16 Tips for happiness: more harmony in the family

16 tips for happiness – more harmony in the family

What is happiness? We go in search of the ingredients for more harmony in everyday family life and give tips on how you can be happy and live together.

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Happiness means something different for every person, happiness research agrees. However, contrary to the opinion of many, our living conditions or purely external factors such as wealth, social status or age do not make a decisive contribution to a long-term feeling of happiness, but only tempt us to short-term heights.

Be happy (he) – you are what you think

But if happiness doesn’t come from outside, where does it come from? What are the ultimate tips for happiness? Motivation trainer Dale Carnegie put it this way over 50 years ago: “Happiness does not depend on who you are or what you have; it just depends on what you think. "

Happiness researchers believe that the ability to deal with problems and changed situations is directly related to our state of happiness. In a nutshell, this means: A carefree and easy life doesn’t make you happy. It is much more important that we cope with unpleasant and difficult events and look positively into the future. But how is that supposed to work??

Tip for happiness: Feel like a lucky guy!

Ultimately, it is like this: We feel exactly what we are concentrating on mentally. If we think we’re lucky, lots of great things happen, we could tear out trees and deal with difficult situations with serenity. If we consider ourselves unlucky, the opposite happens: We have a tunnel view, create an incredible amount of space for the negative, see ourselves as victims, always let our thoughts revolve around the same, unpleasant. Positive things are hidden – of course, there is no longer any space. Only we can change that and only we can help ourselves to be happy. Our Attitude to happiness therefore has a direct impact on how much happiness we experience in everyday life or – better said – perceive. So if we choose to be happy, then so will we.

Playing Hans in luck

Do you know the fairy tale by Hans, who has nothing and is still the happiest person on earth? The reason: he frees himself from all expectations and the feeling that he wants certain things. This attitude is also comparable to that of small children who live in the here and now and are satisfied – with what they have.

Fortunately, 3 words

In his Angelus prayer in Rome on December 29, 2013, Pope Francis spoke of three key terms “May I?”, “Thank you” and “Excuse me” for a family to live in peace and joy. These three terms are generic terms for certain behaviors that are conducive to a happy family life.

But what’s behind it? We tell you our best tips for happiness and happiness.

16 ingredients for more happiness and harmony in everyday family life

1. Be thankful

Think carefully about how often you think, act, feel disadvantaged, and so on, and so on. In these moments, try to focus your thoughts on something positive and start the day with a smile. Briefly, in a sentence or two, consider what you are thankful for and why you can be happy – even or especially when everything seems to be a little difficult.

2. Awareness of your own self

Make yourself aware that you are not a game ball of fate, but that you are ALWAYS in control of your luck. Try to think positively, look to the future with optimism and confidence and deal with difficult situations. Because whoever thinks only negatively has no strength for positive things and cannot be happy with any tips from this world in the long term. Once you have internalized this, you can pass it on to your children – they will thank you for it.

This also includes being one of his Confess strengths and weaknesses and to separate yourself from the thought of having to be able to do everything perfectly. Of course everyone can work on themselves, but sometimes you compare yourself too often to your girlfriend, colleague or partner. The result: dissatisfaction and uncertainty.

3. Keep a lucky diary

Every night before falling asleep, record in which moments you felt bad and in which you felt good. You often only realize how void some negative situations were – and how much time you thought about them.

Here we found 3 beautiful happiness diaries on Amazon:

Lucky diary – blank:

"My luck rarely comes alone."

Lucky diary to fill in Eckart von Hirschhausen. Helps to look at his experiences in a different way.

Lucky diary to be entered. Focus your thoughts only on the positive side of the day.

4. Communicate, argue and apologize

Family life is sometimes very stressful and exhausting for everyone involved. Conflicts are inevitable. It is never too late to apologize and take a step towards the other. Make yourself aware that your family offers you the chance every day to get to know each other better through time together and mutual understanding and to deal with problems more easily in the future. Communication is the be-all and end-all here – it is important for children to learn that even unpleasant situations can be solved.

Have you ever had one regular family meeting thinking? It may sound strange at first, but this way everyone would have time to talk about what moves them without being interrupted. The goal is to listen and try to understand each other. Warning: Whether you are holding a family meeting or not, do not force anyone to open up.

5. Delete taboos

Do you have issues in your family that you are reluctant to talk about and that are best avoided? This is not a good approach, because children often do not understand why. And sometimes it’s good to talk about everything in general. Give your heart a breath!

6. Have desires instead of expectations

We almost always have (unconsciously) expectations of other people and ourselves. This creates great pressure in the family in everyday life. For example, children expect parents not to argue or to regularly fulfill wishes. Parents, however, have expectations of their children, often in relation to school. And at the same time, everyone has high expectations of themselves.

