Functional analysis dentist

CMD, functional analysis, facebow or centric bite…

…are not possible answers to the 500.000 € question at Günther Jauch, but are for us dentists tools to work with one of the most complicated joints in the human body – the temporomandibular joint.

Take a look for yourself:

If we work in your mouth and, for example, make an inlay, crown, bridge or prosthesis, we dentists work on a floating structure. After a filling, you may have noticed that it was “too high” and the bite “tilted” over it. Your lower jaw is not firmly fixed to your skull, but movable in all directions. It lies in a pan on the skull bone and is attached to it by muscles and ligaments. And just as the eye position is different for each person, this position and attachment is also very individual.

Early or false contacts (e.g. due to a filling or crown that is too high) lead the lower jaw into a false position, regardless of the ideal position of the jaw joint. This misalignment can cause muscle tension and malfunctions (e.g. grinding or pressing). An excessively tense musculature can not only lead to radiating muscle pain and jaw joint complaints, but can also result in permanent jaw joint damage. In addition, they very often lead to further orthopaedic problems in the cervical spine, in the shoulder joint or in/at the spine. Here we cooperate with your orthopaedist or physiotherapist. We have been working successfully with physiotherapist and osteopath Katharina Thurm in this field for years. Further information can be found with the next click

Cracking noises indicate a pathological change in the joint. The most common cause is the slipping of the joint disc from the joint head and the return to the original situation. A special splint can help here. How you can test this yourself with a simple test, see below under Functional Analysis – CMD Check.
In manchen Fällen reichen für die Übertragung Ihrer Unterkieferposition an unser Labor sogenannte Standardwerte. In vielen Fällen sollte für ein besseres und für Sie verträglicheres Ergebnis allerdings eine indiv >

How do we get your individual values?

We’ll proceed in two steps:

  • In the “clinical” functional analysis, we scan the masticatory muscles and jaw joints, check their mobility and hear joint noises (rubbing or cracking).
  • In the “instrumental” functional analysis, the movements of the upper and lower jaw are integrated into a movement simulator (= articulator) in such a way that the contacts between the upper and lower teeth can be exactly reproduced during biting and movement. With a “bite fork” the rows of teeth are connected to the measuring apparatus – the so-called face bow – in order to determine the individual, spatial relationship of the upper jaw to the skull and to the joints.
This is done painlessly via the arbitrary facebow. This facebow is a dental working device in which the position and inclination of the upper jaw as well as the axis of rotation of the lower jaw (= position of the temporomandibular joints) is transferred to the articulator with the help of a measuring and transmission apparatus. The applied facebow measures the position of the joint axis. The upper jaw model is then mounted in an articulator (see below) and the lower jaw is spatially assigned to the upper jaw in the so-called jaw relation determination. This assignment is important in order to be able to set an even tooth row closure in a correct joint position. Only in this way is it possible to offer you an exact result in the case of tooth restorations, partial or complete edentulousness or the frequent existence of muscle or joint problems.

In the photo above you can see the corresponding deviations from the default values (marked in colour). With such deviations, you can certainly understand that the occlusal surfaces of the ceramic, which the technician forms in the 1/10 mm range, cannot fit. In order to then adapt them to your opposing jaw, we often only have the possibility to grind away what disturbs and thus “spoil” the whole work.

How does the dental technician obtain your values?

The measured values of the instrumental functional analysis are transferred to the articulator by means of a face bow. This device imitates chewing movements individually and uncovers disturbances in the function of the teeth in relation to each other. Often there are only relatively small disturbing contacts, which can affect the masticatory muscles as well as the neck, shoulders and pelvis. In case of disorders, the jaw joint with the surrounding musculature must be immobilised e.g. by a bite splint and brought back to a normal function by means of ostheopathic treatment/manual therapy. Here we cooperate with your orthopaedist or physiotherapist. We have been working successfully with physiotherapist and osteopath Katharina Thurm in this field for years. You will find further information with the next click. Only then can a functional, trouble-free dental prosthesis be made.

Targeted therapy

The use of clinical and instrumental functional analysis has proven its worth:

  • restorative measures such as tooth abutments, crowns, bridges and prostheses
  • diseases of the temporomandibular joints, joint noises (rubbing or cracking), pain
  • Limitation of movement possibilities
  • Diseases of the chewing muscles such as tension and pain
  • Periodontal diseases with incorrect loading
  • for the production of occlusal splints
  • extensive orthodontic treatments.

We hope to have helped you with this brief information.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will help you.

As this service is not paid for by the statutory health insurance funds, we will invoice you separately for these services in accordance with the scale of charges for dentists. If necessary, you will receive a cost estimate. The costs depend on the actual amount of work and vary from 80 – 200 € depending on the degree of difficulty. A treatment where you can be sure that the benefit of your treatment will be maintained for a long time and that you will gain optimum comfort and aesthetics.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will help you.

Is it craniomandibular dysfunction?

A test provides information. The dentists Dres. Ahlers and Jakstat have developed a so-called “CMDcheck” for people with regular headaches or unexplained tension. With the help of six tests, which can be carried out at home in front of the mirror, you as a patient can check whether there is a possible craniomandibular dysfunction (CMD).

The individual tests are illustrated by small video films. As a tester, you will receive a result for each exercise. The overall results provide a well-founded indication of whether a CMD is present in the individual case.

Practical tip: You can find this test on the website of the initiative “proDente”

Book your appointment online now:The link leads you directly to Doctolib

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Christina Cherry
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