Dark circles in children – babies: cause and help

Your child or infant has dark circles? So should You at dark edges react!

All parents have one thing in common: they want their children to always be well. Therefore, many mothers and fathers are concerned when they notice dark shadows under the child’s eyes and wonder if everything is really okay. Dark circles in children can have different causes, which need to be clarified. Not always dark circles in children and babies have health-related causes.

Why even the smallest can have dark circles and shadows

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If a baby has dark circles, the parents are usually irritated at first. However, the cause of dark circles in babies and children must be not always due to health problems.

For example, babies generally have one clearly lighter and thinner skin than adults. Blood vessels therefore shimmer through much more clearly and can thus act like shadows and become visible as dark circles. This can purely hereditary and be unproblematic.

Sometimes, however, the dark circles in the baby can have causes that are due to health reasons. Here, of course, it is important to ask exactly!

Health causes of dark circles in children and babies

As diverse as possible causes in the dark circles of adults, they are also in toddlers:

  • Lack of fluids, possibly also after gastrointestinal diseases
  • a blocked nose so that too little oxygen gets into the blood
  • in rare cases problems with kidneys or thyroid

These causes should definitely be clarified by the pediatrician become. Then, after the causes or therapy have subsided, the dark circles should also disappear on their own.

Dark circles in older children

Dark circles can appear not only in babies and toddlers, too older children can have light or stronger dark circles. This is mostly about genetic causes.

These shadows can be improved with a balanced nutrition and a lot of movement in the fresh air. Cause nothing can be done against the hereditary predisposition.

In any case, a medical examination cannot hurt. This is particularly advisable, for example, if the dark circles darken, turn reddish or are associated with swelling. In this case, it can be, for example allergy or one deficiency act (e.g. iron deficiency).


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Christina Cherry
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