Depression in children and adolescents

Depression in children and adolescents is a topic that one hears little about, but it comes more often than expected in front. There are many causes of childhood depression. As parents, how do you recognize the warning signs and what can you do about the disease??

Even babies can suffer from depression

Depression in children doesn’t stop at babies, for example as a result of neglect or abuse. The younger the child, the more difficult the diagnosis is. Parents should therefore watch your children closely. Because one Depression is not only evident in behavior. Affected children also react physically. There is abdominal or permanent headache, listlessness, fatigue and lack of drive.

Affected children can too become very restless or prone to aggression. The There are many causes of depression and can be based in a family or school environment.

If such signs appear, it depends on how long they last. Normal, developmental sagging is over after one to two weeks. Depression in children and adolescents, however, lasts for months.

If a child is prone to mood swings, parents can provide homeopathic support with St. John’s wort. Also Bach flower can help. In addition, it can be helpful on Child’s confidence to work, because if this is missing, mood lows quickly arise.

Depression in adolescents is sometimes difficult to identify

Certain symptoms in adolescents can indicate an illness as well also normal pubescent behavior underlie. Because during the teenage years, mood swings, even extreme ones, are just as normal as easy irritability and withdrawal.
However, there are warning signs here that go beyond the usual puberty problems:

  • Shows a teenager no longer interested in anything and also expresses strong future pessimism and hopelessness about the own situation or in the world, the parental alarm bells should ring.
  • Depressed teenagers often plunge into illusory worlds. If internet consumption goes beyond a healthy level, parents should take it seriously.
  • One is also possible Escape from alcohol or drugs or the tendency to self-harm.
  • In addition to changes in behavior are beyond physical warning signals to consider. Often le >

    What parents can do is give the child time. Instead of discussions or even questioning questions, that should Listening top priority enjoy.

If the child opens a little, tips should be given Not in the form of unhelpful common places like "Then just pull yourself together a little". Because comments of this kind usually put an affected child or adolescent under even more pressure. Even simple, well-intentioned sayings such as "head up" are used more to make the hopelessness in which the child finds himself even clearer. Because of his illness, the young person cannot follow these instructions at all.

Parents should carefully approach the child’s state of mind. You can ask whether there are frequent mood swings, crying or whether the offspring feels lonely. Some issues, such as suicide, could also be carefully addressed in the family circle in the form of a general discussion.

Even if you may find it difficult to understand your child’s depressive thoughts, it can help, if you just listen and there. Nevertheless, you should get help from a doctor in good time, because depression is real Illness that can be treated just like visible injuries and other illnesses. Therefore, find out which possible forms of treatment are possible.

Depression in children and adolescents requires going to the doctor

Depression at a young age can have many different causes. In most cases, it is not just one circumstance that decides, but many factors come together, which then lead to the disease. For example, when school bullying and divorce The parents coincide.

When a family alone doesn’t know what to do, the visit to the specialist must take place, so that the child with one Psychotherapy or appropriate medication is treated. You can also First go to your family doctor who will help you and recommend appropriate neurologists or therapists can.

Experienced therapists also give parents guidance on how to support the child during this difficult period. Depression in children and adolescents often causes isolation from the family. You can also find further help from organizations and foundations. It is important that you do not let the topic become a taboo topic, but communicate openly and seek external help in good time.

Cover picture: © .com – monkeybusinessimages

About the author

Michaela Lieber

A lot has changed in my life since Maximilian was born on March 12, 2010. I like to share these experiences. As an editor in my daily work, as in my private environment.


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