Ava in the test – better understanding of the cycle with ava – family nieimmerland

Ava in the test – Understanding the cycle better with Ava

Since I can think, my cycle has thrown me off track. It started at the age of ten, when I had such a strong and painful period, that I started to take the pill very early to get the pain under control. For more than ten years, I took extra hormones and artificially regulated my cycle. The complaints were less and at the same time I had a contraceptive method.

For a good three years, since the birth of our first son, I am now without additional hormones and my cycle is actually very regular, even despite the three pregnancies. Since then, however, my heartache, period pain, mood swings and headaches have been accompanying me much more intensively – my cycle has a tremendous impact on my emotional state. I’m so moody that my husband would like to lock himself in part – or, alternatively, run around wearing a full body suit so that all bad mood rebounds on him.

For more than two cycles, the Ava bracelet, which tracks the female cycle with a sensor at night on my wrist, accompanies me. (The first cycle is canceled because my Ava had a technical defect and had to be replaced, but that was not a problem for me, the customer service was very friendly). I was hoping to help Ava better understand when my moods, complaints and food cravings occur. The sensor measures various parameters such as skin temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate and sleep rhythm at night and calculates where I am in the cycle – for example, it also shows me ovulation. I find it very pleasant that all I have to do is put on the bracelet. Only a little narrower it could be, because the sensor is a bit large and I still feel it sometimes annoying. Maybe Ava can work on it, so that the wristband is even more comfortable in the future.

In the morning I need to connect the bracelet only to the power plug and connect the Ava with my app (there is free in the Playstore / AppStore) and already the data that Ava has collected at night, transferred. In the meantime, I’ve got the hang of it, too first Turn on the locator and Bloototh and then connect Ava, otherwise it will not work. Sometimes it happens to me that I have not loaded enough Ava, the battery power is unfortunately quite low and only enough for one night, then Ava can not collect data. But since I explicitly pay attention, it also works with the error-free application.

In the app, I can then see and compare everything exactly in different views. In addition, I can also add notes and record, if and which complaints I have on the respective cycle day. So I get an overview of my cycle and can henceforth respond better to complaints.

Meanwhile, it has become clear, for example, that I have not only bad ovulation pains around ovulation, but also have severe back pain and headaches. On the other hand, I regularly drink herbal tea with pomegranate, turmeric, cranberry and Co. as ingredients and also take a dietary supplement.

Ava has a great price, which is why I can not fully recommend them. But in terms of function and practice, the handling is simple and straightforward, so if you want to spend more on certain things, then Ava is just right for you. It happened to me a couple of times in the beginning that I did not load Ava long enough before putting it on in the evenings, which did not collect any data. Therefore, when using it always make sure that you connect it to the power cord a few hours before going to bed.

If we ever want a third child, then I can also use Ava to get pregnant faster. Because as I mentioned above, Ava shows me my fertile days. Of course, you can determine this relatively well with NFP, the active effort, however, is slightly larger, because you have to check the cervical mucus and daily as possible at the same time to measure the basal body temperature.

If you also want to try Ava, then you get the code “Neverland20” when ordering 20 € discount.
What would interest me now: how has your cycle changed since your pregnancy? Have you landed in total hormone chaos, or is everything completely relaxed? What are you doing to naturally support your cycle??

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