Your teeth

Your teeth

Your teeth

Why do you need teeth??

To eat, of course! Without teeth we would have problems nourishing ourselves. Your teeth chew what you eat to a pulp. This facilitates the work of the stomach. If we do not chew our food properly, we may get stomach aches or even get really sick.

We also need our teeth to speak. The letters D, N and T would be difficult to pronounce without teeth. They are therefore also called tooth sounds.

But we also need our teeth to look good. They are part of our personality. Everyone sees them when we smile. Nothing is worse than not being able to smile openly because you are ashamed of your teeth. Beautiful teeth make a smiling smile!

The history of the teeth

When you were still in the stomach

Your teeth began to form during the seventh week of pregnancy. Since you were just 1.5 cm tall.

Around the fourth month of pregnancy, your tooth germs are the same as a small bell. They contained several cells with information about color and shape.

The germs were built by various minerals from the blood, such as calcium and fluoride.

The milk teeth

The first tooth appears at the age of about six months. But he can come at four months and sometimes it takes a year or more.

Before your tooth broke, it grew in the gum. It swelled, became red and sensitive. You drooled and you were whining. To make it less painful, your parents gave you soft toys, cloths, teethers and rubbers.

The first tooth that breaks through is usually the lower central incisor, followed by the lateral lower and upper incisors.

Between the 12 and 18 months of life, the first molars broke through. Then it was the canines’s turn. Finally, the second molars came, with about 2-2.5 years.

This means that at the age of about 2.5 years you had a total of 20 teeth, ten at the top and ten at the bottom.

The permanent teeth

Three months after birth, the tooth germs of the permanent teeth began to grow in the jaw. Gradually, they needed more and more space and dissolved the roots of the deciduous teeth. At about six years old, the first baby teeth fell out.

The entire change of teeth takes place between the sixth and the twelfth year of life. In adulthood, ie between the ages of 18 and 25, then come the teeth of the teeth.

Once the teeth are there, they will not grow any longer. The jaw itself, however, grows with the face.

Biting and chewing uses the teeth. When the incisors break through the gums, they have sharp edges. Gradually, they blunt. Some people go faster, the others slow down, depending on what food we eat.

What does the tooth consist of??

A tooth is hard on the outside and gets softer and softer on the inside. Of the enamel is the hardest substance in our body. It covers the tooth crown and becomes thinner and thinner towards the gums.

Under the tooth enamel is the dentin. It is interspersed with fine channels and connected to the pulp.

The pulp is very soft and very sensitive. It is interspersed with nerves, blood vessels and lymphatic vessels.

In your mouth, the teeth seem to be well protected. Nevertheless, they are exposed to many attacks.

Of the plaque For example, there is a fine, soft, white coating that is on the surface of the teeth. This deposit contains many bacteria that feed on the remnants of the food.

If the plaque remains on the teeth longer, forms the tartar. The tartar irritates the gums, it swells, we red and starts to bleed. This is a sign of gingivitis.

The bacteria in the plaque, caries and inflamed gums creates an unpleasant odor in the mouth, the halitosis.

The soft plaque you get away with your toothbrush very well. The tartar removes your dentist, quickly and easily.

What is caries??

Caries is caused by acid attacks on the surface of the tooth. In the beginning, only the enamel is affected, later it penetrates to the dentin and causes pain.

If the tooth is not treated now, the bacteria penetrate all the way to the pulp and then down to the bone. The pain is then unbearable.

In this case, the dentist will clean the tooth and provide it with a filling. So the tooth is well protected and you can bite everything again.

What does a filling consist of??

You can think of the stuffing as a kind of putty that the dentist stuffs into the cleaned hole in your tooth so that no leftovers or bacteria get in. In children and adolescents, it is usually made of a special, tooth-colored plastic. It has the advantage that it can be processed very easily and quickly. At the end of the treatment, you will not even see where the tooth has been repaired.

How do you get strong teeth??

Watch yours nutrition!

Sugar is the main enemy of your teeth. Not only sweets but also other sugary foods, drinks, fruits, breads and cereals are harmful to the teeth. That’s why you should brush your teeth after every meal!


The fluoride cures the enamel. It is found in different amounts in water, table salt, tea and some vegetables.

Most important for the teeth, however, is the fluoride from the toothpastes. There are suitable toothpaste for children of different ages.

Chew well!

You should get used to chewing your food well. But this is not allowed to open bottles with your teeth or crack nuts, because the tooth enamel is injured very quickly or even the tooth is broken off.

Good care!

There is only one recipe for keeping your teeth long. You need to brush them often and for a long time, preferably 3-5 minutes! If you use good tools and use the right brushing technique, your teeth will stay healthy for a long time.

Best take an electric toothbrush. She works very fast and thoroughly, has a small brush head and thus she comes to the hard to reach places well. In addition to the toothpaste, flossing is also a necessary aid, so that your teeth are sparkling bright from all sides.

To go to the dentist!

Every three months you should have your teeth looked at by the dentist. In addition to the examination for caries and gingivitis, the correct dental care is shown and checked.

Crooked teeth

Teeth that are prevented from eating, talking and laughing cause pain in the mouth, head, neck and back. Often they break faster, because they are more difficult to clean.

This is a case for the orthodontist. He can put his teeth back on the right place with a brace and not only serve your health but also contribute to a beautiful smile.

Accidents with teeth

A fall or a blow can break or knock out a tooth. That’s cause for concern. For the teeth form a unity in the mouth and the absence or disappearance of a tooth causes a restlessness in all its neighbors.

The broken off part, or the whole tooth should best be kept in saliva or in H-milk and quickly as possible to the dentist einlen, so that this fix the broken part, or can insert the lost tooth again.

Animal teeth

The fangs of the crocodile

A crocodile has 28 to 32 teeth and 30 to 40 teeth below. They all have a pointed shape. The crocodile catches his prey, but she does not chew it. The crocodile devours its prey in one go. Every two years, the used teeth are replaced by new ones.

The tooth of the chick

The chicken is a bird and therefore has no teeth. But his chicks have one! It originates on the 21st day of the breeding season and sits at the birth at the very tip of the beak. It is called the egg tooth. It allows the chick to break the shell of the ice. After hatching the tooth disappears again.


The jaw consists of two parts. The upper jaw is firmly connected to the skull bone. The lower jaw is moved by strong muscles. The Aligator has the strongest muscles. If you opened your mouth, you would need 2000 kg of weight.

elephant tusks

At birth, the elephant has two small tusks of milk. They fall off at the age of three months and are replaced by two permanent incisors. These continue to grow and can reach a length of about three meters. The elephant uses six molars to crush the plant food. These grow six times in the course of life.

dogs teeth

Dental plaque and tartar also develop on dog teeth and can cause gingivitis and bad breath. On the other hand, special nail bones or biscuits help to scrape off the coating.

The bit of the horse

It is said that someone has a dentition like a horse when he unveils the entire incisor teeth while smiling. A horse does indeed have big teeth. They are constantly growing and chewing off. When a horse does not need his teeth, the teeth grow out of his mouth and he can barely close the jaws. Then the veterinarian must file the teeth.

The Wallross

The Wallross uses the incisors to hold on to the ice and move on. Its incisors grow constantly and can be up to 60 cm long in males.

The shark

The shark has several rows of teeth, which regrow very quickly when needed. So the shark can attack without fear of breaking his teeth.

The hare teeth

Rabbits, hamsters and mice have large incisors above and below. They grow up to 2 mm a week. The diligent rodents use their teeth too much at this time.

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