Gum treatment, kzv berlin

Gum treatment, kzv berlin

Treatment of gum disease

It is estimated that 350-500 different bacteria live in the mouth. Many of them are harmless, but some can aggressively attack / inflame the gums, called gingivitis. If left untreated, periodontitis can develop. In the case of periodontitis, the tooth holding apparatus is also attacked.

Causes of gum disease

  • No optimal oral hygiene
  • General diseases (e.g. diabetes mellitus)
  • Irritation factors in the mouth (e.g. protruding crown / filling margins)
  • Stress / unbalanced diet
  • Smoking increases the risk of getting sick
  • Genetic factors

How do I recognize periodontitis / inflammation of the tooth structure??

  • reddened gums
  • Bad breath and / periodic bleeding gums
  • purulent discharge when pressed on the gums
  • Change in tooth position
  • Loosening of teeth and retracting gums

Use the cash benefit

The fund pays the bill once every 2 years Parodontalen Screening Index (PSI), an examination that can be used to detect periodontitis even in the early stages.

The pocket depths are measured in the PSI examination. From a pocket depth of 3.5 mm, the treatment of periodontitis is a cash benefit.

After the pretreatment, a status is raised (includes pocket depths, bone loss.). The practice sends the periodontal status together with the medical history to the health insurance company for approval. Treatment can take place after approval.

What does periodontitis treatment include??

Under prior anesthesia, the dentist removes the hard plaque on the tooth and in the gum pockets, as well as diseased tissue. Dental plaque scraping can take several sessions.

If the teeth have already loosened, the pocket depths are usually so deep that the hard dental plaque can only be removed by surgery (opening the tooth pockets).

The participation of a dental hygienist in a systematic periodontitis treatment?

The dental hygienist (DH) is a particularly qualified specialist with a completed advanced training course recognized by the Dental Association. As part of the possible delegation to support the dentist with systematic periodontitis treatment, the DH can be used for non-surgical measures of tartar and plaque removal (P200 and P201), provided that the subgingival tartar is clinically accessible. The principles of the delegation, such as a. Order of the specific service by the dentist, monitoring and control as well as accessibility of the dentist during the treatment. However, examinations and findings are part of the core area of ​​medical action and must therefore be carried out by the dentist. Further details are regulated in the delegation framework of the Federal Dental Association and can be requested from the Dental Association Berlin.

Additional measures during a
periodontal Therapy

In the event of serious damage to the tooth support system, benefits may also be required that are not covered by the health insurance.

Such as:

  • bone formation
  • Medicinal deposits – directly in the gum pocket
  • laser

Cooperation with the patient is mandatory!

Periodontal therapy without patient help has little chance of success.

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