Ayurvedic constitution determination, hotel bayernwinkel wellness-kurhotel

Ayurvedic constitution determination

Vata, Pitta or / and Kapha; who am I?

If you are interested in Ayurveda, you will soon come up with the question: What kind of Dosha are I? Am I Vata, Pitta or Kapha? Among other things, these three types characterize the physical and mental condition of each person.
Each person is born with an individual relationship of these three doshas that determine his constitution. The maintenance of this “practice” is the prerequisite for human health.
This individual constitution manifests itself in certain physical, physiological and psychological structures and functions and can be influenced by many factors, such as: B. the place where this person lives, the climate, the season, the weather, the time of day, age, nutrition, lifestyle, etc.
A simple test makes this easy to find out at first glance. We Europeans love these kinds of tests, but the doshas principle is much more comprehensive and goes way back in the history of Ayurveda.

Three doshas, ​​five elements
From the beginning – as the Ayurvedic teachings say – the world consists of five elements:

the space (or ether),
the fire,
the water,
the air and
the earth.

They determine everything: the essence of stones, plants, animals and humans.

Man is considered the microcosm of the world. All elements are also found in his body, for example in his five senses: hear (space), see (fire), smell (earth), feel (air) and taste (water).
Since in every human being at birth the different elements are pronounced to different degrees, Ayurveda is based on a great human individuality. Each and every one of us is endowed with particular physical and emotional strengths and weaknesses.
Which type of person can be counted is derived from the three doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha), which in turn are composed of the five elements (space, fire, water, air and earth).

Vata consists of the elements air and space and is considered life energy. In our body, it regulates all activities. It is responsible for respiration, nervous system and movement.
When Vata is in balance, it provides flexibility, creativity and lightness. If it is in imbalance it can cause nervousness, insomnia or flatulence.

Pitta consists of the elements of fire and water and is considered to be the energy of heating.
In our body, it regulates all biochemical processes, is responsible for metabolism and digestion
If Pitta is in balance, it ensures receptivity, understanding and ability to learn. If it is in imbalance it can cause anger, indigestion or inflammation.

Kapha consists of the elements water and earth and is considered as forming energy. In our body it regulates the structure of body structures, is responsible for flexibility and stability.
When Kapha is in balance, it provides peace and love. If it is in imbalance it can cause greed, colds or obesity.

Kapha in the morning, Pitta in the evening?

In Ayurveda, the five elements and the three doshas are found in practically everything that surrounds us. And everything can strengthen or weaken it. The seasons affect our moods as well as our age or the time of day.
The daytime:
Kapha is most effective in the dusk, so that 6 o’clock to 10 o’clock or 18 o’clock to 22 o’clock referred to as Kapha time. This is the time of the greatest peace and serenity. (favorable for meditation)
Pitta is most effective at midday and midnight, so that 10 o’clock to 14 o’clock and 22 o’clock to 2 o’clock in the morning referred to as Pitta time. (Metabolism, digestion)
Vata is most effective from 2pm to 6pm and 2am to 6am, and this time is called Vata time. This is the time when we feel the most urge to move and are most creative.

The season

Spring is considered a transitional period with mixed influence of Kapha and Pitta.
The summer with its usually dry heat is considered Pitta time.
Autumn with its wet and cold winds and storms the Vata time, and winter with snow, wet and cold is considered Kapha time.

The life time

Childhood until puberty is considered Kapha time. Here man grows up and builds up the stability for the whole life. Since childhood is the most intense time, parents should pay particular attention to harmony, affection and honesty.
The period up to 25 years are transitional years with mostly constant influence of Kapha and Pitta.
After that, man enters the Pitta phase, which is the most active, powerful and hopefully most successful time of life. In this phase, it is important to pay attention to our energy and not to exploit the body. Here Qi Gong, relaxation etc helps.
From about 50 years, the Kapha and Pitta begins to dwindle, and man goes into the Vata phase. It is considered as time of physical degradation and reduction, e.g. Loss of senses, loss of elasticity of the skin and bones.
At least now we should start with the rebuilding and regeneration therapy, e.g. with special oil cures, meditation etc.

Vata, Pitta or Kapha all a type question?

