Chocolate for children – history, advantages and fun facts, child: women’s magazine january 2020

Chocolate for children - history, advantages and fun facts, child: women's magazine january 2020

Chocolate for children – history, advantages and fun facts | Child: Women’s magazine January 2020

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  • History of chocolate
  • Interesting facts about chocolate
  • Interesting chocolate information
  • chocolates
  • Chocolate is healthy for children?
  • Chocolate milk for children

"There is nothing better than a friend unless it is a friend with chocolate. "- Charles Dickens

Chocolate is perhaps the most popular food in the world. Children love it and women stand by it. Whether you’re happy, sad, excited, tired, or bored, a bar of chocolate is all you need to feel better. Give a child a piece of chocolate and he will feel like the happiest on earth, at least until the chocolate holds. Your child may not think about the history of chocolate when he has a bar in his hand. But if he loves chocolate, he would also like to hear about his story.

MomJunction has gathered the most interesting facts and information about chocolate that most people consider "jelly" be designated.

History of chocolate for children:

The history of chocolate is long and goes back thousands of years. The first known use of chocolate was around 1900 BC. BC, more than 3,500 years before Nestle founded its chocolate factory. Only at that time was it not called chocolate.

Archaeological finds suggest that cultures that flourished in Mesoamerica during the early formation period might have used the bittersweet beans from the cocoa trees in their drinks. The results suggest that people were around 1700 BC. We knew how to make cocoa from cocoa seeds (1). Evidence found in the vessels of these civilizations shows that people often used chocolate in their drinks, which may have been fermented.

The Mayas and the Aztecs may also have used cocoa seeds in important rituals. They made a drink with it and called it "Chocolatl". They considered the seeds so valuable that they could be used as a currency for trade, while the drink made from them was considered the food of the gods. Only the wealthy Mayans, who had enough cocoa left, enjoyed the drink.

Chocolate found its way to Europe when Columbus brought cocoa seeds to Spain and presented them to King Ferdinand as a treasure. Two centuries later, an Englishman named Joseph Fry made the first solid chocolate. Around 25 years later, Henri Nestle produced the first chocolate bar with condensed milk. And the rest, as they say, is history!

Fun chocolate facts for kids

Here are some really interesting facts about chocolate for kids.

  1. The word "chocolate" derives from the Mayan word "chocol" what a hot drink means. The bitter, hot drink was made by the Aztecs "Xacoatl" called.
  2. Chocolate was once considered more valuable than gold dust. imagine!
  3. The scientific name of the cocoa plant is Theobroma cacao, with Theobroma "Food of the gods" means.
  4. A real chocolate flow with water, chocolate and cream was created for the film Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory. It stank after a few days!
  5. White chocolate is not chocolate because it does not contain cocoa.
  6. Ruth Wakefield accidentally created the first chocolate chip cookie in 1930. She gave Nestle the recipe for a lifelong chocolate delivery. This is an interesting chocolate story for children!
  7. During the revolutionary war, a few soldiers were paid in chocolate!
  8. Montezuma, the Aztec emperor, consumed 50 cups of chocolate every day.
  9. Do you know why chocolate melts in your mouth? Because it’s the only food that melts at 93 degrees Celsius below average human body temperature.
  10. The Aztecs and Mayans used chocolate drinks as a stress reliever long before the term "stress" was coined!
  11. A small chocolate chip can give you enough energy to run 150 feet.
  12. The smell of chocolate is enough to relax you! Apparently, the scent of chocolate increases theta brain waves that contribute to relaxation. No wonder people eat chocolate when they have problems.
  13. The shape of the cocoa pod resembles a soccer ball and grows directly from the branches.
  14. Chocolate contains an enzyme called phenylethylamine, which the "lust" -Releases hormones in the brain, a feeling that the "Be in love" similar.
  15. The largest candy bar in the world weighed 12.770 pounds.
  16. Potato chips dipped in chocolate really do exist!
  17. Chocolate can be fatal to dogs and cats.
  18. In 2013 Belgium issued a limited edition chocolate-flavored stamps.
  19. An average American consumes almost 4.5 kg of chocolate every year.

