Basic ability insurance – useful alternative to the bu?

Basic ability insurance – useful alternative to the BU?

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You may have already heard of a basic disability insurance in connection with a disability insurance. Both insurances can be an important financial hedge if you have yours Can not exercise job anymore. However, a basic insurance is the second choice. Find out when it works and how it differs from occupational disability insurance (BU).

When does a basic disability insurance?

A basic health insurance pays you a monthly pension if you elementary physical abilities such as seeing, speaking, listening, lifting, walking, bending over or even climbing stairs due to illness or accident. Often, mental abilities such as concentration or orientation (surcharge) are included in the protection. Basically, each provider specifies individually,

which skills are insured in detail,

how much the ability must be restricted, and

whether the loss of multiple skills is needed to receive benefits.

If you of care You will also receive a basic pension from which level of care (according to the statutory long-term care insurance). Optionally, you can insure major health insurance providers such as cancer, heart attack or stroke as well as mental illnesses such as depression for a surcharge. Some providers also make one-off payments instead of a monthly pension. It’s best to find out in advance what precautionary options there are.

Vendors often weight basic skills differently

Many vendors divide basic skills into different categories called catalogs. If you lose a skill in Catalog A (eg speaking), you will receive the full insurance benefit. However, there are only enough money for Catalog B skills if several of them are severely impaired. Some insurers now refrain from weighting basic skills differently and always provide for loss or severe impairment of a single basic ability. Such tariffs thus offer a more comprehensive protection.

Attention, consider minimum duration!

How high your basic pension will be, set at contract conclusion. Focus on your current salary. You will receive the pension as long as the impairment exists and at the latest until the end of the agreed benefit period. But beware: basic health insurance only pays if you are impacted for a certain minimum period of time – often that is 12 months. A few tariffs already work after six months.

Basic Disability Insurance: Comparison with BU

Although they offer similar protection, there are several differences between a basic disability insurance and a disability insurance.

In order to receive benefits from a basic disability insurance, it does not matter whether you can still work or not – unlike the disability insurance. Because a BU secures your workforce and provides, if you are incapacitated for more than six months. Thus, a basic ability insurance can also for non-working people are.

Basic health insurance only works if the basic skills covered by the contract are lost. This is the Limited protection from the outset. A BU usually protects you more comprehensively. This is also reflected in the costs. Basic insurance policies are usually cheaper than BU fares.

A BU pays if you are unemployed for more than six months. Many basic health insurance afford later, namely only after 12 months.

For both policies applies: you must health issues answer. If you have pre-existing conditions, you will have to expect exclusions from both the BU and the basic disability insurance, or pay more accordingly. Be sure to answer the health questions truthfully, otherwise you will not receive any benefits at worst.

Check the conditions for important basic skills

Paying basic health insurance if you lose elementary skills or if they are severely limited – this offers a lot of leeway: is it enough, for example, if you are hard of hearing after an accident or need to be completely deaf to receive benefits? Basically, each insurer determines this. The offers therefore vary greatly. You should therefore check the basic terms and conditions that are particularly important to you exactly the terms of insurance. If, for example, you work a lot at work, the insurer should also be particularly accommodating with this basic ability.

Is a basic ability insurance a sensible alternative to the BU?

Basically, a BU protects more comprehensively. If you want to protect your workforce, disability insurance should be your first choice. However, if you can not conclude a BU – be it for financial or professional reasons – a basic disability insurance is a sensible alternative. For some providers, you can tailor the contract to suit your personal needs. If, for example, you work in a hospital, you can have a prohibition of official activity under the Infection Protection Act co-insured. If you earn your money driving a car, you can include the basic driving skills as well as the loss of your driving license in the insurance coverage.

Also an interesting BU alternative: a disability insurance!

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