Children’s time machine – socrates, the spoiler of youth

Children's time machine - Socrates, the spoiler of youth

Socrates, the spoiler of youth

Socrates came from Athens and lived around 470 – 399 BC. BC Although Socrates did not leave his own writings, he has become very famous. Because his student Plato wrote down a lot. He has a lot in dialogue form written, so as a conversation, and Socrates kept on speaking. Is everything correct what Plato put in Socrates’ mouth? The researchers say yes in part, but in part Plato mixes it with his own opinion.

"S" or none "S" – that is the question

There is an argument about whether Socrates said "I know that I know nothing" or "I know I don’t know." "S" or "Nothing", that’s a big question for some people. The translators understood it differently. Maybe Socrates said it very differently.

Unlike the natural philosophers, Socrates did not represent nature but that People even in the Focus of his thoughts. One of the main concerns of Socrates’ philosophy was that people should question their opinions and ideas. People should act fairly and in his opinion it was better to suffer injustice than to do injustice.

Socrates stood on the market place

You can imagine that such a view did not suit one or the other. Socrates, in particular, did not philosophize in the quiet closet, but stood in the middle of the market square so that everyone could hear it. He discussed with men and women, he did not care about social ranks and he did not care about the age of his counterpart. But he kept pointing out to them that their knowledge was often only deceptive.

Only the knowledge from within is true insight

Socrates did not want to instruct people, but gave the impression in his conversations that he wanted to learn something from his counterpart. He asked questions and in the course of the conversation the conversation partner came up with the idea that he might not know as much as he thought. Socrates himself often acted stupid, he wanted to lead people to their own insight, because in his opinion only an insight that came from within, that is, from the inner feeling of man, was really an insight.

It was said that Socrates spoiled the youth

So Socrates even ended up before the court that accused him "perish" the youth. You have to imagine that. But Socrates stuck to his principles all his life, even when he was sentenced to death. Philosophizing, questioning and criticizing, he did not want to be forbidden. He should hemlock drink. The hemlock was a poison that led to death.

Socrates did not want to take advantage of the possibility of escaping from prison either; It is said that he went to death the way he had lived, upright, calm and knowing that he did not know what to expect afterwards.

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