Child hair loss: causes and treatment

Different forms of hair loss in children

One differentiates basically between diffuse hair loss, in which the hair spreads over the head more or less evenly and becomes thinner, and bald spots on the other hand. The following forms of hair loss are the most common in children:

Tinea capitis or ringworm: fungal scalp disease

This superficial fungal disease occurs mainly in children before puberty and is triggered by different pathogens. You can recognize them by round bald spots and scaly skin changes, which can often look inflammatory, as well as many broken hairs around the bald spots. Antimyotics are used to treat fungi in the treatment.

Important to know: This fungal disease is contagious. Others should not come into direct contact with the affected region. Towels and combs should not be used together and textiles and bed linen must be cleaned thoroughly so that hair loss does not return.

Alopecia areata or circular hair loss: autoimmune disease

Circular hair loss is recognized circular or oval bald spots with completely smooth skin. The hair falls out suddenly – the reason is one Immune system malfunction, where the hair roots are wrongly classified by the body as a danger that must be warded off. This triggers a small inflammatory reaction that weakens the hair root and causes hair to fall out leaves.

Circular hair loss often heals spontaneously and without treatment – however, it can also become a permanent condition, repeatedly causing bald spots in different numbers and sizes. In the worst case, there is complete hair loss. Sometimes it is Tendency to autoimmune diseases how this is inherited. But also as possible triggers Stress and shock, a disturbed intestinal flora, certain medications or nutritional errors taken into consideration.

In the case of hair loss in children, it makes sense to consult a doctor at an early stage, because the longer the bald spots persist, the more persistent they are. It also makes sense, specifically to strengthen the immune system and the intestinal flora and avoid heavily processed and sugary foods.

they don’t to be too tight.

Hair loss due to deficiency symptoms

Healthy hair needs vitamins and nutrients to grow, for example vitamin E for the hair follicles and vitamin A for the sebum (sebum), which is used for self-cleaning of the scalp and keeps the hair supple.

If your hair looks thin and weak, you should ask yourself what the diet looks like.

Bad for the hair:

  • Sugary foods
  • Lemonades and other sweetened drinks
  • Ready meals and heavily processed foods

Good for hair:

  • Varied fresh food with lots of fruits and vegetables
  • Berries, avocados, green leafy vegetables, nuts
  • probiotics

Trichotillomania: Psychological reasons lead to plucking of the hair

Whether fear of school, a bereavement, tension from a new sibling or separation of the parents – children also suffer from stress. This can lead to nervousness pulling on the hair or developing ticks, for example constant twirling of strands of hair and tugging on braids or strands of hair. In extreme cases, children pull their hair out. One should counter this impulse disturbance with understanding and care. A pediatrician or psychologist can also help get to the bottom of the problem. If the child stops tugging at the hair, they grow back.

Seek help for hair loss

Hair loss can put a lot of strain on children and their families and leave them at a loss. Practical help, addresses of specialized doctors and contacts to other affected people offer self-help groups. You can find useful tips and links for hair loss self-help.

Even if you are worried and want to do something about hair loss as quickly as possible: Start – apart from optimizing your diet – not trying to treat yourself, but wait until the medical diagnosis and treatment suggestions. Medicinal treatment, for example with cortisone, can be considered as well as natural medicine or homeopathic therapies. Comfort your child that hair loss is not the end of the world. Younger children are often more relaxed about it than teenagers who are more worried. A pediatrician or dermatologist should be able to quickly identify the reason for the hair loss and will hopefully get the hair back on track soon.


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Christina Cherry
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