Counseling centers for sexual violence against children and adolescents

Every police station can call advice centers in your area.

Special advice centers can also be found in the phone book or on the Internet under the keywords:

  • Contact and advice center
  • Medical advice center
  • Advice center for girls / boys / women / children / adolescents / parents / family
  • German Child Protection Association
  • family counseling
  • Frauennotruf
  • Women help women
  • Child Protection Center
  • Association against sexual violence

General websites for parents and children

police for you

Police for you is the website of the police crime prevention for children and adolescents between 12 and 15 years. It provides information in target group-specific language on issues relevant to the police, such as theft, bodily harm, drugs, property damage or sexual abuse.

Help portal for sexual abuse

Sexual violence is a serious problem for girls and boys. The help portal informs those affected, their relatives and other people who want to support them. The nationwide database shows where there are offers of help in your own region.


The association WEISSER RING e.V. helps people who have been victims of crime and violence. The association also cares about their relatives. With more than 3,000 volunteers and 420 branch offices, they do this as a non-profit and only nationwide victim support association.

N.I.N.A. E.V.

Help and advice on abuse. The National Infoline, Network and Contact Point (N.I.N.A.) on sexual violence against girls and boys is responsible for and the technical management of the Sexual Abuse Help Line and


The German Society for Prevention and Intervention in Child Abuse and Neglect (DGfPI) is an association of around 800 specialists from all over Germany and neighboring countries who work together to improve child protection. is the website of the association Wildwasser Kreis Groß-Gerau e.V. and is aimed at children, adolescents and adults who are affected by sexual abuse. Relatives of those affected, specialist staff and volunteers can also get advice and help.

Thaw e.V..

Tauwetter e.V. is a point of contact especially for men who were exposed to sexualised violence in childhood or adolescence.

Dark Bitter e.V..

Zartbitter e.V. is one of the oldest contact and information points against sexual abuse against girls and boys. The main topics are: sexual assaults among children, sexual abuse in institutions, in the new media, in the context of porn productions, in sports and women as perpetrators.

pro familia

pro familia German Society for Family Planning, Sex Education and Sexual Counseling is the largest organization for sexual, pregnancy and partnership counseling in Germany. On the website there is a detailed subject area that relates to young people and their questions about relationships, sex, puberty, rights and sexuality, contraception and pregnancy.

Innocence in Danger e.V..

Innocence in Danger e.V. campaigns worldwide against child sexual abuse, in particular the spread of child pornography through the new media. The association has locations in France, Switzerland, the U.S.A., Colombia, Great Britain, Austria and Germany.

Number against grief e.V..

The Verein Nummer gegen Kummer e.V. (NgK) is the largest free telephone consultation service for children, adolescents and parents in all of Germany. The anonymity of telephone advice often makes it possible for both children and parents to get help. NgK is the first point of contact for all questions, problems and in particularly critical situations. Open if necessary she the Path to further help.

TelefonSeelsorge Deutschland

TelefonSeelsorge Deutschland is a nationwide organization with around 8,000 volunteers. Reachable day and night, also on weekends and public holidays, the telephone pastoral service is open to all problem areas and to all callers in their respective situation. You can be sure that your concerns and problems will be treated anonymously and confidentially.

Prevention in the Catholic Church in Germany

The Prevention in the Catholic Church in Germany website bundles the Internet offers of the various church actors on the subject of prevention. Parents and everyone who has taken responsibility for children and adolescents in their daily work receive information about education, youth, leisure and sport, family, care and support as well as sexualised violence.

German Caritas Association e.V..

You can find specialist articles on the topic on the website of the German Caritas Association "Sexual abuse". Caritas translates as charity. It is an order to the church and as a professional organization takes care of the help for people in need.

Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD)

The Evangelical Landeskrichen takes effective measures to prevent and intervene in the event of sexual abuse by church employees. The Evangelical Church offers affected persons and relatives independent advice, telephone contact points and various media and orientation aids in order to be able to find out about and deal with sexual abuse.

German Youth Institute (DJI)

The project of the German Youth Institute IzKK – Information Center for Child Abuse / Child Neglect was ended at the end of 2014 after 14 years. Nevertheless, the DJI website provides detailed information about the project. You have the option of requesting or downloading print editions of the IzKK-Nachrichten and other publications on the project.

Child Protection Centers.

The Federal Working Group of Child Protection Centers has set itself the task of protecting children and adolescents from neglect, physical, psychological and sexual violence. The association manages this in cooperation with all social groups, initiatives, associations and parties.

The website enables children and adolescents good Growing up with Media. It combines research and measures against violations of the protection of minors with the sensitization of providers, parents and young people to risks. This means that new phenomena on the Internet can be reacted to promptly.

Special offers for specialists

E-learning portal for specialists

The Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry / Psychotherapy at the Ulm University Hospital has an online course as part of a research project "Prevention of child sexual abuse" developed for educational and medical-therapeutic professions.

Initiative No room for abuse

"No room for abuse" is an initiative of the Federal Government’s Independent Representative on Sexual Abuse of Children. The aim of the initiative is to ensure that places where children and adolescents are located do not allow abuse and that they can find competent contacts when they need help.

German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB)

The German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB) is among other things against sexual violence in sport.

Special offers for children

police for you

Police for you is the website of the police crime prevention for children and adolescents between 12 and 15 years. It provides information in target group-specific language on issues relevant to the police, such as theft, bodily harm, drugs, property damage or sexual abuse.

The website informs children and adolescents between 8 and 12 years of age about sexual abuse.

Number against grief

The Verein Nummer gegen Kummer e.V. is the largest free telephone consultation service for children, adolescents and parents in all of Germany. Children and adolescents can call anonymously and free of charge using the number specially set up for them and talk about their concerns and fears.

JUUUPORT is a nationwide advisory platform on which young people help each other if they have problems on or with the Internet. Be it cyberbullying, cybergrooming, sexting, rip-off, data security or technology.


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Christina Cherry
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