Interesting information about chocolate for children

Here you will find interesting facts about chocolate and its production. Your children would like to know.

  1. Cocoa trees can be as old as 200 years old, but they only produce marketable cocoa beans for the first 25 years of their lives. A cocoa tree produces around 2,000 pods per year.
  2. After the farmers pick the means from the tree, they ferment and dry them. The process can take several weeks. After the seeds have dried completely, the seeds reach the factory premises, where the manufacturers prepare chocolate according to the specific recipe.
  3. As soon as the chocolate has reached the factory premises, the beans are properly cleaned, sorted and weighed. Each of the different manufacturers uses different amounts and types of beans to make different types of chocolate. Sometimes the manufacturer can even require ten to twelve different types of beans to make a certain variation of chocolate.
  4. The entire process of making a chocolate candy or bar can take almost a week.
  5. Chocolate plant grows abundantly in Central and South America, but for commercial needs, the trees also grow throughout the tropical region.
  6. The fruits ripen slowly during the different seasons. If the skin looks sticky and whitish, the seeds are very bitter in taste.
  7. Ivory Coast produces 40% of the world’s cocoa supply.
  8. Around 400 cocoa beans are processed into a bar or chocolate.

Harvesting cocoa is a delicate task and labor intensive. Fair trade practices are implemented to help cocoa farmers around the world get a better price for their product and make cocoa farming sustainable. Global brands such as Cadbury, M & S, Divine Chocolate, RAWR, Sainsbury’s, Waitrose and Zotter Chocolate are some that promote fair trade chocolate production.

Types of chocolate

Chocolate is loved in every form, shape and concentration. But if you want to go into the details of the different types of chocolate, you can read on for your child’s essay on chocolate for children.

  • dark chocolate contains raw chocolate, cocoa butter and sugar in certain amounts to give a bitter and sweet taste with every bite. Dark chocolate is a kind of bittersweet chocolate, also called bittersweet chocolate.
  • Technically speaking White chocolate no chocolate, as it does not contain chocolate liqueur, but can contain at least 20% chocolate and large amounts of milk solids and sugar.
  • cocoa powder is the powder of the cocoa beans, minus the husk. It is used to drink chocolate milk or hot cocoa. It contains around 20% fat from cocoa butter.
  • chocolate liquor is a smooth chocolate liquid without alcohol. By grinding the cocoa beans, it becomes a smooth paste and contains over 50% cocoa butter.
  • Unsweetened chocolate is pure chocolate, which is made by hardening chocolate liqueur and is often used for baking. It is also known as baked chocolate, pure chocolate, or dark chocolate.
  • Ground chocolate is simply sweet chocolate powder that is created by beating a bar of chocolate. It should not be confused with cocoa powder.

Chocolate milk for children

In addition to nibbling milk chocolate, children occasionally enjoy a glass of hot or cold chocolate milk. If your little girl or boy likes to drink chocolate when you eat it, you should know something about it.

Is Chocolate Milk Good For Children? Yes, it’s healthy unless your child is lactose intolerant. Milk with chocolate powder is a great substitute for regular milk because it contains several nutrients that children need.

In addition, chocolate milk has less added sugar than other flavored milk drinks. In addition, chocolate milk is a healthier, tasty substitute for sweetened drinks and soft drinks that add a lot of empty calories that lead to weight gain.

Here’s even better news: Chocolate milk has 16 essential nutrients including proteins, vitamins A, B12, B6 and D, calcium, riboflavin, niacin, phosphorus, zinc, selenium, magnesium and folate among others, so if you want to have a drink next time , you know that chocolate milk is the answer.

Chocolate is healthy for children?

Children love chocolate in every form: bars, drinks, melted, frosted and even powdered. In fact, children love them so much that you can bribe them with chocolates. Should Children Eat Chocolate Every Day? Chocolate milk is a good idea for children?

Well, the jury is out: chocolate is not bad.

In fact, there are several health benefits to consuming in moderation. Here are some.