But as tempting as it is to easily figure out which type you are, this anticipation must be disappointed. Only rarely are there dosha-constitutions with only one characterizing dosha. Most people are determined by two doshas. If all doshas are equivalent pronounced, one speaks of a Tridosha constitution.

Well, how do I find out my individual constitution??

Perform Test 1 and score one point for each true anatomical, physiological and psychological trait.
If two features apply equally, both get half a point. If no characteristic meets you, do not forgive a point.
Please pay attention to which features are taken for granted. These are characteristics that are typical of you and that apply to you or have been applied over a longer period of time, in which you have felt healthy and well.
Count the points together for Vata, Pitta and Kapha. How to find out which Dosha or which Dosha combination your individual constitution is:
• Did one of the doshas get significantly more points than the others? Then this dosha is your constitution.
• Did two doshas get about the same number of points? Then these two doshas are your constitution, so you have a double Dosha dominance.
• It may also be that all three doshas have received approximately the same score. Then these three doshas are your constitution.

Characteristics of the Vata type

Since Vata stands for degradation, we see in Vata types in the physical area rarely abundance, but rather lack. With you one finds mostly a long open-minded, slim to gaunt physique. Characteristics of Vata are clearly visible veins and vision, weak joints, a dry, rough skin and the tendency to brittle fingernails and hair. Lacking the fire element, they tend to freeze and often have cold feet and hands.
Vata types usually have a very irregular metabolism. There are days when they are hungry and have good digestion. These, however, often alternate with loss of appetite and poor digestion, manifested by bloating and constipation. Vata types generally decrease very easily, but they have a hard time building weight, which can lead to problems in recovery from illness.
Vatas are very loving people, but sometimes their love is based on anxiety and loneliness. In fact, fear is one of the signs that a Vata person is out of balance. People of this kind are often afraid of loneliness, darkness, high altitude and enclosed spaces. Fear, insecurity and nervousness are also very common among them. One of the most important psychic qualities of Vata people is their willingness to change or, in other words, their instability and their difficulty in being reliable. Vata types have a restless mind and react quickly. However, they generally have a happy mind and zest for life. They are life-artists and aerialikusse. They are the most spontaneous of all types and spray with ideas.
In general, they are very sensitive, sensitive and vulnerable. Vata types often tend to contradict each other. If they are stable, they go through life happily and carefree. However, when disturbed, they tend to be anxious, worried and endlessly brooding.
Vata people are blessed with a quick mind, mental flexibility and creativity. However, they lack long-term thinking and planning and usually have a weak memory. Generally, Vata types have little stamina and assertiveness. They like to avoid stressful situations.
It is not usually difficult for Vata people to make quick money, but they spend it just as quickly, often very impulsively or for nothing. When a Vata man goes to the flea market, he often comes back with a bunch of useless stuff.
Because Vata stands for movement in the body, Vata types love to move. Prolonged sitting is a torture for them. They love dancing and sport, but without ambitious goals.
The activities that Vata types are attracted to are travel – dispersion, unremitting stimulation, frequent change – can easily disturb their inner balance and lead to the typical Vata symptoms such as constipation, bloating, debilitating, and excessive dryness of the skin. In Vata types, illnesses are very spontaneous, but heal very fast. Typical illnesses are allergies, nerve pain, muscle spasms, joint arthroses as well as mostly mental disorders, such as panic attacks, psychoses, etc.
Like the wind, Vata people find it very difficult to rest and stay grounded. The dry, cold and windy seasons of autumn and winter usually strengthen the Vata dosha, which is why Vata people have to make an extra effort during this time to maintain their balance.

General recommendations for balancing Vata:

• Stay warm
• Stay calm
• Avoid raw food
• Avoid extremely cold temperatures
• Eat hot foods and spices
• Keep to a regular daily rhythm

