Gum building in Munich at

Gum building in Munich at

Gum building in Munich for a harmonious oral esthetics

A gum buildup in Munich at the Implanteer specialists becomes necessary if too little gum is present. If the gum is too short, the teeth look extremely long and large. In addition, dental necks can be exposed, which can be permanently painful and harmful to health. But too thin gums, which can shimmer through the tooth necks, can be unpleasant for the affected person for aesthetic or health reasons. That’s why Implanteer offers comprehensive advice for people with too little gum and shows ways to develop gum in Munich. We cordially invite you to inform yourself on about our modern treatment methods. Even in a personal conversation, our friendly and competent team will be happy to advise you on our gentle approach to building your gum in Munich.

Gum buildup in Munich after gum decline

Gingival retreat, which is why gum buildup should be performed in Munich, can have several causes:

In particular, during or after gingivitis patients often have to struggle with extreme gum decline. Especially long-lasting periodontal disease leaves obvious traces, the consequences of which the sufferer not only suffers health.

In some cases, it can also lead to a non-inflammation-related regression of the gums. This is called a recession. This is usually triggered by a tooth cleaning room – ie by a wrong Zahnputztechnik -. Anyone who already has thin gums is affected faster by a recession.

Gum drop after orthodontic treatment
The decline of gums has also been reported in the use of braces, splints or dental restorations. Orthodontic procedures often strain the gums by being strained by the permanent mechanical processes.

Given by nature
External exposure or disease does not always have to lead to gum decline. Some people naturally have too little or too little gums. Also, the aging process favors a natural decline of the gums, which is why the teeth often appear larger in the elderly.

Why gum building in Munich becomes necessary

The consequences of too little gum are unpleasant for those affected in two ways: on the one hand, gums serve as a protective cover for the teeth or dental necks and roots. If this protective cover is not completely available or too thin, there is a risk of injury. Also, hypersensitivity due to exposed root surface, for example against cold or heat is very painful and affects the quality of life. In addition, the tooth is more susceptible to diseases such as root caries. On the other hand, patients also opt for gum production in Munich for aesthetic reasons. Few gums make the teeth seem overly large and the ratio of “red” to “white” aesthetics in the mouth is disturbed.

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