All of this can quickly lead to disappointment because our expectations can almost never be met 100 percent. So consciously try to move away from them. It can help if your Formulate expectations as wishes. The statement "I expect you to graduate" is much tougher than if you reword it as a wish "I would like you to graduate". Thus you lower the pressure and give your counterpart the chance to also express something about his wishes and thoughts.

7. Show appreciation

Everyone, whether in childhood or adulthood, wants positive words. Especially in everyday life, many things are quickly taken for granted and not rewarded enough. So why not give praise for a great job or if your child has put in a lot of effort? Even the little ones learn early on how important and nice it is to show appreciation.

8. Donate security

A family is a very special community in which everyone is there for the other and stands up. Show each other that you love each other, that you belong together and are something very special. That is what makes a family.

9. See household as a family matter

Very few people like to clean, wash and tidy up. However, they are things that are part of everyday life and affect everyone. Therefore, involve your children and your partner in household management at an early stage. Show them that it is not a punishment, but that there is more time for beautiful things after work. In this way, children learn to take responsibility and also to perform unpleasant duties. This promotes independence.

10. Respect privacy

Every family member has a right to privacy and should be able to take it. This also applies to children. If not all of your children have their own room, it is important that there is an area that belongs to only one person and into which you can retreat. Rummaging through diaries and private boxes is of course an absolute no-go.

11. Take quality time

Honestly, how much conscious time do you take for each other within the family? Often family matters are put on the back burner, you happen to meet each other and / or are busy with other things. The time is usually only there when quarrels arise. This can quickly lead to a negative mood. Make yourself aware that your Family top priority should have and always has priority over hobbies, the job or clubmates. How about a fixed family day or evening?

12. Schedule movement

Regular sporting activities make you happy – preferably in the company of others and ideally in the fresh air. Yoga in particular strengthens inner peace and awareness of your own body and mind. Link this point to tip 11 and make it a family sport evening.

13. Cultivate friendships that do you good

Close relationships with friends and family (including partnership) make you happy. Give recognition, appreciation and attention. At the same time, you should stay away from acquaintances who do you no good for a long time or who repeatedly cause negative feelings. You may not have to break off the contact right away: address the conflicts, even if it is a taboo topic. A stone will fall from your heart.

14. Develop positive goals and anticipation

Be curious, keen to experiment and open to new things. Plan trips, trips and experiences in good time and look forward to the upcoming goal together with the family. So bring a little change to your life with small things and do not rest on your old ways.

15. Free yourself – from pressure and perfectionism

Listen to your inner voice and gut feeling. If you don’t want something anymore or if something is no longer good for you, then think constructively about a change instead of nagging and still leaving everything as it is. If necessary, involve family or close friends – they can usually give valuable advice at a distance. An important step to be really happy.

And in everyday life: focus on a few priorities instead of doing everything at the same time. Mindfulness, calm and serenity help that Reduce perfectionism. This includes: Going offline sometimes, limiting accessibility, planning time-outs and time for yourself!

16. Be unhappy too

The last tip for happiness is probably the most important advice we can give you on the way: Be unhappy too! Even the happiest person does not jump around the area every day, beaming with joy. Do not put yourself under pressure, but accept that there are situations that make you sad. And that’s just as well.

Because who knows no grief does not know what joy is, whoever feels no pain does not know what it means to be healthy and so on. All of this is part of life. It is important that you are strong enough in these moments to allow negative feelings, but also to let them go again.

Happy parents, happy children

We parents are role models for our children. If we go through life contentedly, sincerely and happily, our children can develop much better into strong personalities. And strong children with healthy self-confidence and self-esteem are happy children. It has come full circle. It could all be so easy. And it is often also when you dare to break out of the hamster wheel full of negative feelings.

Make yourself and your family happy, treat yourself to time out and above all: Trust your intuition in parenting. Loving, encouraging and helpful words are good for every child. Comprehensible rules and limits help young people to find a framework. And if there are difficult phases: Talk openly about it, away with the taboos!

Everyone likes to hear these sentences – because they make you happy!

Sentences that make families happy © scoyo

The best at the end – 3 happiness makers:

1. Happy me:

Everyday happiness – gift book

This book offers little wisdom and inspiring insights. A small work of art and a source of inspiration, with typographies and illustrations. With 80 stickers and 16 postcards to take out.

2. Oh dear bed:

Your bed loves you! The feel-good book for cuddling artists

A guide to dangling your soul for all those tired of everyday life and plagued by stress.

3. In flow with me:

Flow Magazine – Extra Mindfulness Edition & mindfulness

We have already got to know and love the Flow holiday book with many suggestions for more holidays in our heads. The extra edition of the Flow magazine on mindfulness contains many tips to be more aware of yourself and your environment and thus be happier from the inside. The extras such as beautiful moments cards or a mindfulness booklet to take out are particularly great.

Order here from Amazon: Flow Mindfulness

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