Care allowance – hartz 4 2020

The coincidence of unemployment and the need for care represents a financially problematic situation for many of those affected. The Hartz 4 standard rate is usually not sufficient for adequate care, but there is additional financial help: the care allowance. But it is counted towards the Hartz 4 payments?

The most important things about “nursing allowance and Hartz 4” in a nutshell:

  • Generally it will Care allowance is not counted towards the ALG-2 benefits, as long as it is used for home care.
  • Care allowance for foster children however is be eligible.
  • Also at housing benefit and the social care remains the care allowance qualifying free, but should be specified.

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Hartz 4 and the care allowance are offset against each other?

Care allowance and the Hartz 4 inflow principle

The care allowance is intended as financial support for those in need of care, in the home environment by a relative self-procured nursing help to be cared for. These include, for example, volunteers. Especially ALG-2 receivers in need of care require additional financial aid because the Hartz 4 standard rate is not sufficient for many services. In addition to the money for care also belong kind to the care services of care funds. In the case of such combination services amounts for benefits in kind will be deducted from the Hartz 4 recipient’s care allowance.

Counts the care allowance as additional income according to the Hartz 4 inflow principle?

The so-called accrual principle or the inflow theory (§ 11 Paragraph 3 SGB II) for Hartz 4 references should be one financial oversupply or undersupply prevent the ALG-2 receiver. After that, any money that goes in addition to the basic security benefits is considered additional income counted.

This then reduces the entitlement to unemployment benefit 2 in the respective month. However, there are some exceptions, that are not assessed as additional income. How does it look at the basic security with a care allowance out? If the care allowance is credited to Hartz 4 benefits?

Long-term care allowance at Hartz 4: Long-term care allowance is counted towards the basic security?

In general, the care allowance at Hartz 4 not counted. It is one of the exceptions with the inflow principle for unemployment benefit 2 allowances. The means, it is not considered additional income evaluated and thus takes place no allowance from the care allowance on the basic security. It is a Intended use. The care allowance is not counted towards the Hartz 4 benefits, neither for those in need of care nor for the caregiver.

In general, no care allowance is credited to Hartz 4 benefits.

In principle, the person in need of care can use the Free use of the care allowance and can it as a carer or carer recognition pass on. If Hartz 4 and nursing care allowance are received at the same time, this means that the needy do not have to provide the job center with evidence of exactly what they are spending the nursing care allowance for. Care allowance for foster children however, the ALG 2 count become. In this case it is a "education fees“Which is eligible.

Care allowance is credited to other social benefits?

In the case of housing benefit, the care allowance is also not counted towards the eligible income.

Regardless of Hartz 4 references, the question also arises: Will Care allowance for housing benefit count? Or also: how about the crediting of Care allowance according to SGB XII, so the social care, out? The care allowance does not count towards housing allowance or social assistance eligible income.

It must be specified, but will not with the the respective services are charged if the home care serves. However, there is a “social security benefit”Care help“For non-long-term care insured. But this becomes direct taken over by the social welfare office itself and counted.

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