Comparing used cars is easy

If you want to compare used cars to find out which one offers a greater price advantage, you will soon find out that this is a real challenge. Even very similar vehicles differ in detail in terms of their equipment when you take a closer look. The free car.De price-check makes it very easy to find out the correct market value and thus get an accurate used car comparison.

Why comparing used cars is difficult

If two or more cars are to be compared with each other by determining a vehicle’s value, one often encounters the difficulty that up to 100 vehicle features must be included in order to make an accurate, used car comparison. From vehicle to vehicle, the equipment features can differ even in small details, which nevertheless have an influence on the value. A direct comparison of used cars is very difficult in this way.

Alt="around 100 vehicle features must be included if the used car comparison is to be accurate." />about 100 vehicle features must be included if the used car comparison is to be accurate.

What makes the used car comparison even more difficult: not all equipment features influence the vehicle value to the same extent. the presence of a certain feature may increase the value of one model, but have no effect on the value of other vehicles, or may even decrease the value. How this can be done? A good example is the air conditioning system: in a very small car, an air conditioning system usually increases the value, as it is not a standard feature and is therefore sought after. In a vehicle of the upper middle class, however, the presence of an air conditioning system can even reduce its value – because here is now a standard automatic air conditioning system. A conscientious comparison of used cars not only examines the individual vehicle features, but also their relevance for the market value of the vehicle.

However, such an exact comparison can probably only be made by proven car experts. If you want to compare used cars in layman’s terms, you cannot do this easily. However, it is not always an option to call in an expensive car expert. Higher two- to three-digit sums are due per appraisal, and if a used car comparison is to be carried out between several vehicles, it can be quite expensive.

Free used car comparison with the car.De price check

With the car.De price-check allows even non-experts to easily compare used cars and identify the most advantageous offers at a glance. Every used car from 650 models of 100 different manufacturers receives on the car exchange of PKW.Dekra automatically provides a vehicle valuation that takes into account more than 100 vehicle features. For every used car evaluated, it is easy to determine how much it is currently worth on the market with its exact equipment.

This makes it much easier to compare used cars, not only because all market values can be viewed at a glance and free of charge in our car exchange. Automatically, the market value is compared with the sales price to show which vehicles offer special price advantages. A price that is significantly lower than the market value is considered to be super price marked. If the price of an offer corresponds to its market value, it is considered a fair price labeled.

In order to carry out a used car comparison on our vehicle exchange, you can therefore on the one hand compare the market value of the offers and determine how much used cars with a specific vehicle equipment are worth. On the other hand, it is possible to see at a glance which vehicles offer the most attractive price advantage with a similar market value. More comfortably and faster the used car comparison hardly goes off.

If you want to compare used cars that are not listed on our vehicle exchange, you can use our immediate evaluation website. With this, you can find out the current dealer purchase value of a used car in just a few minutes, free of charge of course. All you have to do is enter the most important vehicle data, and the rest is done automatically.

How the car works.Price checks

In order to determine adequate market prices for the used car comparison, our high-performance servers permanently monitor all used cars on the market as well as their price development. A complex algorithm that we have developed can identify exactly which features of a model influence the price and in what way when examining all prices. In this way, it is possible to forecast how much the market value of a car will increase or decrease if a certain characteristic is present or absent.

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Christina Cherry
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