Toothache – worth knowing, dr

Toothache - worth knowing, dr


Toothache – annoying companions whose cause is clarified!

Everyone has had it before, many fear it: toothache. The painful conditions of pain, either directly on the teeth or on the gums, are not only annoying and can in the worst case even rob you of sleep, they are often also a symptom of a disease or other cause.

A visit to the dentist becomes inevitable

who toothache has, should clarify the cause. Our team from the dentist med. dent. Petersen in Bonn will be pleased to help you, so that you will again enjoy the food and everyday life. Up to an appointment or your visit in practice, painkillers can provide relief. They perform well, but they are not a solution to prolonged pain, especially as they may be compounded by an untreated cause in the coming days and weeks. In addition, not every lump-sum painkiller equals equal.

at acute pain helps classic remedies usually very good, with a tooth inflammation (pus problem) helps above all continuous cooling – either classically mechanically over wrapped ice cubes or over appropriate cooling sprays. As well as natural home remedies, Chemical remedies can only provide temporary relief, because they are not dedicated to the cause, but only the existing pain symptoms.

What causes can trigger toothache?

In most cases it is dental problems that cause the subsequent pain – especially cold or hot foods and foods cause an acute pain. As soon as teeth start dull "throb" or yourself stinging pain It is also time for a visit to the dentist. This is equally true when the pain is triggered spontaneously, but also when it is independent of chewing. Swelling and bleeding are of course also treated.

The most common cause of pain is tooth decay or one Gingivitis, sometimes even a full-blown periodontal disease. Pulpitis, which describes inflammation of the pulp, is also considered a frequent cause. Problems with the tooth root as well as a missing, protective tooth enamel, complete the list of possible diseases.

In general, inflammations in the mouth and tooth area can be shown in many different ways:

  • Functio laesa: a disturbed function
  • Calor: heat, high temperatures
  • Dolor: pain – tumor: swelling
  • Rubor: redness They are associated with diseases such as periodontitis, gingivitis or, for example, inflammation of the oral mucosa, which is called stomatitis.

In addition, trailing teeth can cause pain, such as common wisdom teeth the case, which then require surgery by the dentist. The pain from the mouth can continue to radiate, resulting in, for example, a headache or a full-blown migraine. Likewise are Pain in the paranasal sinuses or on middle ear conceivable.

Sensitive people often experience discomfort on their teeth even with a light cold, although this is not necessarily the cause directly related to the teeth and the oral cavity. Overall, there are well over three dozen different diseases and causes that trigger the painful toothache.

In particular with regard to this is a visit to our dental practice. Petersen in Bonn definitely recommend.

How does the pain feel??

This is mainly dependent on the type of pain and the underlying cause. Ideally everyone is stuck 28 teeth (32 if the wisdom teeth are not pulled) in a pink, healthy gum. Inflammation can attack the nerves and cause pain, as well as the pulp, which is moved by a particularly large number of vessels and nerves.

However, it is the enamel that protects the tooth against mechanical external effects when it is healthy, because the dentin behind it is softer and can not adequately protect itself. In addition, the saliva plays a role, which disposes of innumerable bacteria and pathogens together with the food scraps and dissipates it in the direction of the stomach acid. If too little saliva is produced in the mouth, many bacteria will gather again, which can start their attacks and cause pain.

Home remedies for toothache

First of all, to say: Proper and regular dental hygiene can in many cases reduce the likelihood of inflammation and other deficiencies, thereby reducing the risk of pain.

Likewise, home remedies (like chemical pain relievers) should always be used only for a short time – they do not replace a visit to the dentist.

Home remedies can provide you with relief, however, until you arrive for treatment in our practice.

Among the natural substances that can cause pain relief and sometimes anti-inflammatory, include:

  • Leaves of rosemary and clove
  • Rinse with chamomile and sage, which also have an anti-inflammatory effect
  • Mouthwash with clove oil should make slight pain disappear
  • Myrrh tinctures dripped directly onto the tooth are also an old home remedy, the same goes for the tea tree oil. In addition, you should treat your teeth and mouth as much rest as possible.

This also means that it is dispensed with sharp and / or solid foods as well as on very hot or cold foods, which would intensify the pain, at least in the short term. If there is one swelling The well-tried home remedy helps with cooling. To cool the affected part is recommended for toothache as well as after a tooth extraction. The cold circulation, which is restricted by the cold, helps to give the affected area more rest and also relieves the perceived pain stimulus.

Such cooling can be over, for example icepack or cold envelopes realize. When handling ice, be sure to wrap it in a cloth before it comes into contact with the skin. Heat should not get in the reverse place on the spot. Warm temperatures, on the one hand, stimulate the blood circulation, causing them more pain, and on the other, bacteria in the mouth, which are sometimes responsible for the pain, multiply.

Also has the so-called "oil pulling" recommended as a positive home remedy. Edible oil is then circulated in the mouth for approximately 20 minutes, effectively killing many of the harmful bacteria. The extraction of oil has its origins in Indian medicine and has been used for decades. It is important that oil does not swallow, but spit out after the drawing treatment.

An adequate oral hygiene included thorough cleaning, Cleaning the interdental spaces and subsequent flush Of course, that does not replace that. Nevertheless, it could at least temporarily provide some relief until you arrive for professional treatment in our Bonn practice.

Diagnosis of toothache

Pain is not the same pain. If teeth sporadically react to hot or cold food and drinks with a sharp pain, but it flies away again, especially the Hygiene of the oral cavity be given more attention. We are happy to advise you in our practice, how such pain comes about and where there may be weaknesses in the daily care routine.

A visit to our office is recommended in several circumstances, for example:

  • when toothache persists
  • Intensity and / or frequency increases
  • Swelling can be noticed
  • Bleeding occur
  • suddenly stinging pains occur without apparent cause
  • it comes to pain in the jaw, head or face
  • Fever occurs

In a comprehensive examination, we examine the toothache and try to identify its cause.

In the course of this, we collect yours, among other things recent medical history especially diseases such as diabetes, sinusitis or even more permanent stress can toothache have as a consequence.

Furthermore, a scan of the neck and head area can be made, then the mouth, along with the gums and all teeth thoroughly examined. For example, we can provide you with important information such as the condition of the tongue, possible deposits, visible damage or the fitting between the upper and lower jaw.

Unless during this investigation periodontal pockets which can be the first sign of periodontitis, its depth is measured using a specially designed probe.

In the vitality sample On the other hand, suspicious teeth are touched by an ice-cold substance, in order to attribute possible pain to the fitness of the nerves. Other stimuli can also occur during this examination.

With the help of radiographs Other possible causes can be diagnosed, including tooth decay, even in difficult-to-read spaces. Thanks to modern X-ray technology, as little radiation as possible is transmitted.

After the diagnosis of the toothache, we can initiate the necessary treatment in our practice and, if necessary, prescribe pain-relieving preparations. At the same time we give you an outlook, which further steps are necessary and when you are likely to be freed from the annoying pain again.

Once a year, routine examination

In addition, we always recommend that you introduce yourself to a routine check-up in our practice at least once a year. Thus, any blemishes can be detected early, before these causes later develop into full-fledged diseases and toothache.

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