Editorial – Eifel

editorial staff

Johannes Thiel

Painter, illustrator, graphic artist and poet from memory

Johannes Thiel was born on 11 September 1889 as the fifth child of the merchant Wilhelm Thiel and his wife Elisabeth Müller in Speicher. He spent his early childhood years in his birthplace, but before his elementary school, the family moved to Koblenz. After his school education, which included the visit of private schools, he prepared himself intensively for the desired artist profession. He was allowed to study at the prestigious Academy of Fine Arts in Munich, where Peter Halm (1854-1923), professor of etchings, became his most important teacher. Further station of his artist training was the art academy Stuttgart, here he was one of the pupils of the landscape painter Professor Christian Landenberger (1862 – 1927). Read more

Erwin Wolff

Anglist from Gemünd

The formerly independent municipality Gemünd, now part of Schleiden, is the birthplace of one of the leading German Anglists from the second half of the 20th century. Erwin Wolff, born on January 30, 1924, was a son of the well-known elementary school rector Bernhard Wolff and his wife Ruth Herbrand. Father Wolf had come to Gemünd as a teacher in 1913; When he retired at Easter 1954, he had accompanied generations of Gemünden children through highly diverse political systems. His son Erwin attended from 1934 to 1942 the Gymnasium in Schleiden. The high school graduation was followed by war effort and Soviet captivity. Read more

A.R.T. from a mistake to a miss – Rest disposal now partly free?

After a classic system change mistake, the A.R.T. now made a new faux pas, the so-called “miss throw”. That could quickly become a boomerang. In style of. Definition is thus meant a faulty filling of the residual waste bin with organic waste. Until then, these failures for the system Monzel not yet serious, probably even wanted, since the incinerator anyway at least 30 percent organic waste is needed. However, it could be a problem, if it went in the other direction, from the small overfilled 80 liters of trash cans in the then provided bio-collection containers. The consumer would not even have a bad environmental conscience, anyway, everything comes together in the combustion. In addition one saves still 10 euro for an additional emptying of perhaps only few kilos residual waste. Read more

Eduard Profittlich

Archbishop and martyr from Birresdorf

Born on 11.09.1890 Eduard Profittlich, son of the farmer Markus Profittlich and his wife Dorothea Seiwert, born in Andernach, was the eighth of ten children of a family detectable since the 17th century in Birresdorf (today county / LK Ahrweiler). Edward’s education began at the elementary school in Leimersdorf. On the advice of his teacher and the pastor, the intelligent farmer’s son was prepared for the Progymnasium in Ahrweiler, where he entered as a Quartaner. From high school, he attended high school in Linz, where he graduated from high school with 21 years. The fact that Eduard wanted to become a professional priest was not surprising in the opinion of the local historian Ottmar Prothmann; He pointed out that there were many clergymen in his relationship, to which Eduard could orient – including his brother Peter (1878 – 1915), who was a Jesuit missionary in Brazil. Read more

File number XY remains unresolved

At the end of the “panel discussion garbage” in the forum Daun the audience was left in complete helplessness. After the self-presentation on the podium with a raised index finger, the experts agreed only on one point: “What was once decided, is now implemented.” Already in the assessment of how and by whom the decisions were taken, there was no agreement.

Dedicated questions from the public regarding the transport of waste by people with walking difficulties and the elderly – environmental pollution from transport to the collection point – cleaning of the surroundings of the refuse containers – additional costs for environmentally conscious self-composters – all remained unanswered. Read more

Political scandal? – A.R.T. Rip-off legitimized by district council

For residual waste (240 liters of cask) per month with biowaste (120 liters of ton) every 14 days, a total of 174 euros will be charged in the district of Vulkaneifel in 2019, and that in the consumer-friendly pick-up system. That’s calculated per kilo then rounded 36 cents for residual and biowaste. From January 2020 costs then due to the system change to Dr. med. Monzel the 80 liter ton for residual waste annually with monthly collection 110 euro. These are rounded per kilo then 1.37 euros. Read more

Richard Zimmer from Klausen

Secretary of State and hospital manager

Since the pastor of his hometown and pilgrimage Klausen said that Richard Zimmer should be the eighth of nine children and a zealous Messdiener priest, he was sent to the convent school of St. Paul the Steyler missionaries in Wengerohr. Since there were only three classes, he then had to switch to the mission school St. Wendel in Saarland. However, this only went to the subprime, because one and a half years before graduation, half the class was dismissed because the students had stayed too long on Sunday in the disco and had clearly overrun the outcome. For example, Richard Zimmer had to travel to Trier for the Friedrich-Wilhelm-Gymnasium by bike and train for the rest of the school day. There was no alternative to this single classical grammar school in the region. The high school graduation he still passed in 1968 but with good grades. Read more

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