Characteristics of the Pitta type

The Pitta type has a medium physique, which is mostly athletic. They rarely increase, but they do not decrease. Their muscles are moderately well developed, and they are generally physically stronger than people of the Vata type. Special features are silky, wavy hair and a reddish complexion with freckles. Their hair often turns to gray early, or they lose it completely.
Normal body temperature is slightly higher and her hands and feet are warm and sometimes sweaty. Pitta people are still warm even when both Vatas and Kaphas are cold. The heat is the main feature of the Pitta type and this is not surprising given that the term Pitta derives from the Sanskrit word “tapa” which means “to heat”.
Pitta types have the fastest metabolism and the best digestion. Therefore, they tend to uncontrollable feeling of hunger. It is essential to have three meals a day to keep your energy reserves stable.
Pittas are very alert and intelligent and have a good vision and concentration. Her intellect is sharp, her memory is strong. They have a clear logical mind and love to delve into problems and find solutions.
Her mind is constantly active, running fast and prone to impatience and rage. Pitta types have a dominant nature, rarely tolerate contradictions and can often respond to criticism. Pitta people are good speakers with persuasiveness. Self-doubt is rare with him.
Pitta types are usually extroverted and often miss the inner peace. If he can determine his own pace of work, he has good stamina and proves himself in stressful situations. Since the Pitta type tends to always go to the limits of its energy reserves, it generally runs the risk of exhaustion, which can ultimately lead to burnout syndrome.
The lifetime of people of the Pitta type is only moderately long. They burn their life energy by strong mental activity, by their tendency to perfectionism, by aggressiveness and by their constant pursuit of success. They have a deep-seated fear of failure. They do not like words like “failure”. They are the typical workaholics.
Pitta people generally strive for material wealth and are often fairly well off financially, though they spend their money rather than save it.
Since Pitta types are dynamic natures, they develop disorders and diseases quite quickly, but they have a good healing tendency. Typical diseases of the Pitta types are inflammations. That’s why everything is good for Pitta. This refers to the way of life and the diet.
Summer is the hardest time for Pittas. Hot-humid weather easily leads to a strong increase in the pita dosha, because then dammed up heat in the body. They can then be quite irritable and moody, easily angry. A hypercritical attitude is to be observed as well as the tendency to exaggerated judgments. For people with Pitta constitution, it is important to cool off enough.

General recommendations for balancing Pitta:

• Avoid excessive heat
• Avoid heavy consumption of oil and steam
• Restrict your salt intake
• Food cooling, not too spicy foods
• Drink cool (but not freezing) drinks
• Train during the cooler time of the day

Characteristics of the Kapha type

Since Kapha stands for fullness, the Kapha type usually has a large and full-bodied physique. Since Kapha stands for the structure of the body, one will find only very rarely slim Kapha types. Her rib cage is wide and spacious, with strong muscles and heavy bones. With their large bodies and their constituents dominated by the elements of water and earth, they increase easily and have difficulties to lose weight. This problem is aggravated by the usually slow digestion and the corresponding metabolism of the Kapha. Therefore, they often suffer from obesity and are often plump. Besides, people of this type have indestructible vitality and tremendous staying power and are usually quite healthy. Kapha types always have a blessed appetite and thirst, though their digestion is slow. You can easily skip a meal or work without eating, whereas a Pitta-type person has difficulty concentrating when he has not eaten.
Because their metabolism is so slow, Kapha people who maintain their health and energetic balance generally enjoy a longer life than the other two Dosha types. If they live in harmony with their nature, they are rarely sick.
Mentally, the Kapha type is slow, but very accurate. He makes his decisions late, but well thought out. If he has formed his opinion, he remains faithful and one can rely on him. He is reliable when he promises something. The Kapha Dosha is leisurely and calm in every way. Kapha people are by nature loving and accommodating. Besides, they are usually peaceful, patient, tolerant and caring. If they are offended or someone violates their feelings, they are willing to forgive, but never forget. For example, people of this constitution type can say; “On January 16, 2005 you said this and that to me – but I did not forgive you”.
Their strong grounding and stability not only helps them to earn money, but also to hold on to it.
The danger for him, however, lies in mental inertia and lack of drive, the tendency to melancholy to depression. He needs recognition and enthusiasm. These motivate him to high achievements.
A sedentary activity, especially in conjunction with constant nibbling while working, produces a Kapha excess in the body. As a result, digestion and metabolism may be weakened and result in people becoming obese or even obese.
The hardest season for Kapha people is winter and early spring, when the weather is heavy, wet, cloudy and cold. The physical problems that Kapha people are dealing with are usually related to the water principle, such as colds & Flu. Inertia, overweight, diabetes & Headache in the forehead area is common.
Interestingly, Kapha can be strengthened when the full moon approaches. Biologists have discovered that this is because there is a tendency for water retention in the human body at this time.

