Dental caries, dental, treatment, pain, milk teeth, causes, children, cleaning

dental caries

Dental caries is one of the most common causes of toothache and jaw pain. If a small particle of food is deposited in the caries, it causes sharp pain.

The thick enamel and dentin form the two outer layers of a tooth.
An injury to these two layers is called "dental caries".

This lack of necessary minerals is called demineralization and occurs mainly due to the presence of acids on the teeth.

Caries occurs primarily on the molars and premolars, but is less common in the lateral incisors.
One should not forget that a sealed tooth can develop tooth decay as well as a healthy one.
A decrease in gums can expose the tooth root. Caries at this height is called root caries.

caries species

According to Black, tooth decay is divided into the following cavity classes:
Class I: Caries in the occlusal area (occlusal surface) of the premolars and molars and in the fissures of the incisors and canines.
Class II: Caries on the side surfaces of the premolars and molars.
Class III: Caries on the side surfaces of the vaginal and canine teeth.
Class IV: Caries on the lateral surfaces of the vaginal and canine teeth, which extends over the cutting edge.
Class V: Caries between the tooth crown and the root.

Classification according to the area concerned
Caries can develop in different tooth areas, so it is divided into:

  • distal caries when pointing towards the throat;
  • mesial caries if it points towards the mouth opening;
  • occlusal caries if it develops on the occlusal surface;
  • buccal caries if it points towards the cheeks;
  • lingual caries if it points towards the tongue.

Causes of dental caries

Structural shortcomings: If the teeth are not properly aligned, cleaning is difficult. This can cause bacterial infection and dental caries.

Hard blows during sports activities and Dream an accident can damage a tooth.

The formation of caries can be due to insufficient fluorine in the teeth and lack of saliva in the mouth (dry mouth).
Fluorine protects the enamel and helps to avoid holes, grooves or crevices.

Even eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia (where you eat and vomit frequently) can be a cause of dental caries.
Heartburn or vomiting cause an interaction between tooth enamel and gastric acid and thus the gradual destruction of the tooth enamel.

bacteria: There are usually bacteria in the mouth that convert starch and sugar into acids.
Food residues, bacteria, acid and saliva mix in the mouth and form a substance called dental plaque. Dental plaque is quite sticky and settles on the teeth, especially on the bulging surfaces of the front molars and on the edges of dental fillings.

acids: If the plaque deposits on the tooth surface, the acids in it dissolve the surface of the tooth enamel. If the plaque remains on the tooth, these acids will gradually corrode the tooth and damage the internal structure.

The plaque forms within 20 minutes after eating, in which most of the bacterial activity takes place.
If it is not regularly removed from the teeth, it will mineralize to tartar. Tartar and plaque irritate the gums together and cause gum inflammation and periodontitis.

Meals containing sugar and starch: The type of carbohydrates consumed, the duration and frequency of meals are factors associated with dental caries. Sticky foods that stick to the tooth surface are more harmful compared to those that don’t.
The consumption of frequent snacks increases the contact time between acids and tooth surfaces and also leads to the formation of caries.

Caries in children

If the caries formed is very deep, it can affect the nerves and blood vessels located in the central pulp.
Milk teeth of children aged 2, 3, 4 or 5 years can also develop caries. She needs to be treated, even if her teeth will soon fall out.

Causes of dental caries

Dental caries can develop when the sugar in the children’s mouth is used by the bacteria to form acids.

  • Foods rich in carbohydrates (such as French fries, peanut butter, crackers, etc.) can damage the tooth.
  • Drinking large amounts of carbonated drinks can erode tooth enamel.
  • The frequent consumption of sweet foods (such as chocolates, cakes, etc.) can lead to tooth decay.
  • If you do not brush your teeth properly on a regular basis, damage and ultimately caries can result.

Symptoms of dental caries

In the initial phase, tooth decay does not cause pain or symptoms. It is also not possible to tell whether there is caries that grows day by day and damages the internal tooth structures.

The symptoms of large dental caries are:

  • Tooth hypersensitivity
  • toothache
  • Pain when chewing
  • Visible indentations or holes in the teeth
  • Slight or severe pain when eating or drinking warm, cold or sweet food and drinks
  • Pain when breathing cold air
  • halitosis

The consequences of neglected caries are damage to the internal tooth structure and the tooth pulp, which lead to the death of the blood vessels and tooth nerves.

Untreated tooth decay can develop quickly, destroy an important part of the tooth and cause an abscess.
When the tooth is destroyed, it no longer regenerates. However, treatment can prevent tooth decay from progressing.

