The right nutrition for healthy teeth

The right nutrition for healthy teeth

The right nutrition for healthy teeth

Sugar is bad for dental health, everyone knows that. But what else should you look for in your diet if you want to do something good for your teeth?

For healthy and optimally groomed teeth, it is not just the daily brushing and regular use of dental floss or a mouthwash that is important. Of course, reliable dental care is irreplaceable, but other things also play an important role. For example, nutrition can have a significant impact on your dental health. It is not only important what you eat or drink, but also when and how often you do that. If you follow some basic rules in this area, you can significantly improve the health of your teeth, even with optimal care. We have therefore collected the most important points and want to introduce in the following, what should be paid attention to the nutrition with regard to the teeth.

  • Much chewing and little sugar
    Toughened foods, such as raw vegetables or wholegrain bread, have to be chewed for a relatively long time, stimulating saliva production. This is beneficial for the teeth as the saliva can protect the enamel from harmful acids and thus inhibit the development of tooth decay. In addition, the jaw muscles are strengthened and loosened at the same time. Since the foods from this group usually also contain little or no readily available sugar, they also slow down the growth of bacteria in the mouth as a whole.
  • Fluoride also in the diet
    The mineral fluoride is essential for healthy and resistant teeth and today contained in almost all toothpastes. It helps to preserve the enamel and thus strengthens the robust armor around the teeth, which protects them from bacterial attack. The longer the teeth come in contact with the fluoride-containing substance, the more they can absorb it. Since this is rarely the case for daily brushing for more than 3-5 minutes, food containing fluoride can be a useful supplement. Thus, certain teas, mineral water, fish and also enriched table salt can serve as additional sources of fluoride.
  • Calcium in the diet
    Most of the bones are calcium and the mineral is also important for the teeth. Compared to other minerals, calcium is found in the body in relatively large amounts and makes up about 2% of the total body mass in adults. Since the body can not produce calcium itself, it must therefore be absorbed in larger quantities. To ensure a sufficient supply, you should regularly dairy products, certain vegetables such as kale or spinach, fish or nuts and seeds such as almonds, poppy seeds or sesame.
  • Better to snack once a day than constantly
    By now everyone probably knows that sugary sweets like chocolate, cakes, fruit gums or even sweet drinks like juices, lemonade or cola are not the best for your teeth. They provide plenty of food for oral bacteria, cover the teeth with their acidic remnants, and attack the enamel. Of course you do not have to do without such treats, but it is definitely advisable not to consume them throughout the day. Because that ensures a constant high acidity level and the caries bacteria are so continuously supplied with supplies. So in terms of dental health, it is actually better to eat the chocolate bar all at once, rather than over and over again.
  • Do not brush your teeth after eating
    After eating or drinking something sweet just brush your teeth and then everything is fine again? Unfortunately, that’s not the case, quite the contrary. While it is of course a good idea to brush your teeth after eating, you should wait at least 30 minutes. Immediately after eating, the enamel is often easily attacked or softened by the acids in the food and is not in the best condition. If you then use a toothbrush to treat the teeth in the situation, the enamel may suffer. So it may well be that you do more damage than it would use. On the other hand, if you wait a bit after the meal and drink a lot of water, the enamel has enough time to regenerate and then an electric toothbrush can not harm it anymore.
  • Drink plenty of water
    One reads and hears again and again that it is good for the body to drink plenty of water. The water affects many body functions and organs and actually has a positive effect on the oral health as well. The liquid complements the rinsing effect of the saliva and, logically, also helps to remove possible food particles from the interdental spaces. Less bacteria, a lower risk of caries and also less bad breath are the consequences. If water does not taste, you can replace it with unsweetened tea.

Conclusion – meaningful addition

Even if you completely refrained from sugar and only for the teeth would take optimal food, without the appropriate care is of course still nothing. A good toothbrush, applied regularly and correctly, as well as flossing are just irreplaceable. Nevertheless, you can certainly strengthen the dental health with the right diet.

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