Child sponsorships, wfbb work

There are sections of the population that are particularly at risk of poverty. This includes children of single parents, children in foreign families, as well as children whose families receive SGB II benefits or who do not have a full-time job. These socially disadvantaged families cannot access sports clubs or other organizations because they cannot pay the contributions.

The education and participation package (BuT) is available to the beneficiaries. It is a service of the federal government that is intended to provide eligible children, adolescents and young adults with easier access to social and cultural life in the community and education. The BuT includes, among other things, support with tutoring, taking part in school trips, a communal lunch in the daycare center or the school or participating in sports, game and music in the club or another suitable organization. The services can be requested from the respective municipality.

Experience shows that parents do not use this support. We often observe that parents are not interested in registering their children in clubs and providing them with sporting activities. Due to several children living in the household, they cannot always be accompanied by their parents for leisure activities. This is an additional obstacle.

  • Enabling children / young people to participate in cultural / sporting events, training, etc.
  • Establish social contacts
  • Schools of social skills through regular participation in these offers
  • Schools of responsibility for parents and children
  • Schools of independence for children / young people
  • Consolidation of daily structures and regularities

Through individual coaching with the participants, it turned out that they were sports clubs or similar. cannot afford or cannot accompany their children. The participants were given suggestions and ideas and together they looked for implementation options. The integration guides (IB) contacted sports clubs / cultural and social institutions with the request for trial training or an introductory day. The IB accompanied parents and children to the club (trial training). Funding options were discussed and BuT was applied for. Driving services and accompaniment to the club were organized to ensure regular participation.

On good result or success is to have found a solution within the community of needs to enable the children to participate in club life. The special thing was that there are clubs that made it possible to participate free of charge. The sustainability is given in that the children can now fulfill their interests and ideas, the accompaniment is guaranteed, social contacts are cultivated. Children, some of whom are emotionally neglected, get their attention in clubs, find new friends and learn to take responsibility. This has had a positive impact on the area of ​​emotional child poverty. Good cooperation with clubs and institutions has proven to be a key success factor.

The participants thankfully accepted the offer. We had a lot of participation. According to their own statements, all participants and their children had a lot of fun.


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Christina Cherry
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