Credit without schufa – no blah blah – serious information on schufa credit

credit without

Is there a loan without Schufa? is this just rip-off? What exactly is a schafafreier credit exactly?

Now that I have been keeping track of the issue for over 12 years with many different credit websites and credit newsletters, I am now going to tell you exactly what the credit without Schufa is. Open, honest, helpful and transparent.

You will be reading information that you would not find otherwise in this open form.

This is mainly because of that

  • normal banks from Germany on this issue do not comment
  • Credit intermediaries from Germany benefit from the fact that this topic is so mysterious
  • there is a 2012 study by Schufa that virtually excludes non-schafa loans. In my view, this study has many mistakes. I will reiterate this below.

What is the credit without Schufa exactly?

What exactly is this mysterious loan without Schufa? This is my information that I have collected over time:

  • It is a loan from a foreign bank for workers working in Germany.
  • The loan is not registered in the Schufa.
  • It is an area where many black sheep are active, exploiting the plight of humans.
  • But it is also an area where there is a reputable and reliable provider. The Sigma Credit Bank from Liechtenstein.
  • All credit providers such as Creditolo, Bon Kredit and Maxda work together with Sigma Kreditbank.
  • There are too many loan payments from Sigma Kreditbank. So it really does exist

Who gets the schoolfree loan because approved?

Unfortunately, not everyone gets the credit approved without Schufa. There are a few requirements. And why?

Of course, Sigma Kreditbank wants to ensure that monthly loan installments can be repaid. Sigma Kreditbank requires a salary assignment as the most important hedge. With this, she can seize part of the salary from the employer.

Since this salary assignment of the bank is very important, only gets the credit without Schufa approved, which has a fixed salary.

As a self-employed person, retiree, unemployed, housewife, etc. is therefore not schufa credit possible

Other requirements are

  • Unlimited and unfinished employment
  • Trial period is completed
  • at least 18 years old, maximum 62 years old

Which loan amount is possible?

The credit without Schufa is available in 3 variants. 3,500 euros and 5,000 euros and 7,500 euros. The variant with the 7,500 euros, there are only about 2 years.

In the following 3 tables, you can see what net salary you need per month to get approved for each loan.

3,500 euros credit without Schufa

income table 3500 euros credit without Schufa
Dependents Minimum Net Income
0 1,150 euros
1 1,600 euros
2 1,850 euros
3 2,150 euros
4 2,500 euros
5 3,100 euros

Employment relationship exists for at least 12 months (1 year).

5,000 euros credit without Schufa

income table 5,000 euros credit without Schufa
Dependents Minimum Net Income
0 1,600 euros
1 1,900 euros
2 2,250 euros
3 2,600 euros
4 3,200 euros

Employment relationship exists for at least 36 months (3 years).

7,500 euros credit without Schufa

income table 7,500 euros credit without Schufa
Dependents Minimum Net Income
0 1,800 euros
1 2,100 euros
2 2,500 euros
3 2,900 euros
4 3,400 euros

Employment relationship has existed for at least 48 months (4 years).

Which runtime is possible?

The term is always 40 months for all 3 loan amounts. So that’s about 3.5 years.

What is the interest rate??

The interest rate for the loan without Schufa is around 11%. This is not cheap, but even with a normal German bank you can pay depending on the credit rating 8 or 9% interest.

Where can I apply for the loan without Schufa?

Theoretically, you could also apply directly to de Sigma Kreditbank for a loan application.

But beware: as I have noticed, you must not have a single mistake in the form of this provider, otherwise we simply rejected without mentioning reasons.

My recommendation

My tip to you is to look for a credit intermediary from Germany who will organize everything for you.

Thus, you are on the safe side, because these providers simply know from years of experience, how it all works.

My service for you

As a small service to you, I have provided you the form for a schufa-free loan. You can now simply submit your loan request here:

What is the Swiss loan? Is that something else?

The term “Swiss credit” has become so common in linguistic usage, since the schufafreie credit came from Switzerland earlier. To my knowledge, but that was only one supplier at that time.

The credit without Schufa from Switzerland there is no longer today. Today this comes from Liechtenstein. As already described above by Sigma Kreditbank.

I am not aware of any provider other than Sigma Kreditbank.

Schufa study on schufa-free loans from 2012

In 2012, Schufa published a study on the loan without Schufa. The result of the study shows that it never actually comes to loan payments. If you want, you can read the study here (download pdf).

There may have been less information on the internet in 2012, but the study distorts this issue in my view.

In addition 4 examples

  • The unemployed and the self-employed have applied for, but not received, the schufa-free loan.
  • my answer: Of course, they did not get this loan. Because the prerequisites is an attachable income as an employee
  • Only 1% of the loan requests resulted in a loan payment.
    • my answer: without having a comparison, this number says nothing. How many loan payments are there in the normal German installment loans? I am typing less than 5%
    • The credit providers would still make a query of Schufa. And that even though a “credit without Schufa” is advertised.
      • my Answer: A “credit without Schufa” does not mean that no Schufa is queried. It means that the loan is not registered in the Schufa.
      • Bauspar contracts, reimbursement of expenses, fast processing fees, etc. would be the rule.
        • my answer: from my experience, I can tell you that there are no such additional products and processing fees today. These figures from 7 years ago are no longer transferable to today’s market.
        • My conclusion

          After the loan amount, the term and the conditions limit the possibilities, the schufafreie credit is not useful and usable for everyone.

          However, anyone who does not get credit in Germany or does not want to have the loan in Schufa will find a sensible solution here.

          Be sure to look for a reputable supplier.

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          Christina Cherry
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