Anthromedics – The Staff of Mercury: Fever: Theses within Anthroposophic Medicine and their Scientific Validity

Objective: The aim was to conduct a scoping review to characterize how fever is interpreted within anthroposophic medicine (AM) and to discuss the scientific validity of these theses. Methods: For the systematic literature search Medline, Embase, CAMbase and Google Scholar were used. Text passages from textbooks in anthroposophic medicine and articles from specialist journals were also included. The data were collected and interpreted. Results: Anthroposophical physicians show a positive attitude towards fever, rarely suppress it by using antipyretics and often use complementary aids to alleviate symptoms. In AM, fever is potentially associated with the following positive aspects: it supports complete recovery; reduces susceptibility to recurrent infections and atopic diseases; provides a special opportunity for caregivers to show loving care and relationships; enables individual development and strengthens resilience and resilience; protects against cancer and increases the efficacy of mistletoe extracts. These views are discussed in conjunction with the available scientific literature. Conclusions: AM postulates that fever can have various positive effects in both the short and long term. Some theories and therapeutic approaches are now considered evidence-based (although often not applied), while others still need to be validated, falsified or modified by empirical studies.

Fever: Views in anthroposophic medicine and their scientific validity

Objective: To conduct a scoping review to characterize how fever is viewed in Anthroposophic Medicine (AM) and discuss the scientific validity of these views. Methods: Systematic searches were run in Medline, Embase, CAMbase, and Google Scholar. Material from anthroposophic medical textbooks and articles was also used. Data was extracted and interpreted. Results: Anthroposophic physicians hold a beneficial view on fever, rarely suppress fever with antipyretics, and often use complementary means of alleviating discomfort. In AM, fever is considered to have the following potential benefits: promoting more complete recovery; preventing infection recurrences and atopic diseases; providing a unique opportunity for caregivers to provide loving care; facilitating individual development and resilience; protecting against cancer and boosting the anticancer effects of mistletoe products. These views are discussed with regard to the available scientific data. Conclusion: AM postulates that fever can be of short-term and long-term benefit in several ways. Many of these opinions have become evidence-based (though still often not practiced) while others still need empirical studies to be validated, refuted, or modified.

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