4 tips for a tattoo in thailand

4 tips for a tattoo in Thailand

Thailand is teeming with people with tattoos. Not only the tourists of all countries, most of the locals, especially the younger generation, have many tattoos. Since you can be infected quickly and would like to have one. I’m sure I’m not telling you that you should not do that because it’s not so common in Germany and your future employer might not like it. No, I do not care and I do not think it’s up to date. However, there are still some things you should pay attention to.

Chris and I have both tattooed several times in Thailand and have no regrets or complications. So that you are happy with your decision, I give you the following tips along the way.

1. Selection of the tattoo artist

Tattoo Studios are in Thailand like sand on the sea. I can only recommend you, look at the studio, it appears clean, is hygienic, the tattoo artist takes seriously your concerns. Inform others about the chosen one and take a look at his designs and references, the Facebook profile is also helpful.

Even our former gangster, Rasta Thai tattooist Poh, is in his studio super serious about it, especially in terms of hygiene. Also, as far as design changes are concerned, or if you are not sure at the last moment, a good tattoo artist should be professional and not push you to anything. By that I mean, coolness has to give way to professionalism when it comes to your tattoo.

2. The choice of the motive

If you already know, the motive that you want for a long time, then look for a tattoo artist who already shows the same as a reference, to make sure that he also likes to sting such a thing. Theoretically, a good tattoo artist can do it all, but if it’s up to him, the tattoo can get even better. For example, with Mandalas, Dot Work, shades or even Bamboo tattoos.

If you are still looking for the right subject, see what the tattoo artist of your choice is showing. If there is something you like, or if the style appeals to you, then work with it on your own motive for you. Also on various websites and Pinterest you will find many nice ideas. Transforms these a little for the personal touch, which is always nicer than a tattoo that has every second.

Do not take the best first but think it over for a while, you can also apply it in advance as a drawing on the desired place to get a feel for it. Do not rush the decision.

    Preparation with pen and paper – meanwhile he works a lot with the tablet

    The needle is used

    As you can see, hygiene and working conditions are right

    Joy about the result

    Liam’s initials on the wrist

    Geometric tattoos require meticulous work

    Flower of Life on Chris’ left shoulder

    A tree between Victoria’s shoulder blades with Om sign

    Chris’ right calf with traditional patterns of Thailand

    Design for Victoria’s left shoulder

    On the tattoo Victoria is regularly denied by strangers

    Liam is already practicing for later

    Sometimes the motive does not fit the place you thought and you have to change the size or positioning again. Does that, is it tattooed once should no remorse arise.

    If you are still undecided on the subject, here are a few sources for insipration:

    • Pinterest is an almost inexhaustible reservoir of inspiration
    • On Auszeitnomaden there is a nice article about bamboo tattoos in Thailand

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