Yoga postures for the pelvis are ideal preparations for childbirth

A particular advantage for pregnant women is that some yoga poses resemble the positions that women take during labor. The letting go and opening the pelvis is trained, which can be very helpful especially for the birth. Regular exercises ensure that a particularly suitable gestation is taken during the birth. This creates the largest possible opening of the basin and the use of gravity is used. Any mother who has engaged in yoga exercises during pregnancy will experience a much gentler birth. The body stays relaxed and the uterus works calmly and persistently. Through yoga during pregnancy, each expectant mother takes a more conscious and better attitude. This ensures that significantly fewer complaints such as nausea, heartburn, back pain or fatigue are perceived. Pregnancy yoga thus acts holistically and supports the right lifestyle during pregnancy.

The three most important phases of Pregnant Yoga

In the first phase, yoga during pregnancy, great emphasis is placed on good breathing and relaxation. This phase is especially important and can reduce the risk of miscarriage. It supports the expectant mother through a physiological adaptation and change. The second phase is about strengthening the back muscles. Especially the back is heavily loaded during pregnancy. There are also yoga exercises that further increase breathing capacity and increase the mobility of the pelvic area. In the third phase, these exercises will be further developed. The positions are often in quadruped attitude or standing. Also, a deep breathing in a sitting position is trained specifically. This allows the expectant mother to efficiently use the abdominal muscles around the uterus. These yoga exercises are used to prepare for labor. In order to follow the rhythm of the subsequent contractions, the exercises are alternately trained in phases of movement and relaxation in pregnant yoga (see also stimulating contractions).

Suitable pregnancy yoga depending on the trimester

Different books and sources on the Internet all have different opinions about yoga in pregnancy. Mostly, the views differ mainly in terms of scale and exercises. If women want to continue pregnant yoga, easier exercise should be preferred and more breaks should be taken. Pregnant women who have not previously practiced yoga should first study the subject a bit and not try dangerous positions. Pregnancy and yoga should be well-balanced, but it is important to avoid “falling” from certain positions so as not to risk falling. Pregnancy yoga is therefore concerned with simpler asanas (yoga exercises) that are easy to learn even for women without yoga knowledge and experience.

  1. trimester
    Extended walks are initially in the 1st to 3rd month of pregnancy also a real step to more exercise. If yoga was practiced before pregnancy, the exercises can continue. However, the body should be watched closely especially at this time. When exhausted, it is essential to take a break because the body has to struggle with the changes caused by the pregnancy during this time. If you want to start yoga in pregnancy, you should get an interesting book or a DVD. Also popular are yoga classes for pregnant women. There women get the information from the professional and rookie mistakes are avoided. In this time, a good basis for the later period in pregnancy can be created. If the baby‘s stomach is growing, good back muscles are important. Exercises can therefore work purposefully in this phase, from the first signs of pregnancy. Thus, back pain is prevented, the body consciousness improves and pregnant women learn to use the breathing correctly and consciously.
  2. trimester
    In the phase of 4th to 6th month of pregnancy The well-being of the woman returns slowly. When fatigue and nausea disappears and the stomach grows stronger, many pregnant women feel the need to try something new. This may be the right time for pregnancy yoga if it has not been practiced before. In this time women are not limited in their freedom of movement and the exercises can be performed well. In order to minimize a supply deficit, care should be taken during this phase to ensure a healthy and well-balanced diet. To protect the stomach dangerous sports are taboo and pregnancy yoga offers itself as a sport all the more. Asanas that exert pressure on the abdomen should be avoided. Special attention should be given to yoga breathing exercises, which may be helpful for childbirth.
  3. trimester
    in the 7th to 9th month of pregnancy The physical activities become more difficult. No heavy loads should be lifted and in the same way care should be taken during the exercises to make sure that these are simple and easy, so as not to induce premature birth. Water aerobics and swimming can be a good alternative during this time, as the buoyancy in the water protects the joints. Those who still want to continue to practice pregnancy yoga at this stage, should go back a gear. If the yoga exercises increase well-being and do the body good, there is no reason to stop it.

Yoga is proven good for every pregnant woman

A study by the Psychological Institute of the Sport University Cologne found that more active women could actually do without painkillers at birth. In addition, fewer dam cuts were necessary. Sports or yoga are the best prerequisites for a relaxed pregnancy and easy birth. Yoga is good and the increased oxygen intake during the individual exercises is proven to support the child’s development. It is important that the pregnant woman does not overwork and feel well.

Find the right Yoga Class for Pregnant Yoga

The right yoga teacher or the right yoga teacher is important for doing the yoga exercises correctly. In addition, you should be well. Where can I find the right pregnancy yoga class? The Federal Association of Yoga Teachers Germany (BDY) can be searched for the right course in the respective region after the main focus “Yoga for pregnant women”. Only yoga teachers who have passed their examination according to the guidelines of the BDY and the European Yoga Union (EYU) will be shown.

Yoga exercises for pregnant women

Many exercises are possible. Often, only a slight modification is necessary to adapt to the changed body conditions. In principle, all yoga exercises are suitable for pregnant women who stretch the pelvis and hips. These include, for example:

  • the butterfly
  • the straddle
  • the squatting position
  • the meditation seat
  • the swivel seat

However, these exercises should be avoided if the cervix is ​​prematurely open. All exercises are easy to do while standing, as mobility is limited, especially with a larger belly.

But the asanas “on all fours” support the pelvic floor during pregnancy and relieve the back. This is for example:

  • the cat
  • the Bank
  • the child attitude
  • (looking down) dog

These exercises should be avoided

Yoga exercises that put too much strain on the pregnant woman’s body should be avoided. It should always “listen” to the body and in case of doubt take a break. This is to be considered in yoga during pregnancy:

  • Pay close attention to the posture as the bodyweight is changed
  • Do not do abdominal exercises, strengthening is important only after birth
  • Avoid prone and pressure on the abdomen during pregnancy yoga
  • do not do too intense pranayama
  • do not make extreme backbends
  • do not make a hollow cross

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© Nastya Tepikina / 123RF

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