Fever, fever phases and 7 measures that help against it

Fever, fever phases and 7 measures that help against it

Fever, fever phases and 7 measures that help against it

Fever and episodes of fever
Fever is a condition in our society that almost everyone has experienced. Despite its popularity, it is becoming increasingly common to see people wanting to get back on their feet as quickly as possible. It is not rested and not always done what is necessary.

In this post I want to show you what fever really means, what it triggers in our body and what measures are important in the fever phases.

Fever development and meaning
Fever is a reaction of the body to (mainly) infectious diseases, but also to tumor or autoimmune diseases, large injuries, wounds and toxic substances.
The control center of thermoregulation (the hypothalamus, part of the brain) stimulates body temperature to boost the immune system, because the cells of the immune system work faster at higher temperatures. The increased temperature also weakens the growth of pathogens. Fever is therefore not only a warning signal, but also a protective mechanism, which is why you should only intervene when it loads the body. The higher the temperature, the more oxygen and energy is consumed. The first symptoms of weakness occur between 38 ° C and 38.2 ° C (in adults) depending on the character.

"Too high a temperature can be a warning sign of complications (see table)"


36.7 ° – 37 ° (+ – individual fluctuation) Normal body temperature
37.5 ° C – 38 ° C Slightly increased (subfibrile) temperature
38.1 ° C – 38.5 ° C Increased (fibrile) temperature
38.6 ° C – 39 ° C Moderate fever
39.1 ° C – 39.9 ° C High fever
> 40 ° C Very high fever

From 42.6 ° C, protein coagulation begins in our body, the so-called denaturation. From here, a life-threatening condition begins that can lead to death.

Flare-ups / types of course of the fever

  1. Phase) increase in fever: rise in core body temperature from approx. 37 ° C to 38 ° C upwards.
  2. Phase) fever level: maximum temperature of approx. 38.5 ° C.
  3. Phase) drop in fever: temperature drops from maximum temperature to normal body temperature.

In the case of special illnesses, patterns can be identified within a week, which can indicate certain causes.

  1. Scarlet fever, viral pneumonia, typhoid fever (systemic infectious disease)
    continuous fever: body temperature is within the week between
    38.5 ° C – 40 ° C. During the day, the body temperature fluctuates around 1 ° C.
  2. Sepsis (blood poisoning), pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys), tuberculosis
    Remitting fever: The temperature is always low in the morning, but is always above normal (37 ° C). In the course of the evening the temperature rises by 1.5 ° C.
  3. Sepsis, pyelitis, systemic chronic arthritis (inflammation of the joints)
    Intermittent fever: During the day, temperatures can reach up to 39 ° C, which alternate with fever-free intervals. The hours of fever often cause chills.
  1. Malaria, Lyme disease
    recurrent fever: change between febrile episodes lasting several days, which occur every 2-5 days and fever-free days in between.
  1. Hodgkin’s disease, tumors, brucellosis (gram-negative pathogen / Mediterranean fever)
    Undulating fever: Slow temperature rise over 3-6 days with the following high fever and then fever-free for several days / weeks, then the process is repeated again.
  1. Meningococcal sepsis, poliomyelitis, measles
    Biphasic fever: temperature rises to 39-40 ° C at the beginning of the week, drops again after a few days and rises again at the end of the week. Temperature increase in 2 phases.
You should do these 7 measures for typical fever!
  1. Quiet.
    Your body is struggling with an infection and therefore needs the energy to raise the temperature. Your immune system is in full swing and you should do your best rest in bed.
  2. dress warmly.
    If you only start to develop a fever, one speaks in technical terms of an increase in fever. You are cold, you start to tremble and freeze. This is the best place to be snuggle up in bed and get warm, because your body reduces the blood flow to the skin, which means that less heat is released to the outside. The sensation of chills arises from the fact that your body increases muscle activity in the course of an increase in fever in order to produce heat quickly. To be able to support the body too Hot water bottles with cover (due to risk of burns), warmed Kirch Stone Pillow or electric blankets be used. You can also do that Turn on the heater, to create a cozy, warm feeling in the room. If the temperature rises, the physiology should not be addressed. So no cooling measures should be taken in this phase.
  3. Measure fever
    Yours body temperature to measure and to observe is important because it shows the course of temperature rise and fall. Unusual fluctuations can be communicated to the doctor directly.
  4. warm drinking
    Drinking supplies the organism with fluid, which the body loses through sweating and increased metabolic processes. Herbal teas, hot lemon with ginger, chicken or vegetable broths If the fever rises, they also warm the inside. The necessary vegetable substances and also the salts from the soup replenish the electrolyte storage.
  5. to the doctor
    Do you get the first symptoms of weakness is not just professional the way to the doctor the first measure. Apart from the sick report, the doctor takes a closer look at your condition, asks you if and where you are in pain and where it could come from. If necessary, he will prescribe medication that you should take as directed.
  6. Water, water, water
    If you feel warm and flushed, you have reached a fever peak of around 38 ° C. This must also be important much water to drink, because the body loses a lot of fluid due to the increased energy requirement. Juices can also help that serve with their fructose as a quick source of energy, the main thing is that liquid gets into the body. A lack of fluid lowers blood pressure, which can lead to circulatory problems. You feel battered, weak, possibly even anorexia and bad. The doctor’s prescribed medication can be taken here. It is helpful to cover yourself only slightly in order to avoid heat build-up in this phase. Measure and continue to monitor the temperature 2-3 times a day.

Quick tip: squeeze 2 lemons and an orange in a glass.
A pure vitamin C bomb for your immune system. "

  1. wellbeing
    When the fever has subsided again, you should consciously feel good. Wash off with warm water and change your clothes and bedding, which is sweaty. Be careful not to immediately take cold drinks or a cold shower, as it mainly damages the circulation and can lead to a shock (crisis). Your body needs the time to acclimatize to its usual body temperature and it takes several days for that. On the other hand, if the fever is forced to fall within a day or a few hours, a crisis can occur. To calm yourself down, you should measure your temperature closely (3-4x / day).

Addition: calf wrap
If your body begins to sweat and produce a lot of heat, the calf wrap can help with the drop in fever. It is important not to moisten the calf wrap too cold.
If you want to know exactly how to prepare and use the calf wraps you will find a whole article "Changing pads for colds? Grandma’s Secrets ”.

Now you know which measures will help you regenerate faster in case of a fever.

If you have a fever and it’s your case a cold you can trade under "Which care products are helpful for colds" read which aids work against an active cold.

Because health comes first.

Your health advisor and nurse,

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