Caries in toddlers

Caries in young children


An infant is the life and learning phase of humans up to the age of six. During this time, the little ones discover the many different things in the world, learn to speak and social role behavior also begins to develop.

But there are also many development steps on the outside. In addition to growth, they learn to walk, the motor skills refine and also the baby teeth break through. These are like the later ones permanent teeth, good and sufficient to maintain them until the natural breakthrough of the permanent teeth to obtain. But unfortunately they are also not in front Caries protected and can be attacked by it.

What is tooth decay?

The basis for the development of caries is plaque. Plaque means teeth tacky, sticky coverings. They arise as soon as you eat food. The rest of the food remains on the teeth and forms the perfect one Culture medium for bacteria. If the plaque is not removed, the plaque will already establish itself after 24-36 hours. The plaque consists of living and dead microorganisms and their excreta. Certain areas on the tooth are particularly susceptible to plaque because they are difficult to reach and have uneven surfaces. That counts fissures, Interdental spaces and Gingival margins.

But how does caries develop on milk teeth? In the existing plaque are among others streptococcal strains, those who carbohydrates, so the sugar from the food convert. This creates lactic acid, that starts with that Tooth structure, starting with the enamel, to attack and destroy. The first holes are created. The longer you leave the tooth decay untreated, the more it works through the tooth and decomposes more and more healthy substance until it eventually pulp reached and spreads there so that the tooth can die.

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root cause

As with adults, the cause of tooth decay is usually one lack of oral hygiene. If the teeth are not cleaned regularly and thoroughly, the plaque remains on the teeth, the bacteria form their acid and the tooth is attacked. However, if the plaque is removed, the bacteria have no breeding ground and cannot infect the tooth. So that the caries can spread, must five factors available. These are the bacteria, on host (in this case the tooth) who plaque, enough carbohydrates as food and time.

All factors, except for the host factor, can be eliminated at the same time with good oral hygiene. Another cause that promotes tooth decay is a very sugary and acidic diet. The more sugar is in the food, the easier it is for caries to get its nutrients. Especially in children, a healthy diet is important to protect not only the teeth, but also the child vitamins and provide nutrients to enable healthy development.

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In addition to the above main factors, there is also In addition to factors. The secondary factors that promote caries development include Position of the teeth and also Tooth Abnormalities. Furthermore, the salivation and also its composition contributes to caries formation. It has been shown that people who suffer from reduced salivation have an increased risk of tooth decay. The saliva fulfills an important one buffer function, around the mouth pH neutral to keep. What should not be forgotten in this context is that genetic component. So some children naturally suffer from tooth decay more than others. Unfortunately, you cannot influence this factor.

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Special feature of caries in small children

Caries in young children is relatively common. Almost every second to third child already has carious lesions or fillings. If the baby’s teeth are affected by caries, there is an increased likelihood that they will also affect the permanent teeth. Caries on milk teeth should not be neglected, as they can also generally affect the child’s organism if they progress further.

If the tooth decay is very advanced, you can abscesses form and also fever can appear as a side effect. Of course, the uncomfortable pain should not be neglected either. As first milk teeth break the upper front teeth through, which are usually the first to be affected by caries. But not only their early appearance, but also their position predestine them for caries.

If the child drinks or eats, they are washed directly with the food or the sugar-containing liquid. There is also a little less saliva on the front teeth. Children must therefore be encouraged to brush their teeth regularly, as they themselves do not yet understand the effects.

They also depend on what food they get, so that parents can have a major impact on how sugary the child eats. The type of food intake is important, because it takes place especially in the first time through bottles where the child sucks or drinking cups. Sweetened teas with sugar or honey, fruit juices or spritzers are often given to children. These taste best to the child. The drinking takes place continuously throughout the day and also at night.

Care should be taken to leave out the sugar as much as possible and to use unsweetened, self-brewed tea. It should also be mentioned that tooth decay is common milk teeth can spread much faster since their melting layer one lower mineral content having. Also the enamel layer much thinner, but the outlets of the pulp towards the oral cavity are much larger, so that the caries faster than those in the pulp tooth nerve can reach.

Importance of baby teeth

The importance of milk teeth is underestimated by many people, because they fall out anyway and new teeth appear. However, this is not correct, because the The condition of the milk teeth is important for the condition of the future dentition. If a milk dentition has already been badly destroyed and is continually affected by caries, the risk increases that the permanent dentition has to struggle with caries. The milk tooth phase is also a time when parents should teach children how important it is to brush their teeth regularly and why.

The milk teeth are not only important for the crushing of the food, but also for the fact that the permanent teeth, whose system already exists in the jaw, protected and through the position of the milk teeth they will find their own position later. You can think of it as a kind placeholder look at. If milk teeth fall out very early, due to caries or a fall, the gap must be adequately closed, otherwise it will Malocclusions and problems can arise throughout the chewing system. Since they are also important to the language education they must be preserved so that you can show a bright dentition and clean pronunciation throughout your life.

