Anxiety patients – dental day hospitals dr

Anxiety patients - dental day hospitals dr

anxiety patients

Afraid of the dentist? Then you are not alone …

Over 10% of all adults across all walks of life are affected by an extreme form of dental phobia. But also the “normal” fear or anxiety is often enough to spoil the necessary walk to the dentist. This can eventually become one Impaired quality of life, Failure to do so may result in carious, dead teeth, mouth sores, and pain.

In addition, the psychic may Consequences that almost nobody talks about, should not be underestimated: Social isolation, abuse of painkillers and alcohol to depression are possible.

In addition, a stress-free and relaxed atmosphere before and during treatment, the avoidance of unnecessarily long waiting periods, and a feel-good atmosphere in waiting and treatment areas, another important basis for anxiety reduction.

For many patients, however, all that is not enough to overcome this fear, which has often been built up over decades, and to take some of the horror out of the dentist’s visit. Thus, a dental treatment remains a stressful stress situation.

To help and treat this group of anxiety patients, our dentists specifically address the fears and needs of those affected. On request, they perform the treatment very gently, namely by means of a dental treatment under general anesthesia or in twilight sleep.

The causes of dental anxiety are many

Often, patients with a phobia as a reason for their fear of dental treatment, call the spatial atmosphere of a dental practice with their typical special sounds and smells in a dental office. But also bad – often painful – experience with surgery or the rough handling of the dentist already in childhood, are named as the reason for the dental fear. But it is also often the case of being “at the mercy” and the loss of control during the procedure, which is called the cause of the anxiety.

The clear message: you can be afraid. That is normal.

When does the fear lead to a disease state?

  • The fear is extremely strong, occurs again and again for a long period of time.
  • The patient has no control over his anxiety.
  • The person concerned avoids the fear-triggering situation.
  • The patient is increasingly suffering, which affects his quality of life.

At least now it is necessary to seek professional dental or psychotherapeutic support.

Short test: suffer from dental fear?

Suffer from a strong fear of the dentist, which can trigger panic attacks even at the thought of it?

So how many years did they not go to the dentist for treatment? …. years

Need human assistance from someone who understands your fear and takes you seriously?

Do you feel helpless on the treatment chair??

Look for an experienced dentist who can handle anxiety patients?

Be ashamed of your current (bad) condition?

Have you ever been touched on your bad teeth??

This test does not claim to be complete and can not replace a medical consultation. He should give you a first indication of a possible existing fear.

Our offer to you

Special consultation hours for anxiety patients

Trained staff especially for anxious patients

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