Child development: the motor development of your child – these are the most important steps

by Redaktion October 24, 2017 at 8:35 am

What does normal motor development look like in children? Do you have to worry if something can’t? Follow the most important motor development steps!

First of all, you shouldn’t worry if everything doesn’t go according to plan. Because children develop not according to a table, but quite individually . There is also a delayed motor development no sign that you are insufficiently concerned with your child or don’t promote it properly.

The child decides what is questionable and what is normal – and in difficult cases your pediatrician. At the latest with the normal ones checkups you get good feedback and can ask questions. You can decide whether occupational therapy or various promotional means are required discuss with your pediatrician in peace .

We’ll tell you how your baby sleeps safely here in the video!

A development overview – children’s motor skills at a glance

At about three months

Your baby should be prone on the forearms while doing so hold your head independently for several seconds can. Often lay your baby in a prone position to exercise and strengthen the neck muscles.

At about six months

When your baby is lying on its back, it should be able to lift and hold its head. It should also be crawl a little forward can if it is lying on its side. Furthermore, it can now bring its hands together in front of the chest and play something with it.

At about nine months

Now your baby can turn on his stomach and back again. That too Crawling and seals should no longer be a problem. Large objects such as a rattle should be able to grip it and also pass it from one hand to the other. Most of the time your baby can now too set up independently and sit free for a few seconds or minutes.

by the way : Patience is required, especially when learning to sit. Because you should have a baby who is not yet sitting up on her own, never bring to sit . The back muscles are not yet fully developed for this!

At about a year

Now your baby can already use objects pull up to stand and maybe shimmy along the wall. With the help it can run a few steps. In addition, the pincer grip , so picking up one small Crumbs, for example.

by the way : Use never a so-called "walk-free" or other "aids" to make learning to walk easier. You can significant hip damage cause and put represents a serious accident hazard.

At around 15 months

Now your toddler can stand safely alone and is already trying to run.

At around 18 months

Your little one is now taking the first steps alone . He is also interested in climbing, throws or rolls balls, and can hold onto one by holding on to climb the stairs and turns the pages of a book independently. Interest is also growing, to scribble with pencils and hold a spoon or fork in your fist on your own.

At around two years old

Now your child can walk backwards , kick after a ball, throw a ball and without falling, pick up objects from the floor.

At about two and a half years

Your little one is walking effortlessly crouched down and can also carry larger objects such as a doll when walking. The interest to dance to music too and trying out the first rhythmic movements increases.

At around three years old

Without holding on, your child should now stand safely on tiptoe and can also run. Jump up with both feet and using a simple twist lock should no longer cause him any problems.

by the way : At the age of 1-3 years your child scribbles only with pens in the handle on paper. Differentiated painting attempts follow later!

At around three and a half years

The Climbing stairs in alternating steps and interest tricycle Driving and being able to pedal yourself are now the order of the day. Also, that your child’s arms swing when walking is now a normal picture.

At around four years old

Crafts, glue and above all cut out with children’s scissors is now really fun and always works better. The pen position should also change slowly: Your child can no longer just use the pen with his fist, but instead even with just three fingers hold securely in your hand and make "artistic progress" on paper. That is, it can now, for example, cephalopods “Paint, so a circle that has face, arms and legs.

At around five years old

Your child can now hop on one leg and otherwise move safely on climbing frames. That too Go on a straight line and – with help – on the balance beam, your child can now learn slowly.

At around six years old

To stand on one leg (at least ten seconds) and to catch a ball , shouldn’t be a problem for your child anymore. On paper it can now Color areas – The color selection is still more in line with the child’s inclination and does not follow a realistic pattern. Perspective and spatial painting does not follow until the age of 7 to 10 years.


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