Caries in children and babies

Caries in children and babies

Caries in children and babies

Early childhood tooth decay is still a problem in society. Even though children’s dental care has already improved significantly through a variety of measures, carious teeth are still widespread in babies and children.

What are the causes of tooth decay in milk teeth?

The enamel thickness of milk teeth is only around half compared to permanent teeth. The bacteria produce on the teeth aggressive acids after eating sugary foods. These dissolve calcium and phosphate from the tooth enamel, which consists of approximately 97% hydroxyapatite. How does caries develop from this? If the bacteria are not cleaned properly and continue to produce acids, the tooth enamel will become increasingly thin and porous. The bacteria can now easily penetrate the tooth and cause inflammation, which also causes pain. Caries (tooth decay) develops in children and toddlers with milk teeth even faster than in adults due to the thinner tooth enamel. Saliva normally ensures that the enamel hardens (remineralises) after eating meals containing sugar. This natural remineralization of the teeth is one of the main tasks of saliva. Because less saliva is produced overnight, it is important to brush children’s teeth thoroughly before going to bed. The risk of tooth decay in milk teeth increases significantly as a result of eating sweets, long suckling on sugary drinks or irregular and unclean brushing of teeth. Parents should therefore pay particular attention to a balanced diet and regular dental care and dental prophylaxis for their child.

Why is the care of the milk teeth as important as that of the permanent teeth?

Dental caries in children or babies with milk teeth also affects the permanent teeth. Thorough dental care with regular brushing to prevent it is already important from the first tooth. In addition, children with (milk tooth) caries not only suffer from the associated pain in everyday life: Children’s caries can also cause speech disorders and tooth misalignment of the permanent teeth. Dental health accompanies each of us for a lifetime from the first tooth.

How do I recognize tooth decay in children?

Parents can identify deciduous caries in children and toddlers by various symptoms:

  • if this over Toothache when eating sweet, hot or cold food complain
  • Dark discoloration can also indicate tooth decay.
  • In the worst case, you can already see a hole in the tooth. You should then make an appointment with the dentist immediately.

For a long time, however, there are no or only very minor symptoms. A regular visit to the dentist for caries prophylaxis is all the more important because he can detect early, invisible forms of caries. Many dentists are now even attuned to sensitive patients and have their tricks and tricks to take away the fear from children or distract them.

What is the treatment for tooth decay??

A visit to the dentist helps to find the right treatment for caries in children. Based on the stage, he then decides which treatment is necessary for your child. The longer the tooth has been attacked and the longer the hole has existed, the more complex your dentist’s intervention will be. So you should always see a dentist as early as possible.

How can I prevent children’s caries??

Parents play a special role here and have a lot of responsibility for the care of children’s teeth. For example, to make sure that the children themselves eat a balanced diet and as little sugar as possible is consumed. Because sugar activates the caries pathogen. Careful and regular dental and oral care is the basis for healthy milk teeth, which in turn are important for healthy and beautiful permanent teeth. It is important to ensure that all teeth are reached during regular brushing, for example, the molars are more difficult to reach, but must not be neglected. With the right one Brushing technique, the KAI method, dental care always runs in a certain order. With KAI tooth cleaning technology, the chewing surfaces are cleaned first, then the outer surfaces and finally the inner surfaces of the teeth. Children can really remember that and no tooth will be forgotten. In addition, is a regular visit to the dentist important for dental health and caries prevention in children and toddlers. Karex products are suitable for caries prophylaxis in children.

Why is Karex not offering children’s toothpaste with fluoride?

The Karex children toothpaste with the tooth-related active ingredient BioHAP, also known as biomimetic hydroxyapatite, is suitable for caries prophylaxis for all ages. In addition, you do not have to worry about children Karex if your baby or child should swallow toothpaste. The tooth-related active ingredient is well tolerated and just dissolves in the stomach. at Fluoride must have a maximum allowable concentration be noted, which differs depending on age. It is important to avoid too much fluoride because otherwise fluorosis (Stains on the permanent teeth).

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