Children’s rights in the third world, children’s relief organization third world, khw

What is child rights??

Children’s rights are human rights that have been adapted directly to children and young people. They take into account the special character and social position of the child.

What does the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child contain??

The first legally binding document at international level regarding children’s rights was the United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of the Child, also known as the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), which came into force in 1990. 1 All states in the world, with the exception of the United States of America, have ratified the UN CRC. 2 No other agreement has been signed by so many countries. 3

After states have signed the UN CRC, they are obliged at the national level to create all measures and domestic legal bases to implement the children’s rights of the UN CRC. 4

The implementation of the UN CRC at national level is monitored by the UN Committee on Children’s Rights. 5 The technical committee communicates with the State on how children’s rights are already implemented in the respective country and makes recommendations on how children’s rights could be implemented even better 6

The UN CRC contains a variety of different rights from various existing international human rights agreements.

Fundamental rights of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

  • The right to equal treatment. No child in the world may be discriminated against on the basis of nationality, origin, gender or other indicators (Article 2).
  • The right to life and development (Article 6).
  • Taking children’s will into account. The child must be given the opportunity to form and express an opinion (Article 12).
  • Respect for the child’s welfare. Regardless of the situation, the child’s best interests must always be taken into account (Article 3).

Other children’s rights

The UN CRC also includes:

    political and civil rights, such as the right to >

The children refresh themselves at the new drinking water access in a primary school in Purlung / Nepal.

What is the reality??

Third World Children’s Fund (KHW)

The KHW has been working on children’s rights in the third Improve the world and give children access to their rights. A particular focus is on the right to education and the right to health.

Children’s rights in the third world

Even if the UN CRC clearly defines how children’s rights should be implemented by the contracting states, this is not possible all over the world. Children’s rights are often difficult to achieve, particularly in countries where violent conflicts are waged or in third world countries. third World states ratify the UN CRC to show their goodwill with regard to children’s rights, but they often do so for a variety of reasons, such as Infrastructure, economy, conflicts etc. do not have the capacity to fully implement and control these rights. Unfortunately, developing countries and corruption in one country often do not allow implementation.

How does the Third World Children’s Fund help disadvantaged children?

This challenge will be illustrated below in two KHW project countries. It also describes how the KHW tries to counteract the problems described by the projects in order to realize children’s rights, which are required by the UN CRC.


Nepal ratified the UN CRC in 1990 and has been bound by international rights since then. 7 However, Nepal is one of the least developed countries in the world. The poverty and development gap between town and country is particularly extreme. 8 Many people live from agriculture and have only simple school education. There was also a severe earthquake in 2015, which destroyed many buildings. 9 Many damages have not yet been repaired. In remote villages there are hardly any school buildings suitable for children. For this reason, it is difficult for Nepal to give children the right to education, even if the UN CRC requires them to do so.

Article 28 of the CRC requires that States parties provide children and young people with access to educational institutions. The KHW has supported Nepal since the earthquake in rebuilding schools and building new schools in remote regions so that children and young people can attend school there as well.

Education is one of the most important tools to escape poverty and have a chance of a better life. The KHW helps Nepal to ensure the right to education for children and young people. Therefore, several school projects are planned in Nepal in 2019.

Children have a right to education. Students at the morning greeting in a primary school in Nepal.

Mali has also been linked to the UN CRC since 1990, but health care for children in Mali is inadequate. 10 There are no medical contact points for many people in Mali. In addition, many diseases that can even lead to death in Mali are easily treatable if there were an accessible hospital. 11 Furthermore, there are no maternity wards to provide adequate care for mothers and children after birth. 12 Many people cannot afford medical treatment and are not informed about vaccinations etc..

Article 12 of the CRC demands that children have access to health facilities, that diseases are combated, and that mothers receive adequate health care after childbirth. Furthermore, children and adults should be informed about various health aspects (see Art. 12f). The KHW supports Mali by building health centers and holding workshops on various health aspects in fulfilling the right of children to health.

Alongside education, health is one of the most important goods to escape poverty and to have a chance of a better life. The KHW would like to support Mali in ensuring the right to health for children and adolescents. The construction of a new health center in Mali is therefore planned for 2019.

Realizing children’s rights can change the fate of an entire generation – but it takes time, patience and money to achieve it! Thank you for making this project possible with your donation.

Children have a right to health. First examinations of an infant in a health center in Mali.


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Christina Cherry
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