Drachenstübchen: daf in primary school

Drachenstübchen: daf in primary school

dragon parlor

Here is a dream of what elementary school lessons could be like.



DaF in primary school

Having three main subjects in primary school is a major burden for many children. It is all the more important for them to maintain the fun of learning and to try to make the lessons so dynamic and creative that the children can participate with joy and not just take part in a frontal lesson.

Anyone who has already attended a language course at an adult education center may know the situation, the lecturer is at the front, reads from the book, students sit at the table and draw doodles in the course books. this is not how the DaF lessons with elementary school students work.

My means of choice to encourage the children to take an active part are games, dialogue theater and flash cards, combined with songs, memorization techniques and repetition.

You can find some of the materials under the following links.


Hello Jasmin,
I love reading your blog, especially since I recently started teaching only DAF :-)
Do you happen to know of other blogs that deal with the topic?
Unfortunately I haven’t found too much about google. But as a beginner, I would be very happy about many new suggestions!

Hello dear Julia, I am currently putting together a few suggestions. There will be a list of me soon about DaF :)

Oh great, I’m looking forward to it!
Best wishes and a good start to the week,

Dear Jasmine,
we just had a German conference in the school association and dealt extensively with DaF and DaZ, as we are all currently affected by refugee assignments. There was a lively exchange about materials, but the question remained, is there material for primary school that we can use, what in the language "Spanish" or "English" or "French" based and "German" taught as a foreign language. at "Spanish" of course I immediately thought of you. Do you use a Spanish-based textbook for your children or do you produce all of the material yourself??
I thank you in advance for your answer!
best regards

Dear Gabi, I am not sure that I understood your question correctly. But I’ll try an answer. If you are teaching German as a foreign or second language, you should definitely choose a textbook that is structured in German. I generally don’t believe in bilingual textbooks. For example, we use Planetino from Hueber Verlag from class 2. I don’t want to advertise here, but once you’ve gotten used to it, this is a nice, interactive language course! Of course, it is not enough at a primary school with a language course alone and this is a problem, because German lessons are not the same as language lessons. So I try to handle the book quickly and at the same time offer appealing material with which I can then include additional topics in the class. For example, readings, poems, etc.
In the first class we only use our own material, but we have largely outsourced literacy. Our Spanish colleagues do that. In the first school year we read sentence constructions, speaking, and small texts in German, special sounds etc.
If there is anything else I can help you with, please feel free to email me.
with best regards!

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