Diagnosis of dental caries

Most people ignore the signs and symptoms associated with tooth decay and wait for the tooth to cause severe discomfort. However, toothache is the last symptom of tooth decay.
The only thing that can be done is to perform regular checks that can reduce the extent of the tooth injury.
During check-ups, the dentist uses a dental instrument to assess the teeth.

How is dental caries treated??

When visiting the dentist, the doctor (after evaluating the symptoms) will check the teeth to see if there is tooth decay. The dentist needs to recognize the severity of the damage to decide what type of treatment is necessary.

If it is a small, superficial caries, the dentist can choose not to intervene.

With deep caries, devitalization can save the tooth. For smaller caries, some home remedies can temporarily help relieve caries-related pain.
You should always go to the dentist because toothache can also indicate serious illnesses.

Possible forms of treatment are:

fillings: If the decomposition reaches deep into the tooth enamel, the tooth must be filled.
Typically, the dentist performs local anesthesia to numb the patient’s lip.
When filling a caries, part of the affected tooth is removed and filled with a material that restores the tooth shape.
Fillings can be made from composite resins (which have the same color as the teeth), silver amalgam, gold or porcelain.
Fills used to be brown or black, but today there are materials in a light color.
Silver amalgam is a mixture of metals such as mercury and tin.
Even though a medical study (which is somewhat controversial) has shown that silver amalgam is a safe choice for dental fillings, some people are afraid of the harmful effects of mercury, which is used in the body.
Silver amalgam is a very easy-to-use material for the dentist because it enables fillings to be made quickly and inexpensively.
On the other hand, gold and porcelain are the most expensive types of dental fillings.

Crown: In the event of extensive damage, multiple fillings weaken the tooth. In this case, a crown is used. The damaged part of the tooth is removed, treated and provided with a crown or a coating on the remaining tooth. Most crowns are made of gold or porcelain.

devitalization: If there are serious problems that also affect the nerves, devitalization is necessary. This treatment removes the pulp with the affected parts of the tooth. This area is then sealed with a material to protect the inner area of ​​the tooth from harmful bacteria.

Pulling the tooth: If the caries has reached the tooth neck (higher area) to the base of the tooth, the dentist may have to pull the entire tooth.
The dentist often removes the wisdom tooth if it has caries.

Pregnant women, regardless of their condition, need to have tooth decay treated, but it is better not to have their teeth X-rayed in order not to endanger the child.

Natural remedies for tooth decay

fluoride treatment: Toothpastes and mouthwashes already contain some fluorine, as this mineral is important for the health of the teeth.
Fluor prevents tooth decay and helps teeth repair themselves.
source: Santos AP, Oliveira BH, Nadanovsky P.

Gargle: Gargling with warm salt water helps kill bacteria in the mouth and throat. It eliminates bad breath and bad taste in the mouth.

Lemon with asant: Chewing a lemon wedge and zest (which contains a lot of vitamin C) can help relieve the pain. Make a paste out of asant powder and lemon juice. Warm the mixture slightly and insert a cotton ball soaked in this paste into the dental caries. After a few minutes, the person feels better.

Garlic and onions: The antibacterial and antifungal properties of garlic and onions help relieve toothache. Caries can be prevented by eating onions regularly. For toothache caused by caries, you can put an onion slice on the painful tooth.
The use of a paste of garlic and rock salt helps to reduce toothache caused by caries.
Regular use of garlic in your diet makes your teeth strong and healthy. When chewing garlic, allicin is released.
Allicin has antibiotic properties. It doesn’t hurt to try these natural home remedies for toothache caused by caries.

ice treatment: Put some ice cubes in a small sealable bag. Wrap the bag in a towel and hold the envelope close to the sore tooth against the jaw.

Toothpaste containing fluorine: You should always use an effective toothpaste that contains fluorine. Some toothpastes also contain clove oil.

Healthy eating: A healthy diet (especially for toddlers and seniors) plays an important role in the prevention of caries-related pain. One should avoid sugary drinks and foods. Sugar triggers the release of acid by bacteria. A candy that is chewed in the mouth for 5 minutes leads to less acid release by bacteria than a drink that is drunk slowly over an hour.

Over the counter medication: If the pain does not subside with the use of the above-mentioned home remedies, you can take over-the-counter pain relievers or anesthetics if you have consulted a doctor beforehand. Oregano oil, olive oil and tea bags also help to eliminate caries-related pain.

Caries prevention and nutrition

Here are some simple ways to prevent tooth decay:

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day. If you can’t brush them after every meal, you should at least always rinse your mouth.
  • You should avoid frequent snacks.
  • You should eat foods like cheese, fruits and vegetables that are naturally good for your teeth.
  • Use a fluorine toothpaste.
  • Clean the interdental spaces with dental floss.
  • Visit the dentist regularly.

Today, dental health studies have shown many treatment options for dental caries.

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