How far do deer travel? (10 Facts You Should Know)
How far do deer travel? (10 Facts You Should Know)
If you’re like most people, you may be wondering how far do deer travel, especially when in search of food or a bedding area.
A mature buck typically travels up to 2-3 miles or more per day. However, the highest recorded distance for an adult white-tailed deer was 200 miles which was over a period of 22 days, equivalent to 8.5 miles per day. In fact, some bucks can cover over 10 miles in a day if there’s enough good food source to draw it.
Deer typically travel in search of food and water and a better bedding area. Other factors that influence their travel distance and location are gender, maturity, nature of the terrain, rut, and availability of food. Ultimately, a deer will cover more distance in the dark and in areas with lots of forest cover.
Knowing how far deer travel is an important consideration, especially for hunters. In this article, we will look at how far deer travel and other interesting facts that relate to their movement and dispersion.
When Do Deer Travel?
Deer are usually found in areas with a lot of forest cover. They generally prefer moving at night or in low light conditions, including dawn or dusk. As early as 4 a.m, they commence their first trip to find food and water. And because of the way their retina is built, they can see very well in the dark, which is very important in keeping them safe from predators and hunters. On the other hand, during the day, deer are commonly found in their bedding area, relaxing, though this largely depends on how old the deer is.
Why do deer travel?
Deer travel is usually motivated by basic needs such as food, water and security until it’s time to breed. But for the better part of the year, deer bed where they are sure of security.
They are ruminant animals; hence bedding time is the time they use to fully digest their food. When hunger strikes again, they go back to feed. These movements are often done between sunrise and sunset. Although there are times when they move throughout the day, they sometimes bed during the day and night.
If hunting pressure increases, movement from deer will likely decrease. However, if they must move, they will move in places with more forest cover than out in the open to avoid being seen by hunters and other predators.
How far do deer travel?
Deer can cover an average distance of 1 to 200 miles, depending on the amount of forest cover in the area.
The average travel distance for young bucks is lesser and ranges from around 2 – 23 miles or more. This is also dependent on how well the area is covered. On the other hand, a mature buck can travel as long as 200 miles.
It is worth noting that deer are social animals, so they typically travel in groups, known as herds. In most cases, a herd is led by a strong male. But in some species, dominance can be segregated by gender. So, it is not uncommon to find a female deer leading a herd just as a male.
As earlier indicated, most deer trips occur between sunset and sunrise and in places with a lot of forest cover. During the daytime, you will normally find them in their bedding area.
How far do deer travel from their home?
According to research, a deer’s home range is usually within one square mile. This is where the animal spends most of its time throughout the year and can travel up to 100-150 yards in search of food and water.
Some deer can travel 10-20 miles from their home when exploring their surroundings. In total, a deer will only travel between 2 to 35 miles away from its home during its lifetime.
How far do deer travel during rut?
On average, a deer can travel as far as five miles or more from its home during rut.
Rut is usually that time of the year when bucks are on the chase for estrus does to mate with. It denotes the deer breeding season and all the activities and behaviors that come with it. During this time, most males usually move further from their home range in search of females that are ready to breed.
Usually, during rut, deer tend to become more active during the day as they search for females to mate with. They become more distracted and more vulnerable as prey for hunters. This is also the time when deer-vehicle accidents happen most.
Do deer travel the same path every day?
Deer often travel the same path every day, and this makes guessing their location very easy.
They are habitual animals; hence they repeat a particular sequence over and over. This is why most times, they could be found crossing signs in some places. Regardless of what might have happened to their friends, they continue to use the same route.
They leave their bedding area to look for food in a place that they are familiar with; then, they make the journey back home. As long as the feeding area continues to be a safe place for them, they will continue to ply the route every day.
However, depending on what the deer might be doing, this action may be more or less frequent. They may run along if it’s time for mating, or if they need to guide their young bucks, or just take a casual winter walk.
How do deer move?
Deer have different styles of movement – they can walk, gallop, trot, and even swim.
