Growth in children of 1 year

For a newborn baby after the first cry, important indicators of development are height and weight. At various stages of the child’s life has growth spurt and vice versa, recessions. But the most important – the first year when the baby grows fastest, and during this time it is possible to assess the state of his health.

Growth as the main indicator of the child’s physical health

Height and weight – these are standard indicators, the the show proper development of the baby. Her set shortly after birth and her child’s entire life increase. Weight is an indicator of more harmonious development of the child. But growth reflects the level of physical development.

Next, the rate of increase in body length allow abnormalities to be found in the child’s health. Identified diseases such as growth retardation, inharmonic relationship between length and weight are often the first symptoms of a chronic illness. In the period of the onset of the disease and timely treatment, it is important to monitor the growth numbers.

Growth in children 1 year

As a rule, the birth of a child growth is 46 to 56 cm. In the first year of life there is a certain regularity in increasing the length of his body. monthly growth standards are shown in the table.

Child (1 year): monthly growth

The increase in growth in the past month, looks

The increase in growth, cm

The table shows that the baby wins about 25 cm. This is the highest possible jump in such a short amount of time in my life the first 12 months. Next, the rapid increase in the length of the body can only be observed during puberty.

Growth rate in the first year of life

Make sure that the child develops properly, pediatricians and parents help, special rules drawn up by the World Health Organization (WHO). The last time the standard indicators were revised in 2006. WHO standards for boys and girls developed separately because of the peculiarities of their development.

Growth rates for boys up to 1 year

Age in months

The growth of a child of 1 year (see). guys

The data presented provide comprehensive information about the development of Boys. The difference in body length in children of different sex obviously read on the table below.

The growth rate for girls up to 1 year

Age in months

Growth in children of 1 year (see). girl

Because of the data tables, boys are born slightly higher than girls. This pattern persists until puberty. During this time the growing girl is distilled. In the future law is made, men usually higher than women.

If the child grows quickly after a year?

Fast child grows only in the first year of his life. Then the rate of increase in the length of his body slowed down. The growth of a child does not increase so quickly after 1 year, and sometimes jumps: 5-6 years in girls 11-13 years old, boys 13-15 years.

The growth rate is still saved after the first bit of the day of birth, but then gradually reduced until puberty. For example, the growth of the child 1.5 years, compared to a year-old baby more than 6 cm, up to 2 years it is increased by the same amount. Then children up to 3 years old are still taller than 6 cm. Then some guys increase body lengths to a certain pattern or abruptly. On average, before puberty begins, children are given 4-6 cm a year.

How the child’s growth depends?

Influencing certain factors on child growth. Some of them are permanent and cannot be set like inheritance. Others are variable. With the right approach and timely help, it is still possible to ensure the harmonious growth of the child.

Leading factors that affect the increase in baby’s body length:

  • inheritance;
  • Nutrition;
  • sleep;
  • Health status;
  • Residence and nationality.

The growth of children after 1 year depending on the performance more. Inadequate maintenance of nutrients is the main cause of the child’s developmental delay. This applies to both the baby’s body length and weight. Breastfeeding should take measures to increase the amount of milk, otherwise stop feeding mixes.

Growth disorders in children

Failures in the rate of increase in body length of the baby is insufficiently linked to growth hormone. This problem can be treated by the endocrinologist. But there are diseases with abnormalities in the genetic cells. This leads to the disease, not treatable: gigantism and dwarfism.

In the first case, the child’s body produces large amounts of growth hormone in the second – insufficient. The growth in children of 1 year added in accordance with the rules and then detected errors. Gigantism if it can be seen at the age of 5, if dwarfism – about two years.

The time diagnosis allows you to assess the level of physical development and take action to identify the identified one Diseases. If in the second year of life the child inserts less than 5 cm per year, then it is necessary to sound the alarm and take appropriate measures.

Parents should not worry if the addition of height and weight indicators for a few months will deviate from the norm. Every child – a personality to assess the state of his health in general, it is important to examine the data tables, not only, but also some factors that affect the increase in the length of the baby’s body.


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