children's dental treatment

children’s dental treatment

Children are not small adults and also milk teeth are differently structured than permanent teeth. In order to be able to treat children particularly well and lovingly, special methods and approaches are required.

There are 20 milk teeth. These “enter” the mouth between the 6th month of life and the 2nd year of life.

Task: Aesthetics, chewing function, tongue function, placeholder function for the permanent dental caries disease is an infectious disease that can be avoided.

child oral hygiene

Our prohylaxis team is trained and adapts particularly well to our little patients. The dental care is explained according to age, as well as the tooth-friendly nutrition. This promotes the motivation to clean at home. Children’s oral hygiene is also very important for your child to get used to treatment in the mouth.

Motivation for children to brush their teeth:- Colouring tablets- Use colour indicator tablets after brushing- Let children choose their own funny toothbrushes- Change toothpastes, let children choose- Parents as role models

Caries laser measurement (Diagnodent)

The caries penetration depth is measured by means of a laser light.

fluoride prophylaxis

The enamel becomes more resistant to the acid attack of bacteria. This accelerates the remineralisation of enamel.

– Toothpaste- Fluoride gels or fluoride rinses – Fluoride tablets- Fluoridated table salt – Fluoride varnishes with a high caries risk

steel crowns

“Glückszahn” or “silver crown” are directly adapted to mostly root-treated, severely destroyed milk seat teeth and fixed with cement. They are usually the last possibility to preserve milk teeth and the milk tooth can usually remain in the mouth until the permanent tooth breaks through.

frasacoc crowns

These are tooth-coloured plastic copings that are applied to anterior teeth when they are severely damaged.


– Depending on how many teeth are missing, fixed or removable placeholders should be made – Milk cheek teeth should definitely be replaced by a placeholder, as the teeth behind them (6 teeth) press forward, thus taking away the space for the permanent teeth that will break through later. This avoids complex, complicated and long-lasting orthodontic treatments.

child prostheses

Children’s dentures are made when many teeth are missing. They are not only used for better chewing performance. Aesthetics and phonetics (speech formation) are also improved.

Prophylactic fissure sealing

In adolescence, fissures (the valleys in the occlusal surfaces of the lateral teeth) represent a predilection site for caries. The chewing surface is “varnished” with a fluor varnish which hardens by light. The tooth is immediately resilient after the treatment, i.e. it can be chewed immediately afterwards. The best time for fissure sealing of the permanent molars is after the completion of the tooth eruption (usually between the ages of 6 and 8).

child hypnosis

The visit to the dentist should be as pleasant as possible for your child. We also use hypnosis techniques. These serve to distract the child from the actual treatment and to convey a positive feeling.

We tell stories, conjure, sing or sometimes just talk (seemingly) confusing stuff to put your child in a trance-like state.

The children also get sunglasses and sometimes a magic wand pressed into their hands.

During the treatment, only positive terms are used: the teeth are brushed or tickled clean or float out and may be put down beforehand with colored sleeping pellets. Our goal is that your child will enjoy coming back!

Rule for parents

Before treatment

  • Remove the reward gifts: The stress at the dentist is already big enough. If your child has to or should earn something, he or she will only come under additional pressure.
  • Avoid negations: If you say to your child: “This won’t hurt!”, “You won’t feel anything!”, but your child understands “It hurts!”, “I will feel something!”, “Don’t be afraid! “-> “Fear yourself!” The subconscious knows no negation!
  • Discuss with your child negative counts of dentist visits from others at home.
  • As parents, you should only express yourself positively about your dental experience! If they lack positive experiences, you should rather not say anything.
  • Do not talk too much about treatment procedures, as they may cause your child unnecessary anxiety. We will explain everything to your child!
  • If you, as a parent, have already experienced hypnosis yourself, you should talk about the pleasant experience of hypnosis.
  • Please understand that we really only allow one accompanying person with the child into the treatment room.
  • Please leave the guidance of your child to us and follow our instructions – even if you find it difficult or incomprehensible at this moment. Only through a good cooperation between parents and dentist is a promising and pleasant treatment possible.

salmon gas sedation

Laughing gas (“magic air”) has a calming effect, relieves anxiety and reduces pain. In addition, the sense of time is partly lost, so that the children feel that the treatment is much shorter than it actually is. A mixture of laughing gas and oxygen is administered and your child is supplied with at least 50% oxygen. (There is only about 20% oxygen in the breathing air). At the end of the treatment nitrous oxide is completely breathed out with oxygen so that the effect is cancelled out again.

Dr. Michaela Sperlich | Tullner Strasse 20/2/1 | 3443 Sieghartskirchen | Tel 02274 2255 | [email protected]

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