Difference between measles and chickenpox

Main difference: Measles are respiratory diseases caused by the paramyxovirus virus of the genus Morbillivirus caused. Chickenpox is one of the most common diseases that children get and is caused by the varicella zoster virus (VZV).

Measles and chickenpox are the most common types of diseases that a person experiences when they are a child. These diseases are becoming unusual due to the widespread use of successful vaccines for these diseases. Although both diseases cause rashes in the form of red spots, they are different from each other.

Measles is a respiratory disease caused by the paramyxovirus virus of the genus Morbillivirus. Measles, also known as English measles, morbilli or rubeola, are single-stranded negative sense RNA viruses. It is an airborne disease that is spread through breathing or contact with fluids from the infected person. The first symptoms of measles appear within 10-12 days after a person has been exposed to the infection. The rash begins after a few days. Measles can take 10-21 days.

The most common symptoms of measles include blotchy rash, fever, cough, runny nose, conjunctivitis (red, watery eyes), malaise (feeling down, painful) and Koplik’s spots (tiny white spots with bluish-white centers in the mouth). This disease can lead to complications in children (especially immunodeficiency due to other diseases), malnutrition and pregnant women. Measles is a curable disease and a vaccine is available. In many countries, most babies receive the vaccine when they are born. To increase the fever, non-aspirin-based drugs should be provided.

Chickenpox is one of the most common diseases that children get and is caused by the varicella zoster virus (VZV). Similar to measles, chickenpox is also an airborne disease that easily spreads through coughing, sneezing, or contact with an infected person. The term chickenpox probably comes from the rash, which is reminiscent of chicken picks. It takes about two days for this virus to manifest itself, usually with the rash, which then turns into itchy, raw pox scars. The pox scars (lesions) are contagious and remain so until they become crusted, which takes about six to eight days.

The most common symptoms of chickenpox are high fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, a headache and rashes. The rash begins as small red spots on the face, scalp, upper body, upper arms and legs, which then become small dents, Develop blisters and pustules. Infants, adolescents and pregnant women (not immune to chickenpox) are at high risk of complications. Women who are immune to chickenpox or who have already had chickenpox produce antibodies that prevent infection of the fetus. There is a chickenpox vaccine that should be given in two doses for children, adolescents and adults.


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