Extra-occupational studies: what is possible and what is not

Extra-occupational study: Studying alongside the profession

Working + studying

To whom is an extra-occupational study aimed??

All prospective students who are already working and want to gain further qualifications are addressed. An extra-occupational study is one option that will bring an academic degree within reach, although a break from full-time study is not possible or desirable, whether for financial or other reasons.

Motives for an extra-occupational study can look like this:

  • You started working early but still want to have an academic degree.
  • You want to further qualify in your field of study.
  • You would like to have a theoretical balance to your practical work.
  • You promise better career opportunities through an academic degree.

Extra-occupational and professionally integrated, where is the difference?

Extra-occupational is a study if it is completed in addition to the profession. As a rule, the profession already exists and is supplemented by the studies. If you study part-time, university and company do not necessarily belong together.

A degree is integrated into a career when companies and universities work together, as it were. The goal is the combination of theory and practice within the study. The prospective student seeks an apprenticeship at a cooperation company of a university. At the end of the studies, the graduate has gained both a degree and a lot of practical experience. The correct FAQ for this topic can be found here:
FAQ Dual Studies >

Are all study programs also covered by an extra-occupational study program??

Unfortunately, no. Well represented are the areas of business administration (general) / management / computer science / industrial engineering but also other engineering sciences such as mechanical engineering as well as the social area with social work / care. Both Bachelor and Master programs are offered.

From which area there are the most offers?

In economics, those interested in continuing education will find the fastest one.

What could a further education about an extra-occupational study look like??

  • A commercial employee receives a scientific background to your job with a degree in business administration.
  • An architect continues to qualify in construction management.
  • An industrial engineer needs management skills for her job and qualifies for it through an executive MBA.
  • A computer scientist wants to have an academic degree and therefore studies computer science.
  • An educator qualifies for new jobs within the industry by studying Social Work.

Prerequisite for taking part-time studies is a practical job. As a rule, an activity in a field that is closely related to the study is required.

Part-time studies as "retraining"? Is that possible?

Learning a completely new profession through extra-occupational study is difficult and also largely dependent on access to the profession. A doctor, a lawyer and a teacher you will only have an undergraduate degree. There should be no illusions.

Conclusion: Extra-occupational so almost always means professionally related studies!

How is an extra-occupational study regulated??

There are various models: part-time study, evening study, weekend study and distance learning modules. Depending on the degree program and the university, different forms of study are offered. Best inform directly to the provider of choice.

Do I have to bear all costs myself?

An extra-occupational is not only an interesting thing for employees. Not infrequently, the employer also participates in the costs, if he can recognize an added value by a better qualified employee. An extra-occupational course of study therefore lends itself as a personnel development measure. The subject of further education should be addressed in the next employee interview.

But if the employer agrees to be promoted, the sponsor usually agrees to remain in the company for some time after graduation.

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