Hartz 4 and child benefit

Children cause many costs, which is particularly evident in low-income families. After all, the parents also want to offer something to the offspring. Child benefit is as financial support. But what about child benefit and Hartz 4? Are both services possible in parallel?

The most important things about Hartz 4 and child benefit in a nutshell:

  1. child benefit is no social benefits. It is about a tax compensation payment, which is paid out by the family funds.
  2. When purchasing Hartz 4 finds for child benefit a counting on the standard rate instead.
  3. Child benefit for Hartz 4 recipients is considered Income of the community of needs counted.

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Does child benefit count towards Hartz 4? Our guide answers this question!

Get Hartz 4 recipients child benefit?

Hartz 4 and child benefit – This topic always causes discussions.

parents enjoy tax benefits and see each other in the Employment Law with all sorts benefits fitted. A child also has a positive effect on income: That child benefit is called tax compensation payment transferred monthly by the family fund. It is staggered as follows:

As of 2018 Amount in euros
Child 1 and 2 194
Child 3 200
for each additional child 225

A sum that is particularly large for recipients of social benefits financial relief can represent. Hartz IV and child benefit is basically to get possible. The compensation payment is granted to every child living in Germany.

To get it is a corresponding one Application to the Familienkasse needed. The paying out is bound to fixed dates and takes place per month. It begins with the child’s month of birth.

Child benefit is credited to Hartz 4?

You receive child benefit despite being Hartz 4-related. However, it is taken into account.

Basically, these questions are included "Yes" to answer. A Lawsuit against child allowance Hartz-4 reference was in year Rejected by the Federal Constitutional Court in 2010. The judges considered that the Hartz 4 standard rate would cover the child’s subsistence level.

Accordingly, the child benefit for Hartz 4 recipients as "Perk" to understand. So it could fully counted as income on the relevant standard requirements become.

Hartz 4 standard rate: Child benefit reduces the need

If the child benefit for Hartz 4 recipients is credited as income, this has an effect requires reducing on the rule set. Does the child live in one Bedarfsgemeinschaft and can be Not required from other services (e.g. maintenance payments) cover, with Hartz-4 reference that is Child allowance offset against the child’s needs.

But there is one exception: At Hartz 4, the child benefit no longer counted, if it can be proven that it is paid to the child no longer living in the household of the person in need of help. The sprout so must moved out his.

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