Fibroma – benign cancerous – causes and treatment


A fibroma is a benign tumor in the skin

The fibroma Fibroma molle or Fibroma pendulans or stalk wart or skin nodules is a benign tumor that can still cause problems. Many sufferers feel fibromas or stalk warts in the mouth as annoying and would like to have them removed.

Table of Contents

What is a fibroma??

Fibroids, stalk warts and skin nodules are small protrusions (skin nodules) of connective tissue that can form on the entire body. The growths arise from fibrocytes, the immovable cells of the connective tissue. Physicians distinguish the tumors into hard and soft fibroids. A hard fibroma (Fibroma durum) is rich in blood and has low cell density. For example, the skin changes after insect bites are mentioned here. This skin fibroma (med. Dermatofibroma) is a benign fibrous lesion.

However, because of their consistency, cell-rich and low-fiber fibroids are referred to as soft fibromas (Fibroma molle) as well as fibroma pendulans. As a rule, fibroids are harmless. Benign tumors (tumors) of the female breast are called fibroadenomas. One third of all women before menopause are affected by fibroadenomas. Fibroadenamoe in the female breast should be monitored as part of screening for breast cancer.

Where do fibromas occur??

Fibromas, soft stalk warts or soft skin nodules are among the most common skin changes. The stalk warts (also called Fibroma pendulans) occur preferentially on the eyelids, in the groin, on the neck and in the armpits. Not only the skin, but also the mucous membrane can be affected, then fibromas form in the mouth>

Can I remove fibroids myself??

You should not remove a fibroma in the mouth yourself, otherwise you risk an infection. If you have fibroids that bother you, use it to visit an oral surgeon!

Why are fibroids formed??

The causes for the development of fibromas or stalk warts have not yet been conclusively clarified. Chronic irritation is one of the clear triggers for many sufferers.

Also, a genetic predisposition is considered, since the benign growths often occur familial. It is also discussed whether the use of certain drugs, such as beta-blockers, favors the development of fibroids.

What causes fibroids in the mouth?

Chronic irritation and injury are considered to be common causes of irritant fibroids in the mouth

How to diagnose a fibroma (stalk wart) by the doctor?

The dentist can easily diagnose a fibroma (dermatofibroma). Nevertheless, careful fibroma diagnosis is important in cases of doubt, as changes in the oral mucosa may have other causes. A thorough examination prevents confusion with the dangerous cancer (tumor), boils, and malignant changes to the tooth root or jaw. With increased occurrence of fibromas one speaks of a “fibromatosis in the narrower sense”. Stimulus fibromas occur predominantly in the oral mucosa.

Procedure of the doctor with a fibroma and stick warts

Dermatoscope clearly shows the size, shape, color, structure and border of the fibroma. If there is a suspicion that the tumor may be a malignant lesion, a biopsy (tissue sample) will be made. The tissue removed is subjected to a histological examination in the laboratory (histology).

If it is clear from the analysis of the cells that it is a benign growth, the dentist can often remove the fibroma during the examination. However, if the suspicion is confirmed further examinations, further surgery and therapy may become necessary. Careful fibroma diagnosis minimizes the risk of confusion and gives patients peace of mind.

How can a fibroma develop without treatment??

Fibromas are principally harmless and not contagious. The risk that this benign tumor degenerates and turns into a cancerous form does not exist. Unlike a malignant tumor, a fibroma stops growing once a certain size is reached. The growths do not regress independently.

In principle, however, all changes in the oral mucosa can have different causes, both benign and treatable. For the layman, the distinction is not possible. Changes should therefore be clarified by the dentist to be on the safe side.

When must fibromas be treated??

The removal of a fibroma is recommended if the growth causes discomfort: for example, if the fibroma hurts or if symptoms such as oral hygiene bleeding, speaking or chewing problems occur. Often sufferers want to remove the fibroids for aesthetic reasons.

Before the treatment effort and benefits are weighed against each other. For if a clear cause of the fibroma in the mouth is not eliminated, the proliferation forms again after the removal at the same place.

How are fibromas treated??

As a rule, fibroids can be surgically removed under local anesthesia. An alternative therapy is the injection of corticosteroid into the fibroma tissue.

How to avoid fibroids?

There is still disagreement about the causes of fibroid formation, but there are tips for avoiding the annoying growths. Fibroids in the mouth and lip area arise due to chronic irritation and resulting injuries. Patients can minimize the risk of tumors by working with the dentist to determine the causes. Also can nervous habits, such as chewing on the insides of the cheeks or lips, be responsible? In cooperation with the dental team the appropriate therapy can be worked out and the fibrom formation counteracted.

Would you like to know more about the treatment of fibroids in our practices in Berlin and Kleinmachnow?

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Dr. Frank Seidel

Last update of this page on 24.10.2019 by author dr. Frank Seidel.

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