Daily routine social pedagogical

Daily routine of social pedagogical assistant / nanny

Daily routine of social pedagogical assistant / childcare worker Let’s go! You can navigate through the daily tasks with the mouse wheel or the arrow keys on the keyboard.

Daily routine of social pedagogical assistant / nanny Hello, my name is Lukas.

I am 20 years old and have been a social pedagogical assistant or nanny for two years. I work in a day care center. The primary school children come to us after school to spend their afternoon here. My job is to support them in their personal development.

Accompany me for a day "mean" children!

Daily routine of social pedagogical assistant / nanny Tasks:

Daily routine of social pedagogical assistant / childcare worker 10:30 – 11:30: Discuss tasks

We meet every day for a team meeting. First, let’s talk about what’s on our mind and what we’re having trouble with. For example, if I have difficulties with a particular child and do not know what to do, I ask my colleagues how they deal with the child and what their experiences are. Together we will then look for a solution.

It is also about who takes on which tasks today. Finally, we plan our upcoming lantern parade together.

Daily routine of social pedagogical assistant / childcare worker 11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m .: Children welcome

The first children come to the after-school care center. This is connected to the school building by a corridor. For each child, I put a tick on my list.
I accompany all children to the cloakroom. There they put their things in the locker and go to a side room to play.

A girl is not there yet. I go to the schoolhouse and look into her classroom: empty. Luckily on the way back I meet her in the stairwell. Now the after-school children are Completely.

Daily routine of social pedagogical assistant / nanny 12:15 – 13:15: hand out lunch

The food cart is pushed in. Together with the children, I set the table and sit down for lunch. During the meal, I can talk to the children in peace and find out where they had problems.

When the children have finished eating, they clear the table and set the table for the following children. Depending on the timetable, some children come earlier and some come later.
The children then go to the workshop Shape.

Daily routine of social pedagogical assistant / nanny 13:15 – 14:00: offer free play

Daily routine of social pedagogical assistant / childcare worker 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m .: Supervise homework

Now it is time to reassure the children, because now they should do their jobs quietly and concentrated. The children sit in the homework room and unpack their school bags.

If a child is unable to cope with a task, it reports. Then I go and try to help with the solution. As soon as a child is finished, it reports again. I then check whether all tasks are done correctly.

As soon as the first children are ready, they can go to a play room

Daily routine of social pedagogical assistant / childcare worker 3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m .: Project work: holding a children’s conference

In our daycare center, the children have a lot of say. Together we discuss and plan our offers in a children’s conference. Our annual theme is "nature". We try to find out which area the children are particularly interested in and vote according to their suggestions. The children decide for astronomy.

It is now half past three and the first children are being picked up. I check them off my list. So I always have an overview. Some children stay until half past five. When everyone is picked up, I can go home.

Daily routine of social pedagogical assistant / nanny Now you are asked! What is discussed at so-called children’s conferences?

A) This is what the staff at the daycare call their team meetings. They discuss which events are coming up and talk about current problems.
B) This is a training event that Lukas will have to attend soon because he wants to continue his education. Social pedagogical assistants from all over Germany meet here to discuss current issues in the field of child care.
C) At a children’s conference, the children can vote for upcoming events and topics. You can suggest topics and register for tasks.

To the solution: Next scrolling

Daily routine Social pedagogical assistant / nanny – Solution The answer is correct. C. At a children’s conference, the children themselves can vote on upcoming events and topics. You can suggest topics and register for tasks. That gives them more confidence.

More information about the job

Professions from A-Z: social pedagogical assistant / nanny

More on the job on the video platform of the Federal Employment Agency

Find a training position as a social pedagogical assistant / nanny

More information about the job of social pedagogical assistant / nanny

Find school education as a social pedagogical assistant / nanny


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Christina Cherry
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