Endurance sports in childhood

Synonyms in the broadest sense

Endurance sports, endurance, weight loss, overweight in childhood


That was true for a long time endurance training both in childhood and adolescence, as also for Women as inappropriate. The performance in endurance sports was based on a gentle ideology. Today it is known that endurance training at all ages and development levels can be carried out without any problems, since the signs of adaptation of the child’s organism can be compared with that of the adult. The risk of being physically understrained is much greater than being overwhelmed.

To the common Adult diseases count overweight, back pain and Cardiovascular diseases. These diseases are often prepared and promoted in childhood through a lack of exercise. The child’s organism is much more adaptable than that of the adult, and existing deficits can be compensated for more quickly by sufficient stress. So there are many factors that For endurance training in childhood and adolescence.

The endurance

The endurance is defined as the Fatigue resistance across from physical and mental Charges. In addition, regular endurance training accelerates regeneration. Endurance ability is summarized in a broad spectrum in sports science literature. Not only does the monotonous forest run count towards endurance, but also through the ability to sustain stress loads (speed endurance) up to strength endurance, at which the musculature Withstand loads of more than 25 repetitions.

Since the endurance performance depends on energetic factors, the endurance is in Short term endurance (less than 15 seconds of stress), Medium term endurance (between 15 seconds and 2 minutes) and Long-term endurance I-IV assigned. Each of these performance areas requires a different energy supply, which means that anatomy different endurance athletes to explain. Early specialization of endurance performance should not occur in childhood and adolescence. Endurance should have an elementary place in basic physical education.


From a biological and medical point of view, there are no indications for the limitation of endurance resilience in childhood. Orthopedic aspects should still be taken into account.

Children like to run short and fast, this is child-friendly, performance-enhancing and motivating and should definitely be considered in a child-specific endurance training. So stay away from monotonous, boring aerobic stress!

The signs of adaptation in endurance training in childhood are:

  • Economization of the cardiovascular system
  • Increase in heart volume
  • Increase in heartbeat volume
  • Improved oxygen uptake

training methods

There are several ways to train endurance. The training methods are always dependent on the respective objective. The exercises chosen depend on the methods chosen.

In training practice, between:

  • Permanent method (extensive, intensive and variable)
  • Interval method (extensive and intensive)
  • repeat method
  • competition method

Since no specialization should take place in a child-friendly endurance training, all methods can and should be taken into account. The exception is repeat method, where the break schedule is too long. Furthermore, should be long, intensive interval runs to be dispensed with.

For more information on the methods, see: endurance


The goals in childhood endurance training are different than in the adult area. While primary in adulthood fitness, health and Lose weight In addition to the sport-specific adjustments, childhood-specific training is intentionally different. Obese children will rarely strive for pure endurance training with your personal goal of burning fat. Children always want to combine sport with fun and games, so endurance training should always be packed in a playful setting. In general, the coordinative aspect should be taken into account in endurance training in childhood. However, the focus is on the playful imparting of endurance for a targeted Education to sport.

Problems and dangers

In addition to the above-mentioned advantages of endurance training in childhood, there are still a number of problems and risks when running a training program. In general, children in particular have a high level of motivation and an urge to move for sporting achievements. However, this gradually decreases from the age of 12, 13 to 15. Young people are sometimes no longer in the mood for any form of exercise. It is precisely this age at which the young people react particularly favorably to endurance stimuli. It is therefore the task of child-friendly sport to teach children and adolescents about sport or endurance sports in such a way that they are motivated to do sports in the long term. In practice, however, the physical implementation of physical education classes usually means that primarily high-performing students who also do sports outside of school are given special support. Planning the lessons is particularly important for long-term success in child-friendly sport. Schoolchildren often have to complete a 1000m run or Cooper test in physical education without preparation. Underperforming pupils get their poor performance in the heterogeneous class group confirmed again and again. It is therefore the task of the educator to pay particular attention to underperforming students.

Endurance sports

Because children rarely enjoy monotonous cycling, swim, Running etc shows, it is important to use the endurance load in a game sport. In the case of pure endurance loads, it is important to ensure that training takes place in a group together or in relay competitions. A performance comparison in the form of competitions should only take place from the age of 9.

Football has proven to be a particularly suitable sport, handball, Basketball and hockey.

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