While galloping or running at full speed, a deer can jump up to 25 feet. Interestingly, the longest jump documented for a whitetail is slightly below 30-feet.
On the other hand, if a deer decides to sustain a walking pace, it can travel 3-4 miles in one hour. They tend to travel longer distances when trotting, often reaching 10-12 mph.
Swimming is the least way deer move as they are much more adept at using their legs on land. This doesn’t mean they are bad swimmers; however, they mostly swim short distances but may travel further if they need to. In other words, water doesn’t seem to prevent them from travelling.
When do deer move the most?
Deer typically move during sunrise and sunset. This is the time when they are less prone to attack by hunters and other predators. Most of their travels are usually to forage for food until breeding season. During the breeding season, deer tend to move more in the daytime in search of mates.
If hunting pressure increases, there will be a noticeable decrease in deer movement. However, if they are compelled to move during this time, they will move in the covered area of the forest and avoid open spaces where hunters and other predators can spot them.
When do deer change their pattern?
Deer movement pattern is mainly influenced by the location of food source until it’s time for them to breed. So, a deer typically changes its pattern when it can no longer find food in a certain area. But this is not the only time deer change their pattern.
A deer can also change its travel pattern if it feels threatened (afraid) by predators. So in a case where there’s no change in the location of food sources, a deer can still change its pattern if it doesn’t feel secure. Most times, this happens during early fall, which coincides with the archery (hunting) season in most regions. During this time, deer are compelled to change their travel pattern to avoid being hunted down.
Thus, security and food are the dominant factors that contribute to a change of travel pattern among deer. That is why a deer will bed where it feels most secure.
Which direction do deer travel?
A deer’s movement is not usually random but calculated and direct. In most cases, it is guided by its sense of smell. A deer could perceive corn miles away and will rely on its olfactory receptor to get there.
As a result, deer often rely on the wind to determine what direction to go. Thus, a buck will move upwind if he’s following his nose. This is commonly the case if it “smells any danger” ahead. That said, a deer can also decide to go downwind if there’s no sign of imminent threat.
In summary, deer use the wind to stay away from danger, find food and water, and even locate mating partners (does).
Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs
How far do deer travel in a day?
On average, a deer can cover up to 8 miles in a day if there’s enough forest cover available in the area. Sometimes, this can be up to 23 miles depending on the pressing need for food and water. In fact, during rut, a male can cover significantly more distance searching for an estrous doe to mate with.
How far do whitetail deer travel in a day?
A whitetail deer travel can travel up to 8.5 miles in a day, although this is largely dependent on the level of vegetative cover in the place as deer tend to move towards areas with considerable food and water supply. Thus, if there isn’t much vegetative cover in the area, the deer vegetative is likely to travel less for fear of getting caught in the open by hunters or other predators.
How far do female deer travel?
A doe can cover an average of 2- 3 miles daily. Here, they will normally take a routine walk close to their bedding area. They can also move in search of food and water or to take their young bucks for a light winter stroll.
Do deer stay in the same area?
Deer tend to stay in the same area as long as there is no drastic change in the amount of food and water available in the area. If there is a significant change in food and water availability, the deer will move to another area with better food supply and water. Also, if the security of their bedding area is threatened, or the forest cover becomes scanty, they will leave their bedding area to find a safer and more suitable place.
How far do deer travel from their bedding area?
A mature buck is usually within 100-150 yards from its bedding area. They cover that much distance mainly to look for food and water and typically move during the early hours of the day or at night. Besides the need to fill their bellies, they can also move to wash in nearby water sources.
Conclusion: how far do deer travel?
In summary, a deer travels an average of 1-200 miles, depending on the amount of forest cover in the place and age of the deer.
Forest cover is an essential component of good deer habitat, and it also determines other behavioral responses amongst deer. However, despite the importance of forest cover to deer, some young bucks raised in a forest with scanty covering may be able to travel up to 30 miles, sometimes even more.
If you have any more questions about how far do deer travel, let us know. Until then, happy exploring!