Child nutrition – meaning – tips for healthy nutrition!

Nutrition for children: healthy and correct

A healthy life depends largely on a healthy diet. Anyone who eats too fat, too sweet or simply too unbalanced will quickly develop nutritional diseases and thus lose a great deal of vitality and joy in life. So in order to be able to live a really healthy life, you need a balanced, healthy and varied diet, and of course from your child’s legs. Because, as a well-known saying goes, "What Fritz doesn’t learn, Franz never learns anymore."

Why is healthy nutrition important in children?

In order to understand why a healthy and balanced diet is so important in children, it is important to understand how a child’s development proceeds. Children learn important basics for their later life in the first months of their lives. In terms of nutrition, this simply means away, if a child is not accustomed to a healthy diet with lots of fruits and vegetables early on, it will be a little tiring later with these foods.

Healthy childhood nutrition is important because:

  • A protein and calcium-rich diet that promotes bone growth.
  • Vitamins and minerals promote child development.
  • A balanced diet promotes the immune system and metabolism.
  • Healthy eating promotes overall child health.

But it is not just the benefits of healthy child nutrition for everyday parenting that make a balanced diet. No, the consequences of healthy eating on child development. Children who eat balanced and healthy food, prefer to eat fruit instead of sweets and are also active in sports, grow up healthier.

A healthy diet for children reduces:

  • The risk of developing nutritional diseases.
  • The risk of a weak and fragile immune system.

The risk of developing food-borne illnesses or illnesses as a result of a weak immune system decreases noticeably if parents pay attention to what their children eat. If the start of life and the many important formative phases on the way to becoming an adult are to be as smooth as possible, it is important to ensure that children eat balanced, healthy and varied.

What does healthy eating mean for children?

healthy and varied nutrition for children

A healthy meal for children does not consist solely of lettuce or many vitamins. Healthy child nutrition is much more, and since children have special nutritional needs due to their growth, it is important to ensure that children really and properly eat healthy. But what exactly does healthy eating mean for children??

Proper child nutrition is tailored to:

  • The age of the child.
  • Whose physical needs.
  • Its physical as well as culinary development.

Basically, it is important to always pay attention to their age and their needs in the course of proper nutrition for children. Children who are in the early stages of growth or toddlers who are just getting their first teeth need, for example, a high proportion of protein and calcium to promote the growth of the bone structure and teeth. At the same time, vitamins and important trace elements are necessary to promote children’s muscle growth and important body functions such as metabolism, increased energy metabolism or the immune system.

The following are important for proper child nutrition:

  • A balanced and varied diet
  • A lot of fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Calcium-rich foods (dairy products)
  • Little sugar, salt, preservatives etc.

Healthy child nutrition is thus largely based on a generally healthy diet, but also includes important special features of child development. Because for healthy development in childhood, it is extremely important to consume certain food components more often, while other aspects can be reduced somewhat. In addition, healthy child nutrition is also a healthy form of nutrition for adults. So there is no need to cook twice or even three times!

Why low-salt nutrition is preferable in children

don’t use too much salt

In addition to a varied diet with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, children should also make sure that not too much salt is included in the daily menu. The reason for this is the effect that salt can have on the human body.

A pinch of salt may not be a problem here and there for an adult, and to a limited extent it is neither harmful nor prohibited for children. However, too much salt removes important fluids from the body and quickly leads to extensive problems in children. In addition to the heavy strain on the kidneys, metabolism, circulation and growth per se can be negatively affected if children consume too much salt.

A low-salt diet is not only beneficial for diabetes and various diseases, but also for children. Because the less seasoned foods are in childhood, the easier the child’s digestive tract can digest them and the more gentle meals are for the child’s body in general.

How much sugar and sweets can children eat?

The situation is similar with sugar or generally very sweet dishes. Of course, children love sweets in any form. But as tasty as all the sweets and sugary foods may be, they harm a child if the amount of sugar or sweets gets too high.

Above all, teeth often suffer when children eat too sweet and too much sugar. A sugar-reduced diet is not only important for dental health. It is also important for growth per se and for general health not to give children too much sweets or sugary foods. Because the cornerstone of many nutritional diseases, such as being overweight (obesity) or diabetes, is often laid in childhood by too much sugar or sugary foods.

However, this should not mean that children are not allowed to eat anything sweet. On the contrary, a little sweetie to snack on does not harm a child. Whether with sugar or a little healthier in the form of fruit and natural fructose. Children want to snack something now and then and they should be allowed to. Because sweets and desserts are also part of a healthy and balanced children’s diet. Only in moderation and not in bulk.

How to teach children healthy food?

Let children help with cooking

But all the many tips and recommendations around healthy and balanced child nutrition do not help if children simply do not want to eat healthy food away. Here it is important to keep for the parents. Simple tips such as getting used to different foods at an early stage can be an advantage, as can being able to let the child participate in cooking.

Children love doing something themselves. So if a child doesn’t like to eat certain vegetables, just letting the child help with the cooking can help. Carrots are an example of this. If children don’t like carrots, but are allowed to chop or peel them, the little bite is usually preprogrammed to taste. So why talk to the child for a long time when childish curiosity can playfully awaken the desire for healthy eating?

Another important tip for proper child nutrition is to avoid sugar, salt and preservatives as much as possible. The more a child is accustomed to these additives from an early age, the harder it is for children to eat healthy in everyday life. A juice, for example, does not have to be sweetened and comes with many preservatives from the package, you can also squeeze the oranges or other fruits together with the child and conjure up a healthy, fresh and delicious drink that enables the child to enjoy pure fruit and many vitamins.

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