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caries treatment

It is not always easy to detect tooth decay in yourself or in your children, as it is common misunderstood simple discoloration can be. However, you should check the child’s daily dental care and, even if they are already brushing their teeth, take a check look into the mouth from time to time, since children do not notice changes themselves and only express themselves when they are already causing pain. As a rule, the check-up appointments at the dentist should be adhered to, because only they can take a professional look into the oral cavity and diagnose tooth decay at an early stage.

An appointment with the dentist is definitely the safe way to confirm or rule out the suspicion of possible tooth decay. Caries should always be treated. If there is tooth decay, the dentist will initiate the necessary treatment steps. Great caution is required, especially in children, as they are often anxious and the treatment at the dentist is very uncomfortable. The caries is removed and then with a filling Mistake. To prevent possible pain, a local anesthetic are used.

How to recognize tooth decay yourself?

Even if the milk teeth differ in color and shape from the permanent teeth, the caries looks just like in adults. Black punctiform spots the first signs are on the teeth. If nothing is done, more and more tooth substance is broken down by the bacteria. With time changed yourself too tooth shape.

Sometimes even the complete tooth crown is no longer preserved. The degraded tooth substance is then soft. The bacterial decomposition of the hard tooth substance and the food residues in the mouth often lead to a putrid and sweet halitosis.

Caries can be differentiated from simple ones discoloration. These appear as brownish spots on the enamel, which can sometimes be removed by brushing. In more stubborn cases, professional teeth cleaning can help make teeth appear bright white again.

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How to stop tooth decay in toddlers?

Even in infancy one can Caries removed and the spot with one filling be provided. This will stop the caries and treat any damage that has already occurred. Further provision can be made through a regular fluoridation teeth. The fluoride strengthens the teeth and makes them less vulnerable to bacteria. Many doctors recommend fluoride tablets in childhood.

Adequate oral hygiene, regular visits to the dentist and a balanced diet are the basis for healthy children’s mouths. However, treatment is sometimes much more difficult than in adults. This is because the little ones are very excited, don’t want to open their mouths or start crying quickly, which makes the job very difficult.

Caries on the front tooth

In small children in particular, it often happens that the entire upper milk incisors are affected by caries. This phenomenon is called ECC (Early childhood caries) or "Nursing Bottle Syndrome". It occurs when drinks and sweetened teas are administered very often or especially at night via the drinking bottle. The risk of caries is so high there because the liquids have a long exposure time. So the bacteria can work very well. The lower teeth are protected by the tongue and are therefore often still in good condition.

Caries on the molar

Caries develops on the molars, especially if the teeth are not brushed well or long enough. Often, brushing in the posterior region is also very difficult because the little ones don’t want to open their mouths wide or long enough. They start to complain quickly. Forms of early childhood tooth decay should be treated urgently so that the milk teeth are preserved for a long time. If they fail early, they can mineralization disorders in the permanent teeth.

Caries and lactation

The development of tooth decay during breastfeeding is a controversial issue. Dentists are of the opinion that the sugar in breast milk promotes tooth decay. This warns of frequent breastfeeding after teeth break. Breastfeeding should be stopped especially in the evening after brushing your teeth, as saliva is produced less during the sleep phase and therefore there is a reduced buffer function.

However, other research has found that breastfeeding has no positive or negative impact on dental health. They assume that sucking on feeding bottles with sugary drinks in particular is responsible for the early development of caries, and not breast milk. It is assumed that the swallowing process during breastfeeding is different and that the nipple extends much further into the mouth so that, unlike sucking, the teeth are not permanently washed around with breast milk.

Prophylaxis / prevention

As mentioned above, it is very important that the children brush their teeth regularly. This should be taught and checked by the parents because, especially in the evening, the children like to neglect brushing their teeth. You should set a good example and show the children that you brush your teeth regularly. On common tooth brushing ritual can be a good idea.

Read more on the topic: Brushing teeth in the baby

Generally, it is helpful to brush your teeth on one playful style to convey. A toothbrush song, a hand puppet that explains how to brush your teeth, or reading toothbrush books together, make learning dental care easier. Regular check-ups at the dentist are also important, as they can assess the bit and draw attention to errors. This is the only way to detect and treat tooth decay early. A possible sealing teeth can be an option. Another important point is nutrition, which is controlled by the parents. It should be healthy, varied and should not contain large amounts of sugar or acid to protect teeth and promote healthy development.

Caries despite brushing teeth

If tooth decay occurs in young children despite regular brushing of the teeth, this is mostly due to the fact that there are still bacteria in the oral cavity. It occurs when not cleaned properly and there is still plaque in some places. But even if the children’s teeth are not brushed enough or the bacteria have a long exposure time, tooth decay quickly develops. Therefore, you should brush your teeth about half an hour after each meal and avoid sugary snacks or drinks.

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