General recommendation for balancing Kapha:

• Train your body sufficiently
• Avoid heavy foods
• Stay active
• Vary your routine
• Avoid dairy products
• Avoid ice cold food and drinks
• Avoid foods rich in fat and oil
• Prefer light, dry food

Mixed type Kapha / Ptta

Here the outer features of Pitta and Kapha mix. These types may e.g. have a strong, rounded physique, but prone to baldness.
People with this constitution are generally very successful in every way. Because they have the dynamics and the temperament of Pitta and the stamina of Kapha. The portion of Kapha dampens the Pitta fire. This gives them the necessary prudence and balance and the desire to enjoy. The fiery part of Pitta brings excitement and urge for activity and is a good balance for the heaviness and inertia of Kapha.
The negative side of this constitution can show if fury and intolerance
From Pitta and the stubbornness of Kapha come together. That can make them very difficult contemporaries.
They must pay attention to their share of pitta in the summer, that it does not overshoot and thereby maintain and strengthen their cooling Kapha properties.
In winter, there is a risk that the heaviness and cold Kapha’s share prevails. Therefore, the pitta shares have to be balanced and strengthened here.
This refers to the way of life, as well as the diet. The flavors of salty and sour are to be reduced as much as possible, since they increase pitta and kapha.

Mixed type Kapha / Vata

Externally, this type may e.g. show that the features of Vata in delicate joints and thin hair show and that they are overweight by the Kapha share.
Through the Kapha share they can work persistently, patiently and accurately. Here, the stable elements of the earth and water counterbalance the unstable wind of the Vata.
The Vata share, however, gives them spontaneity and good ideas, and helps counteract the heaviness and inertia of Kapha. Since Kapha and Vata are perfect opposites, we have a versatile personality in front of us. In one situation she can react quickly, in the other she needs some time to think, until she gets through to a decision that she stays with.
If Kapha’s share sinks too much, Vata becomes too high. Then it comes to the typical Vata complaints and the stability is lost as well as the balance and peace of Kapha. This guy has to pay attention to in the fall, the Vata time in terms of lifestyle and nutrition. He generally has to avoid everything cold. He needs a high pitta content in his diet because he lacks the pitta warmth and momentum. Stays by the sea and warmth are especially good for him.

Mixed type Pitta / Vata

In this type, we have a personality in front of us that is aware of the external features of Pitta, e.g. Freckles and bald heads as well as features of Vata, so can show dry skin and sinewy physique.
This guy is a very dynamic and spontaneous personality. She moves fast, mentally as well as physically, tends to impatience. However, it does not have the strong dynamics of Pitta, but is slowed down by the unsteadiness of the Vata share in stamina.
The two elements of fire and air fire each other. Therefore, it is people with frothy temper that are hard to come to rest.
They have many ideas that they want to realize perfectly. They put themselves under pressure and through their Vata share, they tend to nervous tension and nervousness. There is a great danger in the exhaustion of their physical energy reserves because they lack the stabilizing earth / water element of Kapha.
In the summer, they must be careful not to disturb their pitta, and in the fall, they must strive to keep their vata from becoming too high.
Therefore, they need to balance especially relaxation and food with high Kapha share, which gives them the necessary stability.

Mixed type Sama-Dosha

Here, the proportions of Kapha, Pitta and Vata are harmoniously balanced. They complement and balance each other, so this mixed type; if he lives in harmony with nature, he is rarely prone to disturbance. This type of mix is ​​very rare.

health and sickness

The Ayurvedic definitions of health and disease are remarkable

By health, Ayurveda understands more than just the absence of disease. The ayurvedic expression for a healthy state is svastha, which means “to stay in the self”. As long as we are in contact with our true self, our innermost nature (prakriti), we are in a balanced and powerful state at all levels of our personality.

Diseases are defined in Ayurveda as a disharmony of internal balance. They always start when our natural state of health (prakriti) comes into contact with a disease-causing factor and we are disturbed in balance. The constitution changes (Vikriti) and we suffer from the resulting illnesses of a physical and psychological nature.
The greater the difference between Prakrti and Vikrti of a person, the more that person should try to restore his individual dosha balance in order to maintain his health.

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