Children’s World Journey – s


The Sahara is a huge desert in the north of Africa. The word is Arabic and means translated "waste".

The Sahel, also called Sahel for short, is a transition zone. In the north lies the dry Sahara, in the south first a dry savanna, then a wet savanna. The Sahel zone is semi-arid and thus forms the transition. Here it comes again and again to droughts with following famines.

the Caribbean. Typical for them were stone pendants representing birds of prey from South America.

Salpeter is called a few salts of nitric acid. It often occurs in very hot, dry and plantless areas of the earth. Salpeter used to be used to make fertilizer.

A salt lake is a lake with salty water. Salt lakes are located in dry areas or deserts. If the water evaporates due to the heat and no water is added, a salt desert is created. You can win salt from the salt lakes or deserts and break down phosphate.

A sanction is a means of pressure, with which one tries to move a country to a certain behavior. Often, sanctions are decided by the United Nations or the European Union.

Under Sanskrit one summarizes the old Indian languages. Sanskrit is the sacred language of Hindus and the language of classical Indian literature. Written Sanskrit in a font called Devanagari.

Saracens were originally nomads who lived in the northwest of the Arabian Peninsula in the 2nd to 4th centuries. Later, all Arabs were called that way in Europe, and then even all peoples of Muslim faith.

The term savanna comes from Spanish and means “wide plain”. The soils are mainly overgrown with grass, isolated trees are. One differentiates according to the quantity of the precipitate Dornstrauchsavanne, Trockensavanne and Feuchtsavanne. Savannahs lie between the landscapes desert and rainforest.

Shaman is called a person who appears in certain cultures as a mediator to the spirit world. They are called magical abilities. Originally there were shamans only in Siberia.

The religious law of Islam is called Sharia. It governs the entire religious, political and social life of Muslims. There are countries where Sharia law is fully applied and others where it applies only in private law (for example, marriage or divorce matters) .

The Schengen Agreement regulates that there are no border controls between the states in Europe participating in it.

The Shiites are the members of the second largest denomination in Islam. Shiites and the largest group in Islam, the Sunnis, interpret the Koran differently. The Koran is an important book for Muslims as is the Bible for Christians.

The sirocco is a wind that blows from the Sahara in Africa towards the Mediterranean Sea. He brings hot air and often sand dust with it. It often blows in spring, summer and autumn.

Compulsory education regulates in a country at what age and for how long the children have to go to school at least.

Black Africa is the name given to the part of Africa south of the Sahara. Only Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Egypt belong to the northern Arabian part of Africa.

An emerging market is still considered a developing country, but it is already at the threshold of the industrialized nation and no longer has all the characteristics that are typical of a developing country. In emerging markets, the economy is growing. Emerging economies include, for example, Mexico, Brazil, Turkey or South Africa.

After the death of Alexander the Great, his empire was divided into many parts ruled by different rulers. These were once the generals of Alexander and they called her Diadochen. The Seleucid empire also belonged to these Diadochen states.

Different metals such as cerium, yttrium and neodymium are called rare earths. Sometimes one speaks also of rare earth metals. They are used for different technologies.

Sephardim is the name of the Jews and their descendants who lived on the Iberian Peninsula until their expulsion (between 1492 and 1513). In their new home, they kept their culture. They are distinguished from the Jews of Central and Eastern Europe, the Ashkenazim.

A shogun was a leader of the samurai, the important Japanese warrior. In Europe, one would speak of a duke. However, the titles are not exactly comparable since Japanese society was structured differently than the European one.

The Sikh religion is a religion that originated in Northern India in the 15th century. Sikhs believe in rebirth. Typical of male Sikhs is the turban, which they tie around the head. Most Sikhs live in India. Men are surnamed Singh, women Kaur. Temple of the Sikhs are called Gurdwara.

Slum means as much as slums or slums. In Brazil, slums are called favelas. Many people live here – mostly on the outskirts of cities – in very bad conditions. The houses are made of simple material, there is often no electricity or water. People live in abject poverty, garbage piled up in the street. Slums or Fevelas exist in many regions and cities of the world.

The word smog is composed of the English words for smoke (smoke) and fog (fog). Smog is an air pollution by exhaust fumes and smoke, which occurs especially in large cities. If a city is in the valley, it can promote smog.

Large markets and neighborhoods where people trade are called souk in the Arab world.

