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Chickenpox spreads quickly like the wind

whooping cough

Unlike the diseases described so far, whooping cough is a bacterial disease. It is an inflammation of the respiratory tract that is transmitted by droplet infection.

Whooping cough starts like a cold. The characteristic coughing fits appear later: short coughing strokes, followed by a croaky inhalation. The face changes color. After the coughing attacks, tough mucus is choked out. Over time, the coughing fits become easier and less common.

Whooping cough is lengthy with an illness period of up to six weeks. The disease is common. Girls are affected more often than boys. The incubation period is seven to 21 days.

It mostly affects infants or toddlers. Anyone who has had whooping cough once enjoys long-lasting but not lifelong protection against infection. After surviving preschool illness, the disease may break out again in adolescents or adults.

Possible complications: The most common are middle ear and pneumonia. Violent coughing fits can cause bleeding under the skin, groin and umbilical hernias, and other complications. Instead of coughing, infants may stop breathing.

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