  1. Chocolate is a stress reliever. Dark chocolate contains tryptophan and can improve your positive mood and also make you happy. (2)
  2. Chocolate improves blood flow to the brain and promotes brain function. It also helps regulate blood pressure.
  3. Contrary to the common belief that chocolate is bad for children, chocolate helps reduce plaque growth and prevent tooth decay. (3)
  4. Chocolate comes from a plant and is also rich in nutrients. Dark chocolate contains minerals like iron, magnesium, copper, manganese, potassium, zinc and selenium.
  5. Dark chocolate has antioxidants that help fight free radicals and keep diseases at bay.
  6. Research has shown that chocolate does not cause acne breakouts. In fact, dark chocolate has compounds that are good for your teen’s skin.
  7. Similar to red wines and fruits, cocoa seeds contain high levels of antioxidants called flavonoids that improve your child’s cardiovascular health.
  8. Dark chocolate contains almost twice as many flavonoids as milk chocolate, but contains more caffeine than other chocolates.
  9. Flavonoids contained in cocoa products have an effective anticoagulant, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect. They reduce the risk of diabetes in children by improving insulin sensitivity.
  10. Dark chocolate is also known to improve memory and concentration by activating the flavonoids in the hippocampus. (4)
  11. Although chocolate and cocoa butter contain a high proportion of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, the stearic acid in chocolate acts as a neutral fat that does not increase your child’s bad cholesterol level.
  12. Chocolate has a stimulating effect and can give you energy. No wonder when you reach for a bar of chocolate hungry and exhausted!
  13. Chocolate is also considered a compound that activates the body’s antidepressant serotonin. Dark chocolate for children ensures a good mood.

Dark chocolate is healthier than other types of chocolate because it contains less sugar, milk and other additives.

How can chocolate go wrong with children??

Any food, if consumed in excess, is bad for the body. Chocolate is no different. Children who eat chocolate a few times a week are normal.

  • A piece of dark chocolate or a glass of hot cocoa with no added sugar, once a day, can be healthy. But eating too much chocolate can lead to weight gain if you look at the sugar and fat that an average bar of chocolate contains.
  • Excessive intake of chocolate also triggers severe and persistent headache. Therefore, children with migraines should limit their consumption of chocolate in large doses. Because chocolate contains caffeine and sugar, the products in children often trigger the condition of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder).
  • An average milk chocolate bar has more than six teaspoons of sugar , the maximum sugar children should get in one day (5). The limit includes the sugar that a toddler gets from various food sources such as vegetables, fruits, grains and milk. Eating a bar of chocolate daily can lead to excess sugar in the body, which leads to weight gain and other health complications.
  • A recent study showed that only 6.7 g of dark chocolate can help adults stay healthy (6). However, there is no similar research for children. However, if you let your kids eat a bar of chocolate (about 50 g), they can reduce their daily intake of sugar, fat and even increase dairy products, which can negatively impact your health in the long run. You can prevent your child from eating chocolate by making the right decisions.

Healthy chocolate options for kids

Chocolates come in countless forms and varieties. Dark chocolate is the healthier option because it contains cocoa and less sugar, fat or milk. However, few children like dark chocolate because of its bitter taste. Most of them like the commonly available milk chocolates, which are also high in sugar and fat. Some chocolates even contain caffeine, which can affect your child’s moods. Read the labels on the chocolate baskets to make sure there is no caffeine.

Follow these tips to help you choose the right chocolate in the right amounts for your child.

Look for low-fat, sugar, or milk chocolate.

  • Chocolate flavored nuts are a healthier option compared to whole milk chocolate. However, chocolate with nuts can be bad if your child has allergies.
  • Buy chocolates without caffeine or trans fat.
  • Buy smaller chocolate bars to limit your sugar and fat intake.
  • You can also get chocolate with cookies, cakes, and chocolate-flavored ice cream. But these foods have more sugar and fat compared to a bar of chocolate.
  • Avoid chocolate as a bribe or reward to get your child to do something.
  • Chocolate may be the one food that your children will love long after they grow up. So, don’t think of stopping them from eating chocolate. And you shouldn’t either! The only thing you should do is to influence your child’s chocolate eating habits so that they can enjoy chocolate in moderation and not become addicted to it!

Do you think chocolate is good for children? Tell us why or why not.

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