The Soviet Union was a communist state that existed from 1922 to 1991. It consisted of 15 republics, of which the Russian Soviet republic (today’s Russia) was the largest. The others were Ukraine, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Lithuania, Moldova, Latvia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Armenia, Turkmenistan and Estonia (decreasing in size). With the collapse of the Soviet Union, all these Soviet republics became independent states.

Socialism is a 19th-century political way of thinking that seeks to overcome capitalism. It can be divided into communism, anarchism and social democracy. Socialists are committed to equality, justice and community.

A welfare state takes care of the social security of its population, for example, by ensuring that every citizen has enough money to survive. For example, those who become unemployed receive unemployment benefits. Who can not pay his rent, gets housing money.

States are in debt. For example, if the state spends more money than it receives, it can borrow money from other countries. The national debt puts all the debts of the state.

A city-state is a state that includes only one city. It can be an independent state, such as Monaco, but also part of a federal state like Berlin. In Germany, apart from Berlin, Hamburg and Bremen are also called city-states. The opposite is a territorial state.

Statistics are used to collect and collect data. For example, there are statistics about the number of residents in a country. This lists the number of inhabitants. Statistics are created on all sorts of topics. Sometimes people are questioned for a statistic, not always the information must be correct. Statistics are also becoming obsolete.

The steppe is a landscape in which only grasses grow. Steppes lie in the temperate zone of the earth, that is between the cold polar regions and the warmer subtropics. In winter it is cold in the steppe, dry in summer. The steppes of the earth include the Eurasian steppe, the pampas in South America and the prairies in North America.

This term summarizes countries where little or no taxes are payable. This is why private individuals or companies move here. They then pay less than in their own country and thus save money.

Tax relief is what it is when companies or people have to pay less tax than others, or when they are even exempted from the obligation to pay money to the state. Families receive tax breaks as well as disabled people.

The subalpine zone marks the transition from the forest to the meadowlands of the Alps and other mountains. This transition is from an altitude of 1500 meters to about 2500 meters. Here lies the tree line, that is to say closed forest grows here.

A subcontinent is called a large part of a continent that is clearly separated from the rest of the continent and forms a single entity. Above all India is called subcontinent. India is separated from the rest of the continent by high mountains.

Sub-Saharan means “under the Sahara”. This is the name of the part of Africa that lies south of the Sahara. It separates these countries from those in North Africa. Most sub-Saharan countries are in the tropics, only the south is in the subtropics.

If a farmer grows something, which is primarily intended for consumption in his own family, he practices subsistence farming. Only what is left is sold at a market or at a street stall. It’s not about making a profit, but ensuring your own livelihood.

The subtropics are a climate zone. They lie between the tropics and the temperate zones, each in the northern and southern hemisphere.

If something is subsidized, it is supported by public funds. The money can go to individual businesses or to a specific industry. For example, theaters can also be subsidized because they can not support themselves, but they want to preserve them.

South America is called the southern part of the American continent. South America is counted as a separate continent. It includes Venezuela, Colombia, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia and other countries. In the east of South America lies the Atlantic, in the west of the Pacific. At the southern tip of South America lies the island of Tierra del Fuego. It is separated by the Drakestraße from the neighboring continent of Antarctica.

Succulents are plants that are good at storing water. The best-known succulents are cacti, but there are many others. Literally, succulent means “juicy”.

Sultan is a master’s title in Islam. In India or in the Ottoman Empire, for example, the Islamic rulers were called Sultan. The state was called a sultanate. Today, for example, there is still the sultanate Brunei.

The Sunnis are called the members who belong to the largest denomination in Islam. They differ from the second largest religious community, the Shiites, especially in the question of who should lead the Muslims. The Sunnis say that a caliph should be their leader.

The sweet potato is a vegetable that tastes sweet but is often used for savory dishes. It is grown in almost all warm countries of the tropics and subtropics. It is not related to the potato, but its tubers are similar to potatoes.

In this agreement, Great Britain and France divided the Arab provinces of the Ottoman Empire in 1916 according to their ideas. The state borders were redrawn, without taking into account the religion and the origin of the people. This created states with problematic borders. The basis for today’s problems in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Iraq has already been laid and the consequences are still felt today.

A synagogue is a church in Judaism. In the synagogue, the faithful meet to pray.

A synonym refers to a word with the same meaning as another. Gaul is a synonym for horse or